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TK met us at the door of my apartment, meowing up a storm because her dish was empty. Hayden fed her and gathered her things while I packed an overnight bag. I was excited about spending the night at his place. Things were changing between us, and this new intimacy was something I wanted to foster. I was finally beginning to accept that what I had with Hayden couldn’t be compared to what I’d had with Connor. My life had been irrevocably altered. I couldn’t make time rewind, and I didn’t want to anymore.

As I came out of the bathroom, the door buzzer went off.

“Can you get that?” I asked. “It’s probably Chris. He keeps hitting the wrong button. Sarah should just give him a key.”

Hayden rolled his eyes and hit the buzzer while I carried an armload of supplies to my bedroom. I dumped them in the bag, moving items around to make it all fit. I heard the muffled sound of conversation and assumed Hayden was talking to Chris.

TK, who had been sniffing around in my bag, jumped off the bed and padded out of the room. “I’m ready!” I called out and followed after her.

Hayden was standing in the doorway, blocking the view of the hall. I couldn’t hear what he said, but he sounded as tense as he looked.

“Is everything okay?” I asked uncertainly.

Hayden turned, his mouth set in a hard line. As he moved, the person in the hall came into view. My bag made a heavy thud as it hit the floor.




Everything I’d done to keep my worlds separate unraveled as the two collided. Panic surged through me. Memories of the months after the crash and Trey’s toxic presence sucked the breath from my lungs. Fear made my knees weak.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, terrified the lies I’d fed Hayden would be exposed.

“I did warn you.” He held up a manila envelope.

“You’re subpoenaing me?”

“That’s a stupid question, Tenley. I told you I would,” Trey replied. He would do anything in his power to ruin the good things in my life, including what I’d found with Hayden.

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Hayden snapped and looked to me. “Who is this prick?”

“Your choice of company is rather lacking,” Trey said to me as he gestured at Hayden.

“I’m right here, motherfucker. If you have something to say, you say it to me.” Hayden took a defensive stance, angling his body toward Trey.

If it had been anyone else, I would have appreciated the protective impulse, but with Trey it revealed too much about my relationship with Hayden. I inched closer to the door, hoping to act as a physical barrier between the two men.

“I’m on my way out. Now isn’t a good time,” I said weakly.

“Oh, that’s quite obvious. However, I’m not leaving. I told you what would happen if the paperwork wasn’t returned.” His sharp tone changed, reflecting cold calculation as he graced me with a frosty smile. “You’re not being very hospitable. I’ve been driving for six hours. The least you could do is invite me in.” He addressed Hayden, fake civility in place. “Tenley seems to have forgotten her manners. I’m Trey—”

“Please don’t,” I pleaded.

“—Tenley’s brother-in-law, for all intents and purposes,” he finished.

The floor dropped out from under me. The foundation of my new life turned to rubble with one simple truth.

Hayden’s brow creased. “You didn’t tell me you had a sister.”

“She doesn’t,” Trey supplied.

I hated Trey more than anyone in that moment, even more than myself.

The color drained from Hayden’s face, confusion replaced by dismayed understanding.

“I was going to tell you,” I whispered.

“Oh, for chrissake,” Trey said through a burst of incredulous laughter. “Are you fucking this degenerate? And you didn’t tell him about Connor? Do you have any idea what you’re doing?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Hayden said through clenched teeth.

He sought to move me out of the way, gunning for Trey, his body tight with rage. I resisted, hands on Hayden’s chest, worried he would rip Trey apart and end up in cuffs. Trey would never win a physical fight with Hayden, but he had the kind of connections that would make Hayden’s life miserable if Hayden laid a finger on him.

Trey was implacable in the way he dealt with others, and he was almost impossible to rile. I’d known him my entire life; he was aware of all my shortcomings. And he knew better than anyone how to cut me off at the knees.

“Hayden, don’t. I’m sorry. This isn’t how I wanted you to know.”

He stepped back, out of my reach. “Why were you on that plane?” he asked, disconcertingly calm.

“For a wedding,” I whispered.



Hayden closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, they were cold. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?”

“Please try and understand, you never would have agreed to the tattoo—”

“The tattoo? That’s what this is about? The fucking tattoo?” His anger flared. “You can’t be serious. After everything we’ve been through, after tonight, that’s the reason you didn’t tell me you lost your fucking fiancé? Because I wouldn’t have agreed to the ink?”

“That’s not . . .” I hesitated, not wanting to have such a private conversation in front of Trey. “I didn’t want you to see me differently.” I gave him the words I used not so long ago, when he found out about the accident. It was a facet of the truth. At the time I didn’t want to own how I felt about Hayden because the guilt was too consuming. I realized now it wasn’t going to go away. I was kidding myself tonight thinking I could accept the way I felt about him. It would always be like this; me wanting a person I could never truly have. I would never be whole.

He barked out a laugh. “You’re supposed to be married, Tenley. And from the look of this guy”—he pointed at Trey—“he was pretty straightlaced. How I see you is the least of your issues.”

“As moving as this whole thing is, I don’t have time for the drama. You need to go,” Trey said to Hayden as he checked his watch.

Hayden’s head turned slowly in Trey’s direction. “Are you still here? You know, you’re really starting to piss me off.”

“I can’t believe you’ve traded Connor for this,” Trey said with a disgusted glare. “Are you happy shitting all over his memory? Did you think it would be fun to see how the other half lives? Slum it for a while? Or are you punishing yourself? That’s something you would do, isn’t it?”

“Why are you letting this asshole talk to you like this?” Hayden asked, his voice raised.

I couldn’t process it all. Trey’s arrival, legal papers in hand, Hayden finding out about Connor—it was too much. I didn’t deserve Hayden. I didn’t deserve anyone. My dreams had become a premonition; I was too broken to be loved. I could never give him all of me.

“I didn’t want to hurt anymore.” All the words suddenly jammed in my throat.

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” Hayden asked, appalled.

He took a step closer until we were almost touching. His hurt and anger enveloped me. It felt like razor blades were serrating me from the inside.

“You should go,” I whispered.

“Tenley, look at me.”

I shook my head, eyes trained on the floor. His finger came up under my chin. Misery ripped through me as I realized this would probably be the last time he touched me. I took a deep breath as he lifted my head. He searched my face for something, some sign that I was still there with him. But I shut down, returning to the numb state I was in when I first arrived in Chicago.

“He’s right, isn’t he? I’m your punishment.”

Remorse kept me tongue-tied.

His thumb brushed along my jaw. “It was never about the tattoo. Not for me.” His hand dropped.

When he turned and walked out the door, my whole world caved in again. The agony his departure unleashed took me down. It was so familiar and yet so different this time. I sank to the floor. I watched Trey’s feet cross the threshold into the room, and the door closed behind him. The lock slid into place and he stood before me. I was lost in grief and guilt. I didn’t have the energy left to fight.