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He nods and crosses to the barista to put in our order. He’s in black ski pants and a long-sleeved, blue T-shirt that molds his muscular shoulders and arms. I suddenly remember the way those muscles flex when he’s hovering over me, the way they flex as he comes, and I have to shift in my seat, trying to alleviate the sudden throb between my legs.

“What are you thinking about, love?” he says, as he sits and passes me my coffee.


“That flush on your cheeks isn’t nothing.”

I feel myself blush harder and look down at my cup.

Jacob leans toward me and brushes his fingers through my short hair behind my ear. “It’s okay, love. I can’t stop thinking about it, either. Spill it.”

I glance about the small space, satisfied that no one is close enough to hear our intimate conversation.

I lean in and press my lips to his ear. “I was thinking about how spectacular you look when you’re above me, how I love the way your muscles flex, and how completely you fill me.” I brush my fingers through his soft, thick hair and his breath catches. His green eyes are on fire as I pull away and smile up at him innocently.

I clear my throat and take a sip of coffee. “I have to check out of the lodge and stow my things in my car before my massage.”

He frowns and takes my hand in his. “I’m not ready for you to leave yet.”

“I only had the room for the one night.”

“I’d love to have your things moved to my suite while you get your massage. You can come directly to my rooms when you’re finished.”

I bite my lip and then smile. “I’d like that. But I don’t want you to feel obligated . . .”

“One thing you’ll learn about me, darling, is that I never do what I don’t want to do. I want you with me tonight.”

His words warm me and intensify the ache in my core. “Okay, then, I’d like that. Thank you.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Grace.” He smiles and drains the rest of his coffee, then consults his watch. “Unfortunately, I have to work for a bit this afternoon. I’ll leave a key to my suite with Jeanette for you. Just pick it up when you’re finished with your massage. I’ll handle having your things moved.”

“I feel very pampered, Mr. Baxter.”

He glances at me and his body softens as he leans toward me. “You deserve to be pampered. And that’s Sir Baxter to you, missy.”

Sir Baxter? You’ve been knighted?”

“I have.” He nods and then chuckles. “But don’t tell anyone.”

“I do believe this is the first time I’ve seen you get bashful.” I cup his face in my hand. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. As long as you arrange for me to have tea with Kate and the baby.”

He raises a brow and then breaks out into a laugh. “I’ll see what I can do, silly girl.” He checks his watch again.

“Go ahead. I’m going to be lazy here for a few minutes, call Cara, and then mosey on down to the spa. It’s a rough life. The suffering is immense, but I’ll be brave.”

“Enjoy it, my brave girl.” He kisses me long and hard, not giving a shit about who may be watching, then stands and shrugs into his coat. “I’ll do my best to meet you in my room when you’re finished.”

“No worries. Have a good day, dear.”

He winks and strides out of the café, turning heads as he goes.

Christ on a crutch, the man is a walking mass of sex appeal.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Cara’s number.

“Hey, how were the ski lessons?”

“I’m in the hospital.”

“Oh my God!”

“I’m kidding. The lessons have been great. I didn’t fall nearly as much as I thought I would.”

“We told you you’d love it! You can tell us all about it tonight at girls’ night out.”

“That’s why I’m calling. I won’t be able to make it.”


“Well, I might be having an affair with my ski instructor. Except he’s not an instructor, he’s the billionaire hottie that bought the joint.” I bite my lip as silence descends on the call. “Cara?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she shrieks. “This is awesome! I want details!”

“Take it down a notch there, sister.” I laugh and shift in my seat. “Yes, it’s awesome. He’s hot as hell, Cara. Like, movie star hot. And he’s British so his accent is crazy sexy.”

“I’m so jealous right now.”

“You have your own hottie.”

“I know, but I can still be jealous.” She laughs and I can hear her jumping up and down. “I’m so excited for you!”

“So, he wants me to stay one more night, and I accepted. Am I being stupid?”

“Does the sex suck?”

“Hell no.”

“Is he a douche bag?”

“No even a little bit.”

“Then no, you’re not being stupid. Enjoy him, honey.”

“Okay.” I grin and check the time. “Oh shit, I have to get to my massage. Thank you for this weekend, Cara. Seriously, I needed it.”

“I know, and you’re welcome. I’ll want every naughty detail when you get home.”


* * *

“That massage was amazing. Thank you.” I smile at the therapist and turn to leave, but she stops me.

“Wait. You’re scheduled for a facial and pedicure as well.”

I frown and shake my head. “You must be mistaken. My friends just bought me the massage.”

She consults her computer again and nods. “It says right here you’re scheduled for a facial and a pedicure, courtesy of Mr. Baxter.”

My jaw drops. The man is seriously over the top. But I am not going to refuse it. That would be rude, right?

“Wow, okay.”

I am buffed and polished from head to toe by the time I leave the spa. Every muscle in my body had been whimpering earlier, from the skiing and the bout of energetic sex last night, but now they’re sighing contentedly.

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. It’s much later than I anticipated when I approach Jeanette at the registration counter.

“Do you work 24/7?”

“No, I’m about to leave in just a few minutes. Bax left this for you.” She slides an envelope to me. “He’s a good man.”

I nod slowly. “Yes, he is.”

“Have a good night.” She gives me directions to his suite, then winks and turns away. His room is on the top floor of the lodge, tucked in the back of the building that faces the valley. I can’t wait to see the view from his windows.

I knock, but when there’s no answer, I unlock the door and push inside. I flip on the lights and see a note sitting on the table.


I had to go handle another one of Jerry’s “issues.” I’ll be back as soon as I can. Make yourself at home, love.


I flip the switch for the gas fireplace and watch it come to life, then open the blinds and stare out at the valley below.

Holy million-dollar view.

Cunningham Falls and the lake are spread before me. Dusk is descending, and lights twinkle in the town. I walk through the living area that has a full kitchen and dining area attached, down a hallway. There are two small bedrooms, a bathroom, and finally the master bedroom with a huge four-poster dominating the room. The linens are white, crisp, and clean. My bag is on the floor of the walk-in closet and my clothes have been hung.

I walk into the bathroom to find my toiletries mingled with Jacob’s.

It feels weird to see my things with his. I’ve never shared space with a man before.

I suddenly hear the front door open and I hurry out to meet him.

He’s pushing a room service cart. His hair is a bit messy from his fingers combing through it. He’s changed into a green V-neck sweater and jeans and is just pure deliciousness.

“G’day, mate! Did you bring me some Vegemite?”

“That’s Australia, darling.” He laughs and catches me up in a hug. “And I don’t recommend the Vegemite. It’s an acquired taste.” He wrinkles his nose and shudders. “But I did bring dinner, because now that I have you here, we won’t be leaving again, and I don’t want any interruptions.”

“Do all of the single female customers get this kind of attention?” I ask with a smile.