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“No, but I’ll see you at our lesson at ten.”

“Oh, you don’t have to keep teaching me, I’ll be fine with a real instructor.”

“I am a real instructor, and I’ll be in charge of your lessons.” I kiss her chastely and my groin stirs at the feel of her small body pressed against me. “I can’t wait to spend the day with you.”

“Okay, have a good morning.”

Her eyes are drifting closed again, making me grin. She’s clearly not a morning person.

I lower her back to the bed, tuck her in, and leave her.

I do have things to handle this morning, but I also need a couple of hours to clear my head. To think. And the best place for that is on the hill.

I return to my room and change into ski gear, grab my equipment, and head out. The lift operator is just settling into his position and waves as I approach.

“Good timing,” he calls out.

“So it seems,” I reply with a nod, and hop onto a chair as he starts the lift. I ride all the way to the summit of the mountain, watching in awe as the world comes to life. It’s overcast, but not snowing yet, and the rising sun casts everything in a gray glow.

There is fresh powder on the earth, covering the trees. The snow ghosts that my lodge is named for cover the ground, the trees are so blanketed in the snow that the green no longer peeks through, hence the name.

It never fails to take my breath away.

As the lift approaches the top, I jump off, secure my goggles, and take in the view. The valley stretches before me, and the clouds are up high enough that I can see Cunningham Falls below, the lake, and to my left, the peaks of Glacier National Park.

There is a serenity up here in the stillness that I’ve never found anywhere else, no matter what mountain I was on in Europe. When I came up here for the first time, took in this view, I knew this was where I was meant to be.

And now it has brought me to Grace.

The quiet surrounds me. The only sound is my own breath as I point my skis down and begin the smooth ride to the bottom. The groomers have already been out this morning, and conditions are perfect.

As I gently slide down the mountain, my thoughts turn to the amazing woman I held in my arms all night long. I woke several times just to feel her skin against me, to breathe her in, to listen to her soft breaths. Not once did I get the urge to flee.

For fuck’s sake, what is it about this woman that has me all tied up in knots? She’s beautiful, yes, but I’ve known plenty of beautiful women in my life.

And fucked a good portion of them.

And yet I can’t remember the face of a single one. All that fills my mind is Grace’s soft sighs, her whimpers, the way her body reacts to mine. Her cheeks flush beautifully just as she’s about to come, and she’s not a screamer, not in the least. Instead, her body clenches and tightens, and she trembles, her breath comes in soft pants, and it’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever witnessed.

But if I’m honest, it’s much more than the sex. In the few hours that I’ve known her, she’s made me laugh like I haven’t in years. Her clumsiness is endearing rather than frustrating, most likely because of the way she reacts to it, like it’s just a natural thing and is what it is.

She’s unapologetic about who she is. She eats what she wants to, works at a job she enjoys, and has a zeal for life that encourages those around her to join her in it.

She’s bloody incredible.

And I do believe she has me under that charming spell of hers. I want to explore this chemistry between us. That she lives in Cunningham Falls is a blessing. I can court her properly, and see her regularly.

I approach the bottom of the run and immediately return to the lift and ride it to the top. Then I point my skis downhill and take a different run this time, a bit more challenging, and lose myself in the snow.

* * *

“So, Bax, how are things going with a certain beautiful blonde?” Jeanette grins behind the reception desk. Paul, Grace’s original instructor is chatting with her.

“Yeah, man? What’s up with that? You stole her out from under me. She’s hot. I thought I might score with her.”

Jeanette’s jaw drops and she watches me warily as my eyes narrow on the young man.

“Don’t mistake my easygoing demeanor, Paul. It seems you’ve forgotten to whom you’re speaking. If I ever hear you disrespect any guest that way, you’ll never set foot on this hill again. Am I clear?”

“I’m sorry, Bax.”

“As you should be.”

Paul scampers away, his proverbial tail between his legs.

“Boys that age are all horny little bastards,” Jeanette mutters.

“Most men are,” I agree, and chuckle down at her. “But a lady should never hear of it. I’m not his mate, I’m his boss, and I didn’t hire him so he could attempt to lose his virginity.”

Jeanette laughs and pats my arm. “I like you, Bax. How are things with Grace?”

“That, my darling Jeanette, is none of your business.” I wink down at her just as Jerry rushes out from the restaurant.

“There you are!” His hands are clasping and unclasping at his chest in agitation, his cheeks are red with frustration, and I already know it’s going to be a chore calming the bloke.

I silently thank the heavens that ten o’clock is just a few minutes away as I turn to the brilliant chef.

“How can I help you, Jerry?”

“I sent Babs out for you last night, but you ignored me.” He sniffs and pushes his nose in the air. If he wasn’t such a talented chef, I’d boot him out on his ass. Instead I tread lightly, because finding someone to replace him in this small town is impossible.

“I was with a guest, Jerry. What is the problem?”

“The butcher sent choice cuts of meat instead of prime for the second time this month. How am I supposed to work with that? And don’t even get me started on that twit of a sous chef you hired.”

“Let’s discuss this later this afternoon. I have an appointment at ten.”

“But I need to resolve this now.”

I stop short and watch the man quietly for a moment. Have I been wrong to let my staff address me as Bax? Am I too laid back with them?

“We will resolve it when I have the time to speak with you, Jerry.”

His cheeks redden further, but I hold my hand up, stopping any words that he was about to spew at me.

“Watch yourself. You’re a talented chef, but not irreplaceable. I will see you this afternoon.”

I nod at Jeanette and walk toward my suite to change before meeting with Grace.



~ Grace ~

I only fell on my ass five times!” I cry, and launch myself into Jacob’s embrace, wrapping my arms and legs around him and planting my lips on his for a quick kiss. “That’s got to be a record.”

“You are incredible, love.” His smile is wide and happy as he holds me effortlessly against him. “You’ve caught on so well.”

“I can probably ski as good as you now, govna.”

“Let’s not get carried away.” He chuckles and nuzzles my nose with his. “But you can move on from the bunny hill to something a bit more challenging.”

“Blimey, I’m good.”

“Clever girl,” he mutters as he sets me on my feet. “Let’s grab something hot to drink.”

“It’s a date.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks me to the rental shop to turn in my gear, then leads me to a nearby coffeehouse. He finds us an empty table in a corner. “This is a cute little place,” I say as I glance around the small but welcoming café.

“I had it built a few months ago,” he replies, and helps me out of my coat. “The space was for lease, and I thought a coffee shop would do well here.”

“And is it?”

“It is,” he confirms with a grin. “What will you have, darling?”

“Vanilla latte, extra hot, please.”


“No, thanks. I have a massage in a little while and I don’t like to have much in my stomach.”