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“Is that just a line?”

His eyebrows arched and a confused look filled his gaze. “What does that mean?”

“Men just say what they think a woman wants to hear to get her to agree to go to bed with them. They don’t mean it.”

“I’m nothing like your males, Vanni. I wouldn’t lie to you. Our females wouldn’t want me to tell them I have deep feelings. They prefer males who keep an emotional distance. I don’t want that with you. I wouldn’t share how I feel if I was just saying what I think you want to hear from me. I’d keep it hidden.”

“So you’re looking for a girlfriend? A serious relationship?”


“I don’t know how that could work out between us. You live here and I live about two hours away.” She wished she could see a way to make it work but wanted to be totally honest. “You also spend a lot of time at that Reservation place. That’s up north. Long-distance relationships never work. We can’t even date. You saw what happened when we went shopping together. It’s not as if we can go out to dinner.”

“You never have to leave my side. We could live together.”

Whoa! She swallowed hard. “That’s moving kind of fast.”

He let his hand drop away from her throat. “Life is short, Vanni.”

She had learned that lesson. Gregory and his goon could have killed her. She also could have died from the drug. She peered up at him and wanted to say yes but it just wasn’t that simple. She wished it could be.

“Give me some time.”

“I’ll give you anything you need.” He stepped back and urged her to follow him.

They ended up in the bedroom. Smiley sat on the bed and bent to remove his boots. She enjoyed watching him strip out of the shirt. He had a beautiful chest and his fit body always took her breath away. He stood and cocked his head.

“Will you let me show you how I feel?”

She clumsily unbuttoned her shirt. He watched as she removed it and let it drop to the floor. His gaze seemed fixated on her bra.

“You’re so beautiful.”

It encouraged her to reach back and unzip the skirt then shove it down her hips. It hit the floor and she stood there in her bra and panties. Smiley came closer and reached around her to unfasten the bra. He had it off in seconds. She’d noticed the first time he’d so easily unlatched her bra that he seemed to have some experience at undressing a woman. He looked down as he bared her breasts, a soft, sexy noise coming from his parted lips. He wasn’t like any other man she’d known. She decided he was so much better. No one had ever affected her the way he did.

He lightly caressed her hips before hooking his thumbs in the sides of her panties and surprised her by dropping to his knees. He tugged them down until they were around her ankles. She used his broad shoulders to help keep her balance as she stepped out of them. Smiley looked up at her, his dark eyes smoldering with passion.

“You should never wear clothing.”

“You either,” she admitted. “You’re a little overdressed.”

“Get on the bed.”

She moved out of his reach and sat on top of the covers. Smiley opened the front of his slacks and just shoved them down, not even bothering to remove them. He climbed up on the bed and she lay back when he crawled over her until his face hovered just above hers.

“Let me kiss you.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, licking her lips to wet them. “Please.”

His soft lips brushed hers. That changed rapidly though when he deepened the kiss and she met his passion. He lowered more of his weight onto her, pinning her down on the bed. She liked how hot his skin was, pressed tightly to hers, and the way he shifted his hips, bumping against her thigh to let her know what he wanted. Vanni spread her legs to make room for him between them.

He broke the kiss and lifted up enough to stare into her eyes. “I’m going to roll us.”

She wanted to protest but it was done before she could speak. She ended up sprawled on top of him. She tried to scoot down a little but his stiff cock bumping against her pussy halted her. His hands splayed on her rib cage as he bent his legs to raise her shoulders higher, allowing him to cup her breasts.

Vanni closed her eyes at the sensation of his firm hands kneading her. She bit her lower lip, enjoying the caress.

“So beautiful and soft.”

Bracing her knees on the mattress, she tried to lift her pussy away from his lower belly, the ache between her legs a telling sign that she was getting aroused. He was making her hot and she didn’t want to get him wet.

He let go of one breast to grab her hip and pull her down again. She opened her eyes and stared at him. He shook his head. “Stay where you are.”

He bent his legs up, kicking off his pants as he did, and trapped her where she sat as the tops of his thighs pressed against her ass. His stiff cock was trapped between them. There was no missing the thick, hard shaft. He slowly rolled his hips. The erotic motion rubbed her clit against him. She braced her hands on his chest, just needing something to cling to.

“What are you doing?” She hadn’t experienced anything quite like it.

“I enjoy watching your face.”

That made her blush. She broke eye contact and stared at his stomach. His well-defined abs flexed as he continued to slowly rock his hips as she sat on top of him. The aching increased, almost a tease of what it would feel like if his cock was inside her. She grew wetter and knew he must be aware of it.

He released her hip and slid his thumb between her pussy and his lower belly. He traced her slit, played with the proof of her arousal and then pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit. She moaned.

“So beautiful,” he rasped.

“Smiley!” She wanted him inside her.

“Not yet. I want you too much. You need to come for me first so you’re prepared.”

For what? She was already wet and ready to have sex. He continued to play with her breast, using his thumb and forefinger to pinch her nipple gently. She closed her eyes, the sharp jolt of pleasure making her pussy clench.

His cock felt harder as it rubbed her ass and the muscles of his thighs pressed tighter against her too. He rolled his hips under her, the slow rocking driving her insane. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone. His sexy, intense gaze seemed to see right into her soul as his thumb circled her clit in tight movements that drove her wild. She panted and moaned but fought the urge to dig her nails into his skin.

“Please,” she pleaded.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “I could never say no to you.” He jerked his hand away, stopping the torment of her clit, lowered his legs and sat up. She almost fell backward now that he wasn’t supporting her. He also stopped massaging her breast.

“I’ll try to be gentle.”

He rolled her onto her side. She hadn’t seen that coming and lay there a little stunned until he got to his knees and bent forward, grabbing her hips. He flipped her over onto her stomach as if she weighed nothing.

“Hands and knees,” he ordered. His voice came out in a deep rasp and sent good chills down her spine.

She pushed up and did what he wanted, hurting for him to fuck her. She expected him to climb upward and pin her under him but Smiley surprised her again when he gripped her inner thighs and urged her to part them. She spread her knees until he let her go and sat back on his heels.

Vanni gasped when he shoved both hands between her parted legs, flattened them on her lower belly and jerked her backward. The rapid movement lifted her off her knees and her chest hit the bed when her arms collapsed. The thick crown of his cock pressed against her pussy and he entered her. She cried out when he suddenly drove inside. He eased his hands from between them so she was half on his lap, facedown on the bed with his bent knees under her stomach. He spread her legs farther and bent forward, coming down over her.