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“We don’t risk children,” the male responded. Smiley identified Creed’s voice. “What if they are being followed?”

“There are still two possible tails on us,” Slash responded.

Smiley turned to look out the rear of the SUV. There were a lot of cars on the street but he wasn’t sure which two held Slash’s attention.

“Understood,” Trey announced. “We’ll go to backup plan B then. Go to that location and I’ll send the helicopter to meet you.”

“Cancel that,” Tim O’berto demanded. “I’m here now. Enter gate two. It’s not critical. We can handle the traffic.”

“I don’t want to take any risks.” Smiley turned his head to peer at Vanni. She seemed to be handling the situation with grace but he wanted to be reassuring. “It’s going to be fine,” he reassured to her.

“Exactly,” Tim muttered. “It’s going to be fine. I’m watching the monitors and the foot traffic doesn’t appear aggressive. Just drive in. We’ll be ready at the gates, right?”

“We are,” one of the officers responded. “We’ll pull in the two news crews to the holding area and that way the SUV can just drive around them.”

“Don’t do that,” Tim snapped. “Leave them outside. You don’t have time to search their vehicles properly before they reach you. No vans past the first gate section without an inspection. Order the media to back out.”

“We tried that. They are refusing.” The male sounded irritated. “Would you like us to pull the drivers out and move their vehicles ourselves?”

“Hell no,” Tim cursed. “I don’t want that on the evening news. Tell those bastards someone will give them a statement if they comply. That usually works.”

“We’ll try,” the irritated male grumbled.

“Wager,” Tim instructed, “enter through gate two. We’re sending extra officers that way now. They are on the move. You’re still two minutes out so they’ll beat you there.”

“Understood.” Wager glanced in the rearview mirror again and reached up, probably muting his side of the coms. “I don’t like this.”

“Nor do I.” Smiley lifted Vanni and put her on the seat next to him. He leaned forward to peer out the front.

Wager turned down a few streets and they neared the gates. Humans were milling around the sidewalks and two news vans still blocked the entrance, parked side by side in front of the gates.

“Fuck.” Smiley didn’t like it.

“Keep calm,” Jericho demanded. “You’re frightening your female.”

Smiley looked back and saw Vanni’s pale features. She hugged her waist and was pushed up against Jericho’s side. It was a stressful situation. He masked his features. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I trust you,” she stated. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Engaging tamperproof locks,” Wager called out. The snap of locks sounded. “I see one of our officers talking to a driver. I think they are going to get out of the way and let us pass.”

The SUV stopped in the street to allow one of the news vans room to maneuver. The driveway to this gate was narrower than at the main entrance. Smiley glanced up at the top of the wall, grateful to see a strong presence of uniformed officers. More joined them until they stood shoulder to shoulder, their weapons in view. Humans would have to be stupid to attempt anything.

He glanced at the humans gathered on the sidewalks. A male caught his attention when he reached around, going for something tucked in his waistband. Smiley tapped his com. “Possible gun!”

He spun, grabbed Vanni and twisted her sideways on the seat until his body shielded hers but no gunfire erupted.

“Camera phone.” Wager blew out a breath and continued, “He’s taking pictures. Threat averted.”

Smiley eased some of his weight off Vanni. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to crush you.”

“I’m okay,” she mumbled.

“Stay there,” he ordered, as if he gave her a choice since he kept on top of her to keep her in place. He peered out over the front seats. The media van hadn’t backed out to allow them to pass.

“What is the holdup?” He stared at the uniformed male—he was pretty sure it was Book—speaking to the driver of the van.

The male in question glanced his way. “He refuses to leave unless he gets the statement. They are aware of who is visiting us.”

Smiley grimaced. The news outlets had already heard Vanni was at Homeland and instead of rushing to the shopping center, they’d come directly to the NSO.

“Traffic,” Slash hissed. “Lots of it. We’re pinned in. They must have spotters on the ground.”

Smiley turned and saw more news vans coming at them in the street from both directions. A few cars were behind them. “Pull the driver out and move that van,” he ordered.

“Don’t you dare,” Tim argued. “Just stay put. I’ll handle that asshole myself without causing a shitstorm. Those pussies will be screaming brutality if you lay a finger on them. You’re fine in the SUV. I’m on my way.”

Smiley couldn’t fault the task force leader for being worried. They weren’t allowed to physically touch anyone outside the NSO walls. It was one thing to use water hoses to disperse crowds or toss the occasional smoke bomb when the protestors stormed the gates but humans might see it as abuse if they yanked someone out of a vehicle.

Jericho finally spoke. “Let’s rush the gates.”

Smiley snapped his head around to glare at his friend. “No.”

“More incoming,” Slash hissed.

“Rush the gates,” Jericho repeated in a deeper tone.

Smiley didn’t like the idea of taking Vanni out of the SUV so close to all those humans. Their intent was unclear but as he looked at the road, his opinion changed. More cars and people were coming down both sides of the street. It seemed they knew Smiley and Vanni were trapped outside the gates.

“Let’s do it.” Smiley admitted Vanni would be in more danger if they were completely surrounded by hundreds of humans instead of just a few dozen.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Tim reminded them.

“We don’t have time,” Slash answered. “It’s getting out of hand. Scoot to the middle with her, Smiley. Let me by the door. I’ll run interference and take down anything in front of you both.”

“Do it,” Tim agreed.

Smiley straightened in the seat and helped Vanni upright as he slid against Jericho, making room for Slash to climb over the seat. “It’s going to be fine. Stay by my side. We’re going to get out of the SUV and walk to the gates. I will pick you up if we have a problem. Just put your face against my neck and hold on tight.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Shit!” Flame hissed. “Brace!”

Smiley looked up and saw the humans rush at them. Bodies and hands slammed against the windows and the SUV rocked. All Smiley could do was hook his arm around Vanni to pull her close and grab hold of the front seat headrest. The vehicle was heavy but twenty to thirty humans surrounded it. He was tempted go for the weapon strapped at his ankle as the swaying grew worse.

“Smoke bombs are being deployed,” warned one of the officers along the wall. “Prepare.”

Smiley ground his teeth. “Hold your breath when we open that door and don’t let go of me, Vanni.”

He saw metal cans fly from above. They impacted around the SUV but didn’t hit the mass of humans. White smoke rose fast and the humans next to the windows began to choke and cough. In less than thirty seconds it was tough to see out the windows with the thick, blinding smoke. The rocking ceased though as their attackers fled.

“The gate is about sixty feet ahead of us. Keep to the far left of the driveway,” Wager ordered. “Go!”

Both sets of locks released and Smiley followed Slash when he shoved open the door, hitting something. A male cried out in pain. He didn’t give a damn if it had struck a human. He hoisted Vanni into his arms, hugged her tightly against his chest and used memory to go forward. He didn’t have a mask so he held his breath and kept his eyes squeezed shut.

A hand gripped his shoulder and he figured it was Slash helping steer him in the right direction. He peeked once, regretted it as his eyes teared up from the acrid smoke but he was able to make out the news van they passed. They were almost to the gates.