Her tongue wet her lips again and he knew what she was going to do. Her hot breath fanning across the tip of his dick forced him to clench his teeth. She deserved a mate who could control the sounds he wanted to make as she made one of his deepest fantasies come true.

The first lick of her hot, soft tongue forced him to lock his knees. One of her hands braced on the curve of his hip, her fingernails digging slightly into his ass cheek. He barely noticed that as she curled her other hand around his shaft to take him inside her wet, hot mouth. His balls tightened. She moved slowly, gliding up and down but tightening her hold on him.

Fuck! It felt way better than he’d ever imagined. He wanted to tangle his fingers in her hair but was afraid she’d stop. He fisted his hands instead, not sure what else to do with them. Raw pleasure rolled through him, his muscles clenching as she sucked and licked him and took him deeper. It was pure torture when she withdrew a little but she pushed forward again.

“Joy,” he rasped, looking down to watch her turn him inside out.

Her gorgeous blue eyes lifted and he almost came. He withdrew then, too afraid of choking her if he ejaculated. It was hell forcing his dick from between her lips when he rolled his hips back, gently holding her uninjured shoulder to keep her from moving with him.

“Why did you stop me?” She looked slightly confused.

“I won’t last, Joy. I’m new at this.”


He lowered to his knees. “That was my first time. Be impressed with my control. Trust me on that.”

Her mouth fell open as she gawked at him. It was more than a bit embarrassing but it would have been worse if his balls had seized and he’d spilled his seed.

“Damn. This mating thing is going to be tough sometimes, isn’t it? I’ve never had a female do that before. It feels too good, do you understand? I really hope you want to do it again, often, but wait until I’m not already dying to be inside you. I’ve got some pride.”

“You’ve never had oral sex?”

“I’ve never been a receiver. No.”


“You have no words?”

She still said nothing.

He chuckled. “I’ve made you speechless. I have missed being able to do that.” He invaded her space, slowly pushing her flat on the bed. “I missed you. Open those pretty thighs for me. It’s my turn to put my tongue on you. Let’s see how long you last, sweetness.”

“Not long.” She spread her legs and he loved the sight. “And I’m not ashamed to admit it.” She reached out to touch his cheek as he bent to brush a kiss on her inner thigh and started working his way up to her clit.

“Nobody has ever done that to you? Really?”

He paused, looking at her. “Why does that surprise you?”

“I thought that there would have been a lot of, um, experiences you’d had since leaving the desert.”

There was a catch in her voice. Jealousy? It didn’t amuse him, knowing she felt it. His mate hurt and he wanted to soothe her pain.

“I won’t lie to you. I’ve been with females but they never touched me the way you do, Joy—inside or out. None ever wanted to love me. You give me that gift.” Justice was right. He’d never felt so alive as he was with the female who had become his heart. “I will cherish it and you.”

“I love you too.” She slid her fingers into his hair, stroking his scalp. “Let’s talk about this later though.” She squirmed under him.

“Maybe we should wait. You are still weak.”

“I’m lying down. We’ll be careful and I want you too much to wait.”

His thumb brushed against her clit and she jerked under him, spreading her thighs wider. The scent of her arousal filled his nose as he breathed her in, rubbing slow circles around the bundle of nerves. Her nipples grew stiff as she arched her back. “You drive me crazy.”

She softly moaned as her hips bucked against his hand. “Well, you’re mated to a shrink. Perfect, aren’t we?”

He dipped his thumb, drawing from the wetness her desire caused, to tease the bundle of nerves again. Two fingers gently probed the opening of her pussy, his dick envious as they sank inside her, stretching the tight channel to make sure she was prepared for his thick shaft.

He curved his fingertips upward to press tightly against the spot that drew a louder moan from her as he began to fuck her slowly. She fisted his hair and he grinned, ignoring the slight pain. He watched her writhe under him, her hips bucking in a frantic attempt to reach climax. She was so beautiful to him.

“Moon,” she pleaded.

She was close. He rose, withdrawing his fingers from her sex. He gripped her hips and dragged them to the edge of the mattress, being careful not to jostle her arm. He closed his eyes as his dick plunged inside her pussy. Her muscles clenched as she cried out. He placed his hand near her injured arm, ready to protect it if she showed any sign of distress, but he rode her hard, pumping his hips furiously, and lost his seed to a haze of white-hot rapture when she came around him.

He collapsed over her but braced his elbows to make sure he didn’t put any pressure on her wound. His mate lifted her hand and surfed his biceps with her palm. He turned his head, placing a kiss on her exposed throat.

“How is your arm?”

“What arm?” She laughed. “Oh, that. It’s perfect.”

He chuckled. “Everything is, isn’t it?”

Almost. He had a mate to protect. New Species had enemies who could still hurt them. The attack on him had brought Joy back into his life and he could almost forgive what was done because of it. Next time someone else might not be so lucky though.

Joy stirred. “Stop worrying.”

He raised his head to stare at her, wondering how she’d known.

She grinned. “It’s your nature. I only want you to love me and be exactly who you are. Things will work out. We have each other to always lean on, regardless of anything we face. We’ll do it together.”

“I love you.” He wanted her to know how much.

“I love you too. You can’t get rid of me.” She glanced down between their bodies. “I’m practically glued to you.” She met his gaze. “You make me happy. That’s never going to change and we’re going to have a long lifetime to spend together. Don’t worry about the small stuff.”

His dick flexed inside her. “All I’m thinking about now are the larger things.”

She laughed. “I feel.” Her thighs tightened around him.

“Trisha said I must feed you.”

“Not now. Kiss me instead.”

He pushed away all thoughts and focused on her. His mood lightened. “Where?”

She laughed, the sound reminding him of the blessings in his life he’d been given. “Anywhere you want to, mate.”

“My pleasure.” His tongue traced the shell of her ear.


“Yes, sweetness?”

“Growl for me. Don’t hold back. Have I even mentioned how much it turns me on?”

The low rumble started in his chest. “Like this?”

Her fingernails dug into his skin. “Yes.”

“I howl too.”

“Mmmmm.” She turned her face into his neck, lightly nipping him. “Show me.”

“Anything for my mate.” He trailed his mouth lower and paused, pulling away. “I’ll try to avoid biting you. I’m sorry for the scar.”

She smiled. “You’re upset you hurt me but you’re not really sorry that you marked me. It’s proof that I belong to you, right? I get it.” She licked her lips. “You can do it all you want. Just try to avoid drawing blood though. Love bites are sexy and I enjoy it when you nip me during sex. It makes me so hot.”

He couldn’t miss the sincerity of her words. “You could mark me and I don’t mind if you draw blood. I love when you dig your nails into my back.”

“Then stop talking and do something to encourage me.” She arched under him. “You might have learned patience but I’m horrible at it. My pain medication is still working. I want you.”

“You’ve got me, sweetness.”