Paul rushed from the reception area, looking as if he’d just woken. “What’s wrong?”

“I need a sedative and restraints,” Kregkor demanded. “Call for more officers in case he puts up a fight. My patient is having an episode.”

Joy resisted rushing forward, even though she wanted to. It was hard enough to stay on her feet when her knees wanted to collapse but she refused to return to bed.

She needed to assess the situation before she proceeded. It was tough to even pretend to be emotionally detached when the jerk blocking the hallway was threatening the man she loved. She knew Dr. Kregkor was the resident psychiatrist at Homeland but he was an idiot if he honestly believed Moon could have done any of the things he’d accused.

“Get out of my way,” Moon snarled, his gaze landing on Joy.

Trisha gripped his arm to draw his attention. “He’s not worth it, Moon. I get it. Trust me. He’s an asshole but are you really going to make me patch him up?”

“I told you to get me a sedative and call for orderlies to help us restrain my patient, nurse. Do your job,” Kregkor snapped.

Paul shook his head as he took a few steps back. “I don’t take orders from you.”

“You’re fired.”

Trisha released Moon. “You can’t fire my nurse. You’re the one totally out of line here, Kregkor. You’re making a big mistake if you believe that bullshit you just said. Your friend shared information with you from some story on the internet? Are you serious? Moon didn’t run away and he sure didn’t go on some rampage attacking humans. If you will be reasonable and lis—”

“I’m calling my supervisors.” He dug into his pocket and jerked out a cell phone. “You people are harboring a danger to society. They were justified in sending me here to keep an eye on how things are run. I’ll call a news conference if that’s what it takes to force you to allow me to treat these unfortunate souls. Allowing them loose on society isn’t acceptable. He could have killed someone and you’re trying to cover it up!”

Joy’d had enough. She kept her hand on the wall to steady herself as she moved closer to the son of a bitch. He was pushing buttons when she reached out and snatched the phone from him. He started and spun, gaping at her. She canceled the call with her thumb and tossed the phone Moon’s way, assuming he’d either catch it or let it hit the floor. It didn’t matter to her either way.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Hello, Dr. Kregkor. We met at the front gate, remember? I assume you know by now that we’re both in the same field of medicine.” She struck out her chin, giving him a chilly stare. She didn’t offer him a hand to shake. “You are going to close your mouth and behave like a rational, functional adult or I’m going to kindly ask the nurse to bring me a sedative to give you.”

“How dare you!”

She leaned in closer. “How dare you!” Her temper flared and she barely managed to retain her composure. “I have been assessing the situation. You admitted that you came here with preconceived notions from information you obtained from an unreliable source, prepared to act upon it, without even bothering to actually do your job, which would be to calmly speak to the client to determine mental status before formulating the best course of action to assist him.”

She had to shove her hip against the wall to remain steady. She was still shaky from the adrenaline rush as well as the drugs she’d been given. “The fact that you’re using your authority to threaten someone with the use of drugs and restraints justifies my assessment of you. You’re agitated, causing a scene, and purposely attempting to provoke others into committing violence.”

“Do you know who I am?” He thrust out his chest, his eyes gleaming with outrage.

She didn’t feel well and was tired of dealing with him. “I can tell you what you are. Incompetent. I’ll be more than happy to speak to your supervisors to let them know it as well.” She waved a finger toward the ceiling. “You forgot about the cameras. I’m positive that the security office here at Homeland will be happy to send your boss a copy of you storming into this building to accuse someone of being psychotic without any foundation for that diagnosis.

“We both know the seriousness of malpractice and abuse of power. I’m also certain they’d be happy to pass out the footage to any members of the press you speak to. You have breached the NSO contract I’m sure you had to sign. Think of what will happen to you professionally.” Her voice lowered. “And you’d look like a complete and total ass.”

Kregkor jerked his head up to glare at the cameras. In his anger, he’d obviously forgotten about them. They were all over the building and easy to spot. Everyone who came into Homeland was informed of the security measures. He had paled a bit when he looked back at her.

“You bitch,” he whispered, probably hoping the audio on the cameras wouldn’t catch his words. “Who the hell do you think you are to threaten me? I’ll destroy your career before you ever get the chance to smear my reputation.”

Moon suddenly lunged forward. He didn’t strike Kregkor but his chest shoved into the man’s arm, pushing him away from Joy. He snarled. “She’s my mate. Don’t ever speak to her that way again.”

Joy wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. One of his arms instantly curved around her back to pull her even tighter against his side. She didn’t want him to physically assault the jerk. There’d been enough violence in one night to last her for a while.

It took a second to realize what Moon had said to Kregkor. His mate? She lifted her head and started at him in bewilderment.

He snarled again, nostrils flared, and his sharp canines were prominently displayed while he keenly regarded the other man with open hostility. Moon had clearly said she was his mate. New Species didn’t use that word unless…

Her hand slid up his stomach, feeling his firm abs through his shirt. She gripped the material near his ribs as a wave of lightheadedness struck but she wasn’t so sure it was from blood loss or drugs this time. Her heart rate increased and a sense of urgency came with it.


He didn’t look down, still intent on intimidating Kregkor. It must have worked because the gasbag didn’t say a word.

“Moon?” She put a little more firmness in her voice.

He growled but flicked his gaze to her face. “I won’t kill him. I’d settle for a few broken bones. No one calls you names or threatens you.” He resumed glaring at his target.


She really needed to know if he meant what he’d said. Was it a slip? Maybe he’d only said it to scare the shit out of Kregkor. What if he means it? I need to know. Does he love me too?

Any intelligent person knew Species would protect a mate to any extreme. She had kept tabs on their progress as much as possible through news stories. Most of it had been speculation on the part of the reporters but she’d watched the video footage many times.

She’d never forget when Fury was shot after he and his mate were attacked during a press conference. He’d used his body to shield her, kept running despite being wounded, to get her to safety inside the NSO gates. Tiger had jumped onto a burning RV to go after his mate, prepared to walk through flames to save her. The entire world had no doubt a Species would go to hell and back for a woman he’d mated.

“Please ignore him. Look at me, Moon.”

He didn’t look happy when he complied but he met her gaze.

“Mate?” She hoped he wouldn’t call her that unless it was true.

His expression froze, his eyes widened, and he flushed a little. There was no instant denial though. She sucked in air.

“I’m your mate?” Answer me, damn it. Please.

“You are mine.” The fear displayed in his gaze was apparent and it wrenched her heart. “Am I yours too or are you going to reject me again?”