She stood in front of him, appearing fragile, her emotions clear on her face. That hadn’t changed about her. Her eyes had always been too expressive and got past his defenses every time. Even now he wanted to soothe her and make that hurt look fade. The fact that she still affected him strongly only strengthened his bitterness.

“I appreciate you taking time out of your busy life to come to Homeland.” He kept his tone neutral.

Joy lowered her gaze to stare at his chest. She nodded as her shoulders stiffened.

He stifled a snarl and was grateful for once that he’d spent a lifetime hiding his feelings. After all she’d put him through, he wouldn’t allow her to step back into his life as if no time had passed. He’d changed over the years, learned to get past his obsession with her, and he’d done a good job of it. The risk of her walking away from him a second time was too high to chance. He wouldn’t allow her to creep into his heart again. Once burned, twice shy. It was a human motto he had become familiar with.

“What do you want from me?” He refused to apologize for his harsh tone but he needed answers. “Why did you really come here?”

She raised her gaze to his. The sadness in her gaze weakened some of his resolve to send her back to her world. But only for a moment. She had no right to sympathy. He’d been the injured party.

“I’m glad you’re well, Moon.”

He snarled low to show her his patience had reached its limit.

She didn’t flinch away. “I missed you.”

“A lie,” he accused. “There are always choices. You were too weak to face the tough one of sticking around to find out what was between us.”

“I don’t know how much you remember of our discussions while you were under the influence of the drug but I want to be sure you know that I’m so sorry I left. I had to.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“You’re still naïve then.” Her chin jutted out and a defiant look appeared on her face. “Do you know how much money they had invested in keeping Species protected from the press and any possible threats? I would have been considered a security risk. It was top priority to keep all the sites hidden at any cost. Even if it meant tossing me into a jail cell and dragging out the paperwork or whatever else they had to do to keep me from speaking to anyone not involved with the program. My supervisors would have removed me by force.”

His temper flared and he cupped her face before he realized his intention. His hold was gentle but he knew it was a mistake touching Joy. It wasn’t enough and he wanted more. He wrapped his other arm around her waist to keep her from withdrawing from him.

“They wouldn’t have taken you away because you allowed me to get close to you.”

She slumped a little in his hold but didn’t look away. “Yes, they would have. I wasn’t military, 466. The rules were very strict on my interaction with Species. The only physical contact allowed was in the event I was attacked and had to defend myself until one of the guards arrived.”

Use of his Mercile-assigned number was an insult but he didn’t believe she meant it as such. “Moon,” he corrected.

“I’m sorry.”

“You left before I took a name.”

She intently peered up at him. “You have to believe me. Did you know at Site Two they kept one of the therapists locked inside her room for six days as punishment for holding the hand of one of your females?”

“Why was she kept in her room? Why would she hold the hand of a female and be punished for that? Did the female protest?”

“The female had experienced a horrific trauma. The therapist held her hand to show emotional support. The client didn’t mind but the guard in the room reported the physical contact.” She blew out a breath and he identified frustration in her expression. “It was stupid but that’s how the supervisors responded to it. Barbara was suspended six days without pay and secluded, just to make an example of her. She was a really nice lady with a lot of compassion. I spoke to her often because we were both getting some grief from Geraldine, who looked down on our qualifications to treat Species.”

Moon believed Joy. Humans could overreact and he remembered her telling him that was the cause of friction between her and Geraldine.

“I wanted to touch a lot more than your hand,” she softly admitted as she leaned close enough that her breasts nearly brushed his chest. “I wanted to sit on your lap, let you do anything you wanted to me, and I knew I couldn’t keep saying ‘no’ much longer.” She wet her lips, drawing his focus there, and his dick hardened to the point of pain. He ached to have her. “You made it crystal clear that I wasn’t just a curiosity, to see what it would be like to share sex with a human. Once never would have been enough for us. Someone would have figured it out.”

He closed his eyes and fought the strong desire to take her to the floor. Her clothes would shred easily in his hands and then nothing would be in his way. He could explore and lick every inch of her. It had always been his desire to memorize her body by taste and touch.

One of her hands hesitantly settled against his chest. Her palm rested on his shirt but her fingertips found skin. It was enough to snap his control. Moon was done fighting his hunger for Joy. She was right in front of him and almost daring him to take her. This time there wouldn’t be any drugs in his system to give it a surreal quality. No dreamlike memories would haunt him afterward or leave him questioning how good they really were together.

He slid his hand from her waist to her ass, squeezed her there as he pulled her firmly against his body and lifted. Joy’s gasp of surprise was so slight he barely would have noticed if he wasn’t so closely paying attention. He strode forward, looking for the nearest bedroom. He wouldn’t take her on the carpet. He released her face to wrap his other arm under her ass to keep her from sliding down.

“Hold on to me,” he demanded.

He almost expected her to protest but her fingers clutched at his shoulders. She didn’t say a word as he carried her through the living room and into the first bedroom down the hallway. He paused, used his foot to hook the door and push it closed. There wasn’t a lock. He silently promised to beat Flame if the male came to investigate what was taking him so long.

Human housing had smaller beds that were closer to the floor but it beat not having one at all. He stopped at the bottom and met her gaze as his hold loosened. She slid down until her feet touched the carpet.

“Take off your clothes.”

Her smooth white teeth dented her lower lip and he studied her eyes carefully to search for any signs of fear. There weren’t any. She reached for her shirt. It amazed him when she began to undress. His dick jerked in response, wanting to rise even more to the occasion of her surrender. He was going to fuck Joy and this time there was no question that they both knew what they wanted.

He hated the way his hands trembled when he tore his tank top over his head and tossed it aside. He didn’t give a damn where it landed. They hadn’t had shoes at Medical so he didn’t have to bother to remove them. His thumbs hooked the waistband of the sweats but he paused, contemplating if the bare evidence of how much he wanted her would cause her to change her mind. Some humans were afraid when they saw a Species male totally naked.

Faint images surfaced in his mind of him and Joy inside the cell. He’d claimed her body before and she hadn’t flinched when she’d seen the length and thickness of his dick. He only wished he could vividly recall the details. The memories might resurface but he was about to make new ones that he damn well would remember. He shoved the sweatpants to his ankles as he bent, working them over his feet. She wanted him and she was going to get him. He straightened and gave her his full attention.