Moon released her skirt and crouched over her. His hand flattened on the mattress next to her shoulders as he leaned in until their faces were close together to balance his weight.

“I’m trying to avoid ripping your clothes from your body but they are coming off. You can help by rolling over or I’ll shred them.”

All the warnings she’d received flashed through her mind as his words sank in but she wasn’t afraid of him. She was ready for this. She even wanted it. She’d wanted it far too long.

The hand on her back slid down to cup one of her butt cheeks, giving it a good squeeze. The rough feel of his calluses was very noticeable with so much skin revealed by her bikini-cut panties. “Your ass is mine now, sweetness. Anyone who knows me would know how much I want you.” He studied her eyes as his hand massaged her ass where he gripped it. “And they sent you to me.” He lowered his gaze to her mouth, fixating on it. “Say it.”

She had to swallow to find her voice. “What do you want me to say?” Her pulse quickened as she relaxed her tense muscles under him.

His eyebrows arched as he met her stare again. “You have no excuses? No words of rejection?”

She very slowly braced her arms and began to turn over. It was difficult with his body restricting hers but his grip on her ass eased and Moon allowed it. She rolled onto her back, not breaking eye contact. She reached up, hands trembling, and cupped his face.

Surprise showed when his eyes widened as she tugged gently to pull him closer. She tilted her chin slightly and licked her lips.

“Kiss me.”

He sucked in air and another soft growl rumbled from him. “I’m going to do everything to you.”

Chapter Seven

Excitement and a little nervousness shot through Joy as she closed her eyes and Moon’s mouth lightly brushed hers. He was surprisingly tender. It was more of a tease than a kiss as he pulled back. She peeked at him to find him hovering above her. The dark intensity of his look made her feel hot all over.

“Take off your clothes. All of them.” Moon lifted up and carefully got to his feet. “Now.”

It took her a second to get her mind to work. She sat up and reached for the bottom of her shirt but hesitated. She’d fantasized about this moment for so long. Her hands shook when she tugged it up. Her cheeks warmed, knowing he watched her, and she hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed when he got what he wanted. Other unanswered questions plagued her. He was used to Species females. Their bodies were firm and toned. Hers wasn’t. Had he ever slept with a human? She wanted to ask but knew he probably couldn’t give her an answer.

Another part of her suffered guilt. Her training screamed how wrong it was to proceed when his mental acuity was so obviously compromised. What if he had a girlfriend he couldn’t remember? Would he hate her later? Would he feel she’d taken advantage of him? Speak now, she demanded, her conscience not allowing for anything else.


“Take off your clothes.” His voice deepened, almost inhuman.

“You are missing big chucks of your memory. There could be someone special in your life that you have feelings for. No one mentioned you having a girlfriend but that doesn’t mean you aren’t at least interested in someone. I know so little about your current circumstances but you would never willingly cheat on a woman. This might fall under that.”

He stepped forward and grabbed the shirt she’d removed but still clutched in front of her. He jerked it out of her hold and tossed it on the floor.

“You’d hate me later if we do this and you have feelings for someone else.”

“No excuses,” he snarled.

It gave her pause as she regarded him with alarm.

He slowly crouched. “If there is a female, she’s not here. You are.”

Ouch. Would anyone with breasts do it for him right now?

He seemed to guess where her thoughts went. It shouldn’t have surprised her. The man she’d known had been deeply insightful.

“I am certain there is no female I want more than you, Joy. If I was dating, I settled for her.”

“You can’t know that for sure.”

He leaned forward, gripped the edge of the bed with both hands, and nodded. “I have no doubt.”

He was completely sincere. It was almost embarrassing how close to the surface he brought her emotions. She prided herself on keeping a tight leash on them but then Moon had come along, tearing at the very foundation of her soul until she’d had to walk out of his life to avert disaster for both of them. She’d suffered regret and misery.

“Okay.” She reached back and unhooked her bra.

His gaze lowered to watch her remove it. She dropped it over the side of the bed before stretching flat on her back and lifting her hips. Her thumbs hooked the band of her panties and pushed, widening her fingers to catch her bunched-up skirt, sliding both down her legs as she drew them up to do it. Both garments fell to the floor when she kicked them away. She was totally naked. Moon took in every inch of her body with a methodical gaze.

His feelings were closed off as she watched his face, looking for hints of what he was thinking or feeling as she lowered her legs. She had no idea what to do with her hands so she rested them flat on the mattress, next to her hips.

Moon stood and reached for his sweats. His cock pressed tightly against the cotton material, stretching out the front. He had to ease the waistband over his arousal and it stood straight out when he worked it free. He bent, hiding that sight from her, and softly cursed.

“The damn chains.” Material tore as he ripped off his sweats to get rid of them since the shackles prevented him from getting naked otherwise.

Joy gasped when he straightened again and moved to the bottom of the bed. He put one knee on the end, dropped forward, and his hands braced his upper body. His gaze swept up her legs to her face.

“Spread open for me, sweetness.”

“Don’t you want to kiss me first?”

“I’m going to.” His gaze dropped to her shaved mound. “Open.”

Oh shit. She broke out in a sweat. “Maybe we should take this a bit slower? Um, it’s been a while and, um, I’m a bit rusty. Maybe we should kiss first and work up to that, or down? Yeah. That would be down, wouldn’t it?”

Moon held her gaze and smiled. It was devastating. “You aren’t a virgin. I remember that.”

So did she. He’d gotten furious when she’d explained she’d had ex-boyfriends she’d been intimate with. He’d seemed so naïve, thinking lasting love and sex always went hand in hand with female humans. It had drawn her to him more.

He crawled a few inches higher and one of his chains caught. The smile died as he lifted a hand and jerked, making it scrape along the bottom rail.

“Hold on!” She drew her legs up from between his arms and rolled to her side, escaping the bed to stand.

Moon snarled. “Get back here.”

“Give me a second.” She raced to the cell door. The metal dragging on the floor was the only warning she got before it slammed closed when his hand flattened against it.

“No. You aren’t leaving.”

She spun, staring up at him. “I’m going to go get the key for your shackles. You want out of them, don’t you?”

Indecision played across his face.

“I’m coming right back. I threw the key when I unlocked the door so you couldn’t take it from me. I can remove them.”

He hunched down until their faces were close, to study her. “You could be lying.”

She reached up and caressed his chest. “Trust me, Moon. I want you. I’m getting the key and I’m coming right back.”

It stunned her when he slid to his knees, keeping her trapped between his hands, which gripped the door at her back. He released the bars to cage her ribs and dipped his head. The feel of his hot, wet mouth on her right breast almost made her knees collapse under her.