“I am,” she agreed, glancing between the NSO leader and Harley, still a bit dazed that he was on her side after swearing to get her escorted off Homeland.

Justice opened his eyes and anger burned in the depths of his gaze. “Fine.” He leaned forward, watching her closely. “You’re probably going to be killed or wish you had if this goes bad. He’s feral. Are you certain you’re willing to take those risks?”

“Yes,” she answered with no hesitation although inside she quivered a bit with fear.

“Did you love him?”

She nodded. “Yes.” She’d say the same if he asked if she still loved Moon.

He peered at her for long seconds, perhaps judging her honesty. “Okay. I can respect that. I’d do anything for Jessie.” He stood and walked to the door. “You should make out your will in case this goes wrong. Legal will be by before you see him again. You must sign a liability release though I doubt it will be worth anything if challenged. It is all we can do to avoid lawsuits from your family if this doesn’t work out the way we hope.” He turned, still regarding her with anger. “Reality is harsh. Be certain.”

She would have risen too but she didn’t trust her legs at the moment. It would blow her fearless act if they collapsed under her. “Could you have your lawyers put a rush on the paperwork? I already have a will. I want to get back to him.”

He blinked.

“What are the rules?”

He blinked again. “What do you mean?”

“How far am I allowed to go with him before you consider it crossing a line? So far he’s only responded to wanting me.”

“Shit,” Tiger whispered. “How far are you willing to go?”

“I’ll do anything and everything to save Moon.” She meant it. “Even if it means going inside his cell so there’s no bars between us.”

“Son of a bitch,” Justice hissed. “We don’t know what Moon will do to you.”

“I’ll bet killing me won’t be first on his wish list.”

He turned away and his broad shoulders were tense. “You better be right. I like sleeping at night and I doubt I’d do that well if you get yourself maimed or killed. I don’t know if I should say thank you or have you tossed from our land for your own protection.” He paused at the door. “Talk to her, Tiger. Explain feral sex to her. It’s her choice in the end.” The door slammed as he left.

Tiger met her gaze and opened his mouth.

“Don’t.” Joy hugged her waist, unable to hide her churning emotions anymore. “I can guess what I’m in for if it comes to that. It doesn’t change anything. I’d still risk it.”

His lips sealed tightly as he got to his feet. “Legal can have the release to you within the hour.” He paused. “You might want to call your family. Don’t tell them where you are or what is going on. Just…call them.” He paused by the door, staring at her. “Are you sure you’re willing to do this? Our females would be afraid of him right now.”

He wanted to scare her by implying she should call her loved ones to say goodbye. It worked but she wasn’t backing down now. She’d had over two years of living with painful regrets. No way was she walking away from Moon again. It might be the one and only shot she had of making up for the past.

“I’m sure.”

“You’re brave.” He left, quietly closing the door.

“You surprise me.” The deep voice held a hint of respect.

Joy had almost forgotten about Harley. He moved to stand in front of her. She shrugged. “You were wrong about me. I really care about Moon. I always have and still do.”

“It seems.” He suddenly crouched down to her level. “Listen to me.”

Here it comes, she thought, preparing for more dire threats from him about what he’d do to her if she hurt Moon. It was the natural reaction of someone feeling helpless when someone they loved was in jeopardy. They needed a way to try to control the situation.

“Don’t fight him if he ever gets his hands on you. It will send him into a rage. Go still.” He paused. “If he sinks his teeth into you, don’t pull away. Don’t scream. Don’t struggle. Am I clear? He’s more animal than human right now. Show him absolute submission if you want a chance at survival.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice at that point. His warnings put vivid images in her mind. The screaming part made her wonder how rough Moon would be if she did offer him her body. He was a really strong, big guy.

“Good.” Harley studied her features. “He talked about you to me. He said you were brave and had the courage of one of our females. I didn’t believe that until now. He could never understand why you bolted. I’m giving you a chance, so don’t screw it up. He’s the closest person to me and I’ve lost too much already in my lifetime.” His focus lowered down her body, then jerked back up. “You better not be blowing smoke up my ass and chicken out. I stood up to Justice and Tiger to give you this chance. I wouldn’t have done it but I’m desperate to save him. So are they or they’d never have agreed to allow this.”

“Me too.” Heartfelt words. “I won’t leave him this time.”

A current of understanding flowed between them. Harley suddenly reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cell phone. She wondered if he would offer it to her to use to make those calls. Instead he looked down and touched it, tapping the faceplate.

“I want you to see something.”


He turned the phone face in her direction and a video began to play. She took it from his fingers, staring at a smiling Moon displayed on the small screen in her palm. He was outdoors, wearing a tank top and shorts. Humor glinted in his beautiful eyes. “What are you doing?” His voice was husky, the one she remembered.

“Making a memory,” Harley chuckled. “Videos are popular.”

Moon laughed. “I’m so not having sex with you. You’re not my type. I thought those were the only videos you watched.”

“Ha-ha,” Harley snorted. “I think you’re talking about yourself instead of me.”

“We are friends because we have so much in common.” Moon glanced away, then back at the camera. “Why don’t you film them?” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “They are more interesting than I am.”

Harley panned the camera to record some Species females playing volleyball. After a few seconds he zoomed back to Moon. “I wanted to video you. You’re leaving for Reservation soon and I’m going to miss you. I’ll watch this when I do.”

Moon smiled. “It’s only for a month. You won’t even know I’m gone.” He pointed again in the direction of the females. “You can play with them and look sad so they keep you occupied. It sounds as if I’m doing you a big favor.” His hands gripped his hips. “It will gain you sympathy. Tell them you miss going riding with me and take them on your bike.”

“It won’t be the same.” Harley sounded a bit depressed. “I’m really going to miss you.”

Moon’s suddenly somber, dark gaze peered into the camera. “I’ll be back before you know it and we’ll have fun. I’ll miss you too. I never thought I’d ever be close to someone.” He suddenly grinned. “Now turn that off and let’s go play some ball. We’ll play two against five and show them how it’s done before I leave.”

Harley chuckled and the video ended. Joy blinked back tears as she lifted her gaze to the man holding out his hand for her to return his phone.

“I want my friend back.” Sincerity shone in his eyes. “That was recorded a few weeks ago. That’s the Moon I know.” He glanced away, shoving his phone back inside his pocket. He held her gaze once more but she saw tears shimmer in his eyes. “I need him to be fixed.”

“I’m going to do whatever it takes,” Joy swore.

* * * * *

Moon snarled, rage a living thing inside his body. He couldn’t think and nothing made sense. Pain, anger, and the urge to explode was all he knew. He threw back his head and howled. He wanted something. No. Someone. A female.

A memory struggled to surface but it was buried under layers of haze. She’s real, isn’t she? He wasn’t sure. He paced the cell, snarled at the bars that contained him, and wanted to run. His chest slammed into them but he couldn’t get free.