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Stay right on the floor in a sitting position, with hands behind for balance. We're ready to slim down your legs. Raise first the left leg, then the right, and slap, really beat those legs on the floor about fifty times.

Glamour Guide for Teens _97.jpg

How about those ankles? Stay right on the floor and raise first the right leg and circle the foot from the ankle, keeping the leg straight, a little circle to the right twenty times, and to the left twenty times; now the left leg.

Glamour Guide for Teens _98.jpg

What we're all striving for is a well-developed, well-proportioned figure, straight shoulders, small waist and hips, well-shaped legs, and thin ankles, so you too can stand up—smile and be proud.

Teen-Age Calorie Table

Teen-Age Calorie Table

According to doctors' research, the average teenage girl— you— needs 2,000 calories every day. So, here's a calorie table designed especially for you. YouH be able to add them up yourself.

But again I stress: before you start dieting to



No. of Calories

Milk, 1 cup 166 c

Milk shakes, 1 cup with ice cream . . . 300 c

Malted milks, 1 cup with ice cream . . . 300 c

Coca Cola, 1 cup 100 c

Gingerale, 1 cup 100 c

Carbonated drinks (lime, root beer, etc.),

1 cup 100 c

Lemonade, 1 cup 75 c

Orangeade, 1 cup 100 c

Coffee, black none

Coffee, with 2 tablespoons cream and 2 teaspoons sugar 100 c

Tea, black none

Tea, with milk and sugar 100 c

Chocolate milk, x /i cup 100 c


No. of Calories

Orange juice (juice of 1 orange) . . . . 100 c

Tomato juice, 1 cup .... .... 50 c

Pineapple juice, 3 A cup 100 c

Grape juice, 2/3 cup 100 c

Apple cider, 1 cup 100 c

Grapefruit juice, 1 cup 100 c


White bread, 1 slice plus Vs " slice of butter 100 c

Rye, 1 slice plus Vs" slice of butter . . . 100 c

Whole-wheat, 1 slice plus Ya " slice of butter 100 c

Cinnamon buns, 1 small 100 c

Coffee cake, 1 small piece 100 c

Plain muffins, 1 medium 100 c

Bran muffins, 1 medium 75 c

Waffles, 1, 6" in diameter, without butter

and syrup 250 c

Pan and griddle cakes, 1, 4Vi" diameter 100 c

Baking powder biscuits, 1 medium ... 95 c

Melba toast, 2, Yi" slices 100 c

(Mild toasting of any bread—white, rye or wholewheat—does not change the caloric value of the bread, so don't heap on the butter after youVe toasted your bread, thinking you've cut down on

some of the calories.)

Ry-Krisp, 2, Yi" slices 50c


Shredded wheat, 1 N.B.C. biscuit .... 25 c

Wheaties, 3 A cup 100c

All-Bran, ^ cup 100 c

Bran flakes, 3 A cup 95 c


No. of Calories

Puffed rice, 1 cup 105 c

Grape-Nuts, 3 tablespoons 55 c

Oatmeal, 1/3 cup 100 c

Farina, 3 A cup 100 c

(Of course milk or cream and sugar added are all extra calories.)


(Made with Two Slices of Bread)

Peanut butter 300 c

Tuna fish 300 c

Chopped egg 300 c

Sliced chicken 300 c

Hamburger 300 c

Cheeseburger 300 c

Ham 300 c

Cottage cheese 200 c

American cheese 300 c

Swiss cheese 300 c

Cream cheese 300 c

(Note: If mayonnaise is used add 100 calories extra for each tablespoon. Also, if butter is used, remember 1 square of butter has 50 calories.)



Caramels, 1 100 c

Chocolate creams, 1 large 100 c

Chocolate fudge, 1" cube 100 c

Jelly beans, 6 to 7 50 c

Peanut brittle, 2, Vi" square 100 c

Chocolate mints, 2 100 c


No. of Calories

Popcorn, sugared, Vi cup 100 c

Candy bars, 1, 5tf plain 250 c

ice cream:

Plain vanilla, V* cup . . 100 c

Plain chocolate, Vi cup 250 c

Plain strawberry, Vi cup 150 c

Plain coffee, Vi cup 200 c

Ice cream sodas, 1 glass 300 c

Hot fudge sundaes 400 c

Butterscotch sundaes 375 c

nuts, tidbits:

Peanuts, 1/3 cup or 9 large nuts .... 100 c

Cashews, 10 nuts 100 c

Potato chips, 9 100 c

French fried potatoes, Vi cup 150 c

Peanut butter, 1 tablespoon 100 c


Devil's food 200 c

Angel food cake, 3" x 2" x 2" 100 c

Plain white cake, small piece 100 c

Doughnuts, 1/3" in diameter 200 c

Chocolate layer cake 100 c

Cup cake, 1 small 100 c

Sponge cake, 3" triangle 200 c

Pound cake, 2" x2"x 1 /4 w 100 c

Fruit cake, 2" x 2" x 1" 300 c


Graham crackers, 2, Vi" square . . . . 100 c

Oatmeal cookies, 2 100 c

Soda crackers, 3, 2" square 50 c

Chocolate cookies, 3 50 c


No. of Calories

Toll House cookies, 2 100 c

Butter cookies, 2 100 c

Macaroons, 1, Vi" in diameter .... 100 c

Vanilla wafers, 4 100 c

Brownies, 1 100 c

Gingersnaps, 4 100 c

Whole-wheat wafers, 1 14 c

Chocolate-covered graham crackers, 2 . . 150 c


Apple, 1/6 pie 350 c

Apricot, 1/6 pie 350 c

Berry, 1/6 pie 350 c

Custard, 1/6 pie . . 150 c

Lemon meringue, 4" section 250 c

Mince, 3" section 250 c

Pumpkin, 1/6 pie 150 c


Bread pudding, Vi cup 100 c

Brown Betty, Va cup 100 c

Chocolate, Vi cup 300 c

Custard, Vi cup 150 c

Floating island, 1/3 cup 100 c

Jello, cup 100 c

Junket, V2 cup 100 c

Prune whip, V2 cup 100 c

Rice custard, X A cup 150 c

(So, you heavyweights, when you're hungry for a snack, look back here first, and turn around and grab a piece of fruit, and just the reverse for you girls who weigh 10 pounds less than a straw hat, you reverse and dive into a large dish of high calorie pudding or a piece of that luscious chocolate cake.)



No. of Calories

Catsup, chili sauce, 2 tablespoons ... 50 c

Cranberry sauce, V2 cup 150 c

Cream sauce, IVa tablespoons 100 c

Hollandaise, 2 tablespoons 150 c

Meat gravy, 3 tablespoons 50 c


French, 1 tablespoon (full) 100 c

Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon 100 c

Miracle Whip, 1 tablespoon 100 c

Roquefort, 1 tablespoon (full) 100 c

Thousand Island, 2 tablespoons 150 c

Vinegar none


Brown, 4 teaspoons 50 c

White, granulated, 5 teaspoons .... 100 c

Cubes, 4 large 50 c

Powdered, 2 tablespoons 100 c


Asparagus, fresh, 18 pieces, 3" long ... 50 c

Baked beans, 1/3 cup 100 c

String beans, 1 1/3 cup 50 c

Lima beans, V2 cup 100 c

Beets, 2/3 cup 100 c

Broccoli, 3 A cup 50 c

Brussels sprouts, 1 1/3 cup 50 c

Cabbage, boiled, 1 2/3 cup 50 c


No. of Calories

Carrots, 1 cup 50 c

Cauliflower, 2 cups 50 c

Celery, raw, 2 stalks 7 c

Corn on the cob, 1 ear, 8" long .... 100 c

Cucumbers, 1, 5" long 10 c

Kale, 1 cup 50 c

Lettuce, 2 leaves 6 c

Olives, green, 5 large 50 c

Olives, ripe, 6-7 100 c

Onions, creamed, 1/3 cup 100 c

Onions, raw, 2, 2" in diameter 50 c

Peas, canned, 2/3 cup 50 c

Peas, fresh, 2/3 cup 100 c

Peppers, green, 1 15 c

Potatoes, baked, 1 small 100 c

Potatoes, boiled, 1 medium 100 c

Potatoes, fried, Vi cup 100 c

Sweet potatoes, Vi medium 100 c