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Sauerkraut, 11/3 cup 50 c

Spinach, IY2 cup 50 c

Succotash, 3 A cup 200 c

Tomatoes, canned, 1 cup 50 c

Tomatoes, fresh, 2 small . 50 c

Water cress, Y2 cup 6 c



Apples, 1, 3" in diameter 100 c

Bananas, 1 medium . 100 c

Cantaloupe, Vi , 5" in diameter .... 50 c

Grapes, 20-25 100 c

Grapefruit, Vi 50 c

Honeydew melon, 1/3 . 100 c


No. of Calories

Oranges, 1 medium 100 c

Peaches, 1 medium 50 c

Pears, 1, 3" long 50 c

Pineapple, 2/3 cup diced 50 c

Plums, 2, 2V 2 " long ........ 50c

Raspberries, 1 cup 50 c

Strawberries, 1 cup 50 c

Tangerines, 2, 2" in diameter 50 c

Watermelon, 1 slice 100 c


Applesauce, 3 /s cup 100 c

Apricots, 5 halves 100 c

Fruit salad, 3 A cup 100 c

Grapefruit, Vi cup 50 c

Peaches, 3 halves 150 c

Pears, 3 halves 100 c

Pineapple, 2 slices 150 c

Plums, 3 100 c

Raspberries, 3 A cup 150 c

Strawberries, 3 A cup 150 c

(The calorie figures above are for fruit packed in medium syrup. When the fruit is packed in heavy syrup add an extra 50 calories per tablespoon of juice.)



Boiled, or poached, 1 large 70 c

Fried, 1 small 100 c

Omelet (2 eggs) 200 c

Scrambled, 2 200 c


No. of Calories


Corned, 4" x 3" x %" 200 c

Liver, 3" x 3" x 3 /s" 100 c

Pot roast, 3" x 3" x 2" 150 c

Prime rib roast, 1 slice, 5" in diameter . . 200 c Ground round patty, broiled, 2Vi " in diameter

Va " thick 100 c

Sirloin steak, broiled, 3" x 2" x 2" . . . 200 c

Stew with vegetables, 6 tablespoons . . . 100 c

Tongue, 2 slices 100 c


Chops, broiled, 2 small 200 c

Roast leg of lamb, 2 slices 200 c


Bacon, broiled, crisp 2 slices, 7" long . . 50 c

Ham, 1 slice, 4" in diameter x Vs" . 100 c

Chop, broiled, Va" lb 200c

Roast, Va lb 200 c

Bologna, 1 slice, 3" in diameter 100 c

Frankfurter, 2, 7" long 300 c


Cutlet, broiled, 2 small 200 c

Roast veal, 2 slices, 4" x Va " 150 c


Chicken, broiled, Vi small 100 c

Roast chicken, 2 slices, 4" x 2" x Va" 100 c

Roast duck, 3" x 3" x ^" 250 c

Turkey, breast, or other white meat,

4" x 3" x Va" 100c


No. of Calories


Bluefish, 2" x 2" x 1" 100 c

Codfish, 2" x 3" x 1" 50 c

Mackerel, 2" x 4" x 2" 150 c

Salmon, 3" x 4" x 3 A" . 200 c

Shrimp, 10 medium 100 c

Swordfish, 1 steak 250 c

Tuna, Vi cup 100 c

(The above list contains most of the foods generally eaten by the average high school teen-age girl.)


Accessories, 77

for variety, 90 Acne, 23-24

Agencies, model, 104-105 B

Baby oil, 30

Baby-sitting, 92-93

Bad breath, prevention of, 70

Bargains, 89

Baths, importance of, 69 Beauty, 31 Blackheads, 27-28 Body, growth of, 5-6

personal inventory of, 6-7 Bras, 76

Breakfast, importance of, 8

menus, 9 Brother, usefulness of, 2 Budgets, 97-98


Calories, 7

for underweight, 18-19

table, 133-142 Carriage, for tall girls, 61

importance, 57 Check-up, morning, 78 Cleanliness, 24-25, 68-69

of dress, 73-74 Clothes, alterations in, 85

choice, 79, 88-89

personality in, 83

size, 84-85

variety, 90 Cologne, 69-70 Colors, choice of, 80-82 Complexion, 22

types, 80 Cooking, 94-95

Coordination, muscular, 66-67 Cornell, Betty, 1-4

career as model, 3-4

education, 4 Cornell, Bob, 2

Crowd, the, 114-117 Feet, care of, 53-54

Cuticle, 51 Figure, teen-age, 5


Fingernails, care of, 51-53 Foods, basic, 20

Dancing, posture in, 60-61 Dandruff, 34-35 Deodorants, 69 Desserts, danger in, 12 Diet, common-sense of, 19-20

effect on skin, 23

for overweight, 7-17

for underweight, 17-19

supervision of, 7 Diets, trick, 16-17 Dinner, menus, 14-16

problems, 13-14 Doctor's advice, importance of, 7

Dress, color in, 80-82 neatness, 73-74 line, 80


Exercises, 120-130 Eyebrow pencil, 50 Eyes, care of, 49-50


Gestures, 66

Girdle, importance of, 74 Glasses, 49

Grooming, good, 68-78 cleanliness in, 69 details in, 77-78 in dress, 73-76


Hair, adaptability of, 33 care, 32-43 brushing, 35 cutting, 40 setting, 37-39 shampooing, 36-37 health, 33 importance, 32 styling, 40-42 Hair-dressing, styles of, 40-42 Hands, care of, 50-53

control, 66 Heels, height of, 61-62

Faces, types of, 40-41 Fads, 115

Fashion, following of, 43 individuality in, 113 trends, 88


Ice cubes, for complexion, 27 Indi viduality, 113 Integration, 114



Jobs, part-time, 92-93 steady, 92 summer, 95


Legs, management of, 66 Line, in dress, 80 Lipstick, 47

Lunch, suggestions for, 11-12 M

Makeup, 44-54

eyes, 49-50

mouth, 47-48

natural, 45

problems, 44-54 Manicure, 51-52 Mascara, 50 Menus, breakfast, 9

dinner, 14-16 "Mix and match," 90 Model agencies, 104-105 Model schools, 104 Modeling, 55-67

carriage, 57

muscular control in, 56, 63 requirements for, 102 stance, 57 training, 104 types, 103 walk, 57-59 Money for extras, 91-105 baby-sitting, 92-93

cooking, 94-95

vacation jobs, 95 Mouth, makeup for, 47-48 Mouthwash, 49, 70-71


Nail polish, 51-52


Overweight, problem of, 7


Parties, money-raising, 96-97 Perfume, 70 Permanent, home, 39 Personality, 83

acquirement of, 110

attributes, 110-113

importance, 106-118

integration of, 114 Perspiration, 69

Photographs, posing for, 64-67 Pimples, 28-29 Popularity, 110 Posing, 64-66

for yearbook photograph, 67 Posture, for tall girls, 61

importance, 56-57

in dancing, 60-61

in walking, 57-59 Powder, application of, 46

choice, 45


Rashes, 30 Rouge, 46-47


Salads, 12 Saving, 98

Self-analysis, 117-118

Sewing, 85-86

Shampooing, 36-37

Shaving, 71-72

Shoes, choice of, 61-62

Skin, cleansing of, 24-27 effect of diet on, 23-24 effect of dirt on, 24-25 oiliness of, 28, 29, 30 problems, 22-31

Slips, 77

Snacks, between-meal, 7-8 Soap, for oily skin, 29-30

importance, 24-25

types, 26 Stockings, 76 Style, individual, 114


Teaneck, N.J., 2, 4

Teeth, care of, 48-49 Toenails, 53-54 Tolerance, 111 Travel, value of, 4


Underwear, care of, 73-74, 76 V

Vitamins, 20


Walk, model's, 57-59 Wardrobe, high school, 86-87 Washcloth, 27

cleanliness, 25, 27 Weight, correct, 19-20 Whiteheads, 29


Yearbook photograph, 67 Youth Center, 4

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