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Scott and Noel smiled at each other. “Nope,” they echoed.

Nerves filled Noel as Keith drove them first to a place she’d never been before.

As Keith pulled into a parking space in front of the tattoo shop that also had a sign for a piercer, he glanced into the rearview mirror. “Again, last chance to back out.”

She shook her head. “Not backing out, Sir.” He’d surprised her by this, because he hadn’t mentioned this part of the plan to her or Scott.

Who looked equally startled, but also wasn’t backing out.

They had an appointment, apparently, and were sent right back.

It was the same man who’d done both their nipples, and he greeted Keith with a handshake.

“Is everything ready?” Keith asked.

“Yep. Just like you asked for.”

Inside the room, with the door closed behind them, Keith snapped his fingers at Scott. “Pants down, and up on the table.”

He’d ordered Scott to wear boxers instead of briefs today.

Now, Noel understood why.

She gulped a little when she realized what that meant.

But Scott didn’t hesitate, even when the piercer had him sign the forms and showed him the needle and the captive bead ring that would be his new Prince Albert piercing.

Through the end of his cock.

Keith wore a decidedly evil grin as he grabbed a fistful of Scott’s hair and tipped his head back. “Who’s my good boy and is going to get pierced for me?”

“Me, Sir,” Scott whispered.

Even Noel was getting wet from Keith’s tone of voice.

Keith crushed his lips down on top of Scott’s, swallowing the man’s yelp of pain as the piercer did what he needed to do.

Five minutes later, Scott was shakily getting to his feet and gingerly pulling up his boxers and pants.

Then Keith looked at her. “Panties off, girl.”

Without argument, she did, getting up on the table. After signing the forms, Keith pulled her dress up and had her lay back, his hands pinning hers over her head, staring down at her from where he stood at the head of the table.

“Who’s my good girl and is going to get pierced for me?”

“Me, Sir,” she whispered.

She winced as the piercer swabbed antiseptic over her clit.

Keith grinned. “This is going to hurt. But when it’s over, and once it’s healed, guess what? It’s going to feel fucking amazing.” He leaned in, kissing her, distracting her so much that when the piercer prepared and made the actual pierce, she screamed into Keith’s mouth, not so much from pain but from shock and the locale.

Although yeah, it did fucking hurt. At least the pain started fading almost immediately, unlike her nipples, which had painfully ached for a week before she could tolerate the men even touching them.

Keith chuckled, finally raising his head and grinning down at her. “Oooh, baby. Now you both really match. And I’m so fucking hard, you are both going to get a load in your asses later tonight when we get home.”

* * * *

Their next stop was Venture. And when Keith led them inside, Tilly greeted them with hugs. “You damn sadist,” she chided Keith. You got them pierced where we couldn’t see.”

“Yeah, well, he was too busy to leave the shop, and I didn’t want to reschedule the collaring.”

Her clit still throbbed, but it’d already changed to an ooh, goody kind of throbbing.

Or maybe it was just because Keith had trained both of them so well to get aroused by pain, always following it with a reward later.

She wasn’t exactly sure how Scott would get his reward based on the piercing, but maybe she could at least get one.

Their friends were in attendance, and as Loren called for everyone’s attention, Keith led Noel and Scott to the front of the room, where a matching set of pillows had been placed.

He pointed at both of them, and at the pillows.

They immediately sank to their knees on the pillows as Keith moved to stand between them.

Loren started. “Well, folks, this is a new one, even by our standards. I know many of you met Scott and Noel when they first started their journey into the kinky lifestyle, and yes, this is as confusing as it looks. Gilo, what say ye?”

“I got nothing,” he called out from the back of the room. “I thought me and Abbey had the market cornered on confusing you all.”

“Yeah,” Tilly called out from where she stood behind Loren, “well, you’ve lost that title, dude.”

“Dammit,” Gilo muttered.

The room erupted into titters of laughter that quickly settled.

Loren continued. “Keith comes before everyone today and wishes to publicly claim his two slaves. To publicly state his feelings in the only quasi-official way he can.”

He turned and faced the room. “Some of you, I’ve known a long time, since I first came out and moved to Florida. Some not quite as long, from when I first started my kinky journey, and some of you I’ve only recently met. If you’d told me this was where I’d be today, and what I’d be doing, I’d have told you you were crazy.”

He put his hands on Scott and Noel’s heads. “I’m blessed with not one, but two people who love me, who love each other, and with whom I’ve found peace and happiness that I never dreamed possible. I trust them, I love them, and I’ve sworn to protect and care for them.”

He turned to Scott. “Boy, today I want to publicly collar you as mine. This means even though you are married to her, you are owned by me, and first and foremost you belong to me. Is this what you want?”

“Yes, Sir. I want to be yours.”

Tilly stepped forward and held something out. Noel realized it was a ring box.

Keith reached down and removed the wedding ring from Scott’s left hand and transferred it to his right ring finger. Then he slipped the ring he took from the ring box onto Scott’s left ring finger.

“From this day forward, unless you ask me to uncollar you, you belong to me. Do you accept this of your own free will?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

Keith leaned in and kissed him, long and deeply.

Then he turned to Noel.

He stared down at her, sending her nerves fluttering. No matter what, that look always made her horny, wet, and feel like she was a feather facing down a hurricane.

And she loved it.

“Girl, today I’m going to publicly collar you as mine. As with him, even though you’re married to him, you are owned by me, and first and foremost you belong to me. Is this what you want?”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir. I want to be yours.”

Her heart pounded as he slid her wedding and engagement rings off her left ring finger and transferred them to her right hand. Then he slipped his band onto her finger.

“From this day forward,” he said, “unless you ask me to uncollar you, you belong to me. Do you accept this of your own free will?”

She nodded, struggling not to cry happy tears. “Yes, Sir, I do.”

He leaned in and kissed her, slowly, sweetly.

Then he held out his hands to them both and helped them to their feet.

Apparently, there was one more thing.

He opened the ring box again. Inside, one more band, one that matched theirs. “If you are certain this is what you want, the two of you take that band and put it on my finger. Because even though I own you both, I also belong to you. My heart, my love, my protection, my trust, my life.”

Okay, now Noel’s eyes teared up. She and Scott, together, reached in and withdrew the band. They each held his hand up while sliding the band onto his ring finger.

Behind them, Loren spoke up. “Okay, I now pronounce you Master and slaves. You may kiss your property.”

Keith grinned, reached out and grabbed a fistful of hair on each of them, and drew them in. “Love you both, my sweet pets.”

He kissed Noel, then Scott.

“Love you, too, Sir,” they echoed.

“You guys have made me the happiest I think I’ve ever been in my life.”