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A brush, a caress, a whisper of skin and a tangle of limbs.  We join together to create a new being.  A living, pulsing creature of lust and love and feeling.  I move, she reciprocates with perfection.  As if she were made for me.  As if she’s anticipated my every move and responds with the practiced counterpart of a longtime lover.

My body hovers above her, naked chest to naked breasts.  I shudder as her warmth seeps into my flesh, through my bones, wrapping itself around my heart.  Cocooning the organ.  Soothing it.  My mind screams at me to take and take and take, but I maintain a level of self-control.  This isn’t about me, this is about Tatum.  So I give.  I give with my body, with gentleness and pleasure.

Skimming down soft curves and heat, my hand slides slowly between her parted thighs.  I’m met with the softest skin, like a ripened peach, and heat envelopes my fingers as I slowly sink one finger deep inside.  Tatum exhales a breathless moan as her back arches, and her hips slowly rock with my hand.  Her sounds tear me to shreds.  Everything I thought I knew about sex, about giving and taking pleasure is obliterated by the pleading and moans skating past her lips.



Oh, God


Licks of pleasure curl up my spine from the base to my neck, and like a hand pressing me down, my back bows to capture one hard, rosy nipple between my lips.  I suck hard, twirling the bud with my tongue, and I can sense her impeding climax in the increase of her breaths and the way her body clenches my relentless finger.  She’s teetering, but something is holding her back.  Lowering myself to an elbow, my other hand begins toying with her breast while I tear my mouth away from the other with a soft pop.  I need to get her there.  To show her this is the best way.

“Don’t fight it.  Get out of your head.  Let yourself feel how good this is, how good we are together,” I whisper into the curve of her neck before biting and licking the delicate skin.

“I c-can’t.  Oh, God,” she cries when I bite down above her collarbone.  My intention was to derail her train of thought, but I can feel her body’s reaction to the slight pinch of pain.

I nip her again.  This time below her ear where I whisper, “You can.  Feel me, Tatum.  Feel this.”  I twirl my finger deep inside her, pressing against the inner wall of her sex.  She gasps.

“You’re incredible.  We’re incredible.  I’ve never felt anything like this before.  I need you to come for me, Tatum.  Trust me.  Let go.”

She’s fighting.  Tensing and shaking, yet rocking her hips against me faster.  She wants to come.  Her body is greedy with my finger, and half a minute later, I feel her whole body go rock solid before jerking and shattering beneath me.  A light sheen of sweat coats her skin, and she’s panting to catch her breath.

I don’t let her get her wits about her.  Positing myself between her legs, I roll on the condom I had left out earlier and place the head of my erection at her slick entrance.  My muscles tense and shake with the overwhelming need to slam inside her.  To fill her up and beg her to never let me go.

“Tell me if it’s too much and I’ll stop.  But don’t think, Tatum.  Feel me.  Feel us.  Concentrate on how good I make you feel.”

Slowly, I begin to make little thrusts inside her.  Giving her the chance to back away, but praying to God she doesn’t.  My senses are on hyper alert, and my self-control is only so strong.

Tatum whimpers, her hands wrapping around to clench hard at my back.  “More.”

“Hang tight, sweetheart.  Focus on me.”  Her eyes snap to mine, looking pure black in the darkness, and my control shatters.  In one smooth thrust I surge all the way inside, filling her deeply with me.

She feels like heaven and hell all wrapped into one.  I’m tortured with the desire to protect.  To save her from herself and her past.  Yet, she feels like the sweetest gift life could give.  The need to show her she’s worth love is almost too much.  I feel undeserving.  My own dark past and choices tug at my consciousness, trying to invade the perfection of this moment.  I need to take my own advice.

I focus on Tatum.  The soft, hooded look in her eyes.  The encouraging flex of her fingers along my spine as I increase my pace, thrusting into her.

I feel Tatum.  The consuming warm heat where we’re connected.  Her legs wrapped tightly around my hips.

I hear Tatum.  The soft moans and murmurs urging me on.  Her voice, high and needy, when she whispers into the shell of my ear, “I need you, Jacoby.”

The thread of my world snaps.  Gravity is sucked out beneath me, and I’m free falling into the wide open universe.  Up, down, left, backward, direction no longer makes sense.  I could tumble for days and no longer have a purpose but something is tugging me back.  An invisible tether pulling from my chest.  Pulling…



To her.

“I need you so much.  Please make me feel good.”

I’ve found a new anchor.  My soul feels like it’s exposed as her words crumble the old Jacoby around me.  Nothing matters.  My life, my past, my job, the consequences.  Fuck.  I think I might even love her.

Taking her mouth in a bruising kiss, I pour every amount of reverence into her.  Everything about this woman is driving me to the brink.  Losing control, unable to hold back much longer, I reach a hand between our flushed bodies, finding the spot to make her lose control with me.  I circle the sensitive nerves above where our bodies are joined, and Tatum gives an involuntary jerk.  Slowly, I circle the nerves again picking up the pace with my hips.

“Come on, Tatum.  Give it to me again,” I grit out through clenched teeth.  Trying to wait for her.  Needing to wait for her.

“Just like that, Jacoby.  More,” she cries as I increase the pressure on her clit.

She begins to crack, little spasms shoot along my dick as I pound into her.  With a long wail, her back arches off the bed, and she shatters once more beneath me.  The sensation of her climax steals my breath, taking my orgasm along with hers.

“Oh, God.  Fuck.” I can’t keep the words in my head as a burst of white explodes beneath my eyelids, and I collapse in a breathless heap on top of her.

We lie together for a long while in the pitch darkness of my bedroom.  Our breaths slowly returning to normal, our heart rates decelerating with each minute that passes.  I bury my face into her long dark tangle of waves and just breathe.  Inhaling the sweet scent of apricots and rain and Tatum.  And as the time ticks along and we both begin to drift, I vow to myself that I will never, ever let her go.



When faced with the ultimate decision, you have two choices.  Embrace the situation or get the fuck out of dodge.  Waking up in Jacoby’s room, in Jacoby’s bed, wrapped up in Jacoby, one could say my life was at a turning point.  After everything that happened last night: from the couch discussion, to the almost-sex, to the discovery of my secrets, to the actual-sex, none of that would mean anything until what ultimately would happen this morning.  The dreaded morning after.  We left things on a high note last night, but decisions hadn’t been solidified or agreed upon.  It was just wham-bam-thank-you…Okay, so maybe I’m not giving him enough credit.  If I’m being honest with myself, last night was the most incredible, fulfilling sex of my life.  So upon waking, I did what any sane, normal, rational person would do in this position.

I got the fuck out of dodge.

It would appear Jacoby is a heavy sleeper.  Sometime during the night we had dislodged ourselves from the makeshift comforter burrito, so being careful not to rustle blankets isn’t an issue. We’re both lying brilliantly naked in the open air.  Still, being quiet is imperative to my escape, so I execute a perfect double roll to the end of the bed and slip silently over the edge into a crouch on the carpet.  Crawling across the floor, I gather my clothing, thanking God they all ended up near the same place, and scramble my naked ass out the bedroom door.