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I lower my head, so my hair falls back into place and slowly raise it back up to glance at her. I decide I might as well start my job search.

Tentatively, I ask, “Do you know of any places around here that are hiring? The only experience I really have is bartending and housekeeping.”

Her expression is troubled. She’s biting her bottom lip while she considers my question. After several seconds her eyes light with excitement and she nearly shouts, “Yes! I know just the place!”

Although I know I need a job I am a little leery at her excitement. I mean, seriously? How can someone become so excited about the prospect of referring someone to a possible job opportunity? Something else is going on here and it makes me nervous and cautious.  I decide right then to watch myself around Anna. She’s sweet and seems like a nice girl and I already like her, but she also seems mischievous.

Once she is done bouncing on her heels in her excitement she looks at me with her eyes dancing merrily and says, “Jaxon's Pub needs a bartender. Do you know where it is?”

Yes, I know where it is. I remember driving right past it on my way into town. It was the bar with the motorcycles out front. My previous experience in bartending was back home at an upscale restaurant called ‘The Bryler.’ There was a bar in the restaurant. It’s independently owned by a local family. I worked there while I was in college to help pay for my education. It was there that I met Steven. He was there for a meeting with a client and I had the misfortune of being the bartender on duty. Working in a high-class restaurant was a lot different than working in a rugged bar. I’m not picky though. I know I need a job and am willing to give just about anything a try.

“Yes, thank you, I know where it is.” I tell her and give a little smile.

She returns my smile with a big one of her own and says, “Just tell Jax I sent you over. And don't let him scare you off. He can be, let's just say, intimidating at times. Underneath it all he's a good guy, though.”

Her words make me nervous. There is no telling what I could be getting myself into working for this Jax character. I've had enough drama in my life to last a lifetime. I definitely do not need or want more; especially now, with my life in shambles.

With a few more words, where she informs me that Jaxon should be on shift soon, she walks off to take care of her other customers. I look at my food and, with a desperation that’s pathetic, dive right in. It is the best burger and fries I’ve ever eaten.

Once I’m finished, which took all of five minutes, I gather my purse and slide out from the booth. As I make my way to the counter to pay for my meal, I notice Anna standing next to Nick. They are whispering and glancing my way. They quickly avert their eyes when they catch me looking.

Behind the counter is the elderly woman that was with Anna when I first walked in. She came to the register that sat behind the counter. Her name tag shows that Maggie's Diner is her restaurant. She has white, gray hair that she wears in a bun at the nape of her neck. Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown. Upon closer inspection, she appears to be nearing her seventies, rather than the fifties or sixties that I had originally thought. She’s wearing a white button-up short-sleeved shirt, a pair of tan slacks, and completing her outfit is a pair of black nursing shoes. Over her outfit she has the same colored apron as Anna.

“Hi, did you enjoy your meal?” She smiles and asks in a warm and friendly voice.

“Yes, ma'am, I did, thank you.” I return.

I pull out my wallet, grab some money, and hand it to her. After ringing up my total and putting the money in the register she hands me my change.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Come back and see us again soon.” She calls as I start walking away.

I slowly turn back to her and hesitantly tip up my lips a little and say, “Okay.”

I make my way to the door and push through it to go back out into the nippy air. The temperature has dropped a few more degrees since I had been inside so I slid my hands into the front of my hoodie and approach my car. After unlocking it, I climb inside, more exhausted than I was before I ate. I relax against the headrest, preparing myself for the task ahead- talking this Jaxon person into hiring me.


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