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“Uh, all of it. What promise are you talking about?” I demanded.

Jamieson sighed letting out a deep breath. “The one I made you in the coffee shop over a year ago.”

I racked my brain trying to think what he promised me but my brain was too foggy to recall anything. “I don’t remember.”

He sighed again, this time I could tell it was in frustration. “Are you happy, Jenna?”

“Don’t change the subject, just answer my question,” I argued.

“I am. Just answer mine,” he growled.

“Fine! Yes I am happy. I’m engaged to a great guy and we are getting married.” I bit back at him.

“Do you love him?”

“Of course I do,” I volunteered quickly.

Jamieson didn’t say anything for a minute he just looked at me quizzically.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you really believe that?” He asked sharply.

“Um excuse me but who are you to judge my relationship? You’re an asshole.” I bit back.

“That may be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are lying to yourself right now,” he said, cocking his eyebrow at me.

“Whatever, this was a huge waste of my time.” I stood up to leave but Jamieson grabbed my arm stopping me.

“I’m sorry, please don’t go,” He pleaded, closing his eyes for a half a second. I could see he was silently chastising his own behavior.

Against my better judgment I sat down again and waited for him to say something that made some sense.

“That day at the coffee shop, I asked if you were happy. You didn’t say yes, you just asked what I would do about it. I knew before I even asked you the question you weren’t. You were pretending to be but you weren’t—”

“Jamieson…” I said his name at an attempt to protest but I couldn’t find the rest of the words to tell him he was wrong. I wanted to tell him I was happy again but I just couldn’t.

“I know, Jenna. You’ve forgotten how connected we are, but I haven’t. I promised you that day that I would make sure you would be happy and I meant it. That’s what I’m doing here; I am keeping that promise to you.”

“It’s complicated,” I told him.

“I’m sure it is, but Jenna, it doesn’t have to be.” He gave me a small smile and covered my hand that rested between us with one of his own.

His touch ignited something in me and I immediately pulled back from him. “We can’t Jamieson, too much has happened. Things are different now.”

He tilted his head looking at the ground for a minute before turning to stare deep into my eyes. “I know too much has happened and I realize it was my fault. I know that, but I also know you don’t love this guy.”

“That’s not true I love Cain,” I replied defensively.

“No you don’t. You couldn’t possibly love him, because you still love me. I see it in your eyes, Jenna. You can’t deny it.”

I felt my face flush under his intense scrutiny. “I won’t deny I still have feelings for you, Jamieson but I am going to marry Cain. You and I had our chance and you unfortunately blew it,” I told him and I felt the tears begin to slide down my cheeks.

Jamieson eyes went round with concern and he gently cupped my face wiping my tears. “I will fix this, Jenna, just give me the chance to do so. I love you. I always have.”

I pulled out of his grasp and stood up. “I just can’t, I’m sorry.”

I barely made it to the door of his suite. I was so dizzy. My emotions were overwhelming me. I needed some fresh air so I could think and clear my head. I couldn’t love Jamieson. I couldn’t possibly love him again or was it that I had never really stopped?


It was the night before we were to leave for the Dominican Republic. Julian’s father had insisted on sending his private jet for us to travel in. I was all packed and ready to go. I couldn’t wait to get to the beach. Julian had informed us that we would be staying at his parent’s mansion on the water. We would be leaving first thing in the morning. Our friends had decided to go out, but Jamieson and I opted for quiet evening alone at home. We watched a movie and cuddled. It was absolutely perfect.

It had been a few weeks since the day at the winery when Jamieson told me he loved me. That day changed something in me. I was hopeful, truly hopeful about my life ahead. I no longer was living just day to day I was beginning to picture my life years in advance and in all of my premonitions, Jamieson was right by my side. I was in love with him and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

This moment was significant and I wasn’t even sure Jamieson realized it. Today was the day that marked the passing of our ninety days being married; we could now get a divorce if we wanted to. I knew my answer to that question, but I still wasn’t sure what his answer would be. He had not mentioned anything of our marriage since we had begun spending so much time together.

I decided today was the day to address it head on. After I got dressed this morning I opened up the red velvet Cartier box he had given me all those months ago. I slipped the stunning three stoned ring on my left hand with the matching wedding band and waited for the perfect moment to tell Jamieson I wanted very much to continue to be his wife, if he would have me.

Jamieson was laid lazily next to me on the couch, lightly brushing my arm. He trailed his hand up and down. Just the simplest touch from him sent shivers dancing across my body. I felt my cheeks flush from the contact. I lifted my hand to brush my hair away from my face. The light must have hit the gorgeous diamonds just right because Jamieson snatched my hand instantly seeing it.

“You’re wearing your ring?” He sat up next to me.

“Uh, yeah I decided to wear it today. I hope that is okay,” I told him nervously.

Jamieson didn’t say anything he just continued to hold my hand staring at the ring. I decided I should tell him why I was wearing it.

“Do you know what today is?” I asked him curiously.

His face snapped up to look at me. “No.”

“We have officially been married ninety days,” I announced with a hint of a smile.

“Jenna we need to talk—”

“No let me finish, Jamieson. I don’t want to get a divorce. I want to work on this. I love you and I know you love me. I want to be your wife.”

I watched as he realized what I was indicating and his face changed instantly into a frown. Maybe I had read this all wrong, maybe Jamieson didn’t want to be married.

“James! You need to get out here we have uh…a situation!” Derrick yelled from the front door.

It was late and our friends were finally coming home from their night out. Jamieson jumped off the couch from behind me heading toward the door ending our chat abruptly.

I stayed in place for a minute stunned at what just happened, but I heard shouting outside so I followed after Jamieson.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Jamieson growled at the group of our friends who were standing in the driveway staring at Trinity who had just pulled up in her sleek black BMW.

“I don’t know. She followed behind us through the gates. I couldn’t get them closed quick enough. I’m sorry bro,” Julian apologized.

“Damn it,” Jamieson grumbled as he walked toward Trinity who was emerging from her car.

I followed after Jamieson wanting to hear what Trinity had to say for herself this time.

“What are you doing here, Trinity?” he demanded.

“Well hello to you too honey,” she purred.

“What the fuck do you want?”

Jamieson was so agitated. I came up beside him and laced my hand in his to show my support.

“It’s alright Jamieson; nothing she says can hurt us,” I told him reassuringly.

“Don’t you think it’s time you two gave up this little charade? I mean it must have been exhausting pretending for this entire time,” she spat.

“Jamieson and I aren’t pretending, Trinity. We love each other.” I clutched Jamieson’s hand tighter.