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Страниц: 50
Символов: 301762
В избранное добавлена 1 раз
ID: 250725
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Создана 18 мая 2015 11:54
Опубликована 19 мая 2015 00:47


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What happens when the man you’re married to isn’t the man you married anymore? Clove Calloway knows within an hour of picking up her husband Turner from the airport that something is different. Yet she can't pin point what. Together since College, they know everything about each other. So why has she spent the last few days watching everything he does, hoping for a clue? What could have happened within that week he was gone?One way or another she's going to find out.When Clove invests in the help of her brother Zack, a police detective, she’s afraid her suspicions of infidelity will be confirmed. Terrified that such news will crush her heart, she sets about preparing for the worst. Only to find it's much more than she could have imagined—there is no other woman. Clove’s life is about to descend into a web of deceit, lies and betrayal. Appearances can be deceiving… and only the Master Manipulator will be left standing. “The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” – Henri Bergson

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