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“I thought you might like to know that a certain cute blonde that you may or may not have an interest in just slipped into Nikki’s yoga class,” Jess said, probably with the biggest shit-eating grin known to man on her face. “But, brother, keep it in your pants. Don’t screw up all your and Danny’s hard work over a piece of ass.”

“Did you really call just to tell me who’s taking yoga? Do I not give you enough real work?” I replied. This was another reason why I didn’t date anyone who came into the spa. “And Jess, I don’t need a lecture from you about how to run my business.” Alexa was more than a piece of ass to me, but explaining to Jessica would be pointless.

Her response was hearty laughter, so I slammed the phone down, hoping she heard the loud bang. Then I checked the yoga schedule to make sure I would be in the lobby at the precise time class dismissed.

Chapter Nine


I woke up feeling like a piece of shit, hangover in full force, and the biggest smile on my face. The cotton ball fairy took a shit in my mouth, and no amount of water or toothpaste seemed to help, but the most delicious dreams of Luke whirled around in my head. In my favorite one, we were in a huge, luscious bed in a tropical paradise, waves lapping the beach outside our window, and him massaging my naked body.

“Lex, sweetie,” Luke whispered in my ear.


His hands moved up and down my spine, barely skimming my skin.

“I need you.” His raspy voice was full of desire.

“You have me, Luke. Forever.” I barely got the words out of my mouth before I was flipped over on my back, and his mouth fused to mine. His palms trailed down my stomach until they reached my aching core. Slipping a finger inside my warm, wet body, Luke groaned into my mouth. I drove my tongue into his mouth, needing more of him.

“Make love to me, Luke. Please. I want to feel your cock driving in and out of me.”

“Not yet. I need to taste you first.”

Just thinking about the dream made me want him even more.

When I rolled into the kitchen, Addison was in no better shape than I was, but she lacked the smile I couldn’t wipe off my face.

“Morning, bitch,” I said in greeting.

“Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Addison responded without lifting her head from the table as she clutched her coffee mug. The plain white mug read Coffee makes me poop. Addison was notorious for running to the bathroom after her first cup every day. In college, everyone knew when to steer clear. I gave her that mug years ago, and it still made me laugh.

“Yeah, those shots really did a number on us. All the dancing and the late night eats should have helped. I feel like ass, and my mouth has that nasty taste like something died in there.” I reached into the fridge for more water.

“Fuck alcohol! I’m never drinking again.”

I laughed since those were Addison’s favorite words the morning after a big night. By later in the day, she would be ready to go again.

“I’m going to shower, and see if I can catch a yoga class. I think sweating this out is a good idea. Wanna come?” I asked.

Addison’s response was another groan. I took that as a no.

I powered up my laptop and searched Bikram yoga to see which studio I could attend. Almost all the classes were at the ass crack of dawn or late in the day. Of course, the only place with a class in the next hour was The Rub Down. As much as I wanted to see Luke again, I didn’t want to be a stage four clinger showing up everywhere he was. Maybe he didn’t work Saturdays or maybe he would be with a client, but either way, I’d sneak in and out, and he’d be none the wiser.

Just walking in the spa made me feel physically better.

“Morning, Jessica. Happy Saturday.” I smiled and hoped I didn’t look like a hot mess.

“What are you doing here today?” Jessica clicked a few buttons on her keyboard, ran her finger down the screen, and glanced up at me. “You don’t have an appointment, right?”

“No, I’m here for Bikram. I need to sweat out the booze I drank last night so I can feel a tad bit normal. I don’t see Luke till Tuesday, I think.” I felt a need to defend my appearance, so I added, “This was the only class in the area around this time. I swear I’m not stalking him.” I probably made it look worse.

“Oh, okay, sure.” She paused and tilted her head. “Do you remember where the yoga rooms are located?”

“Yes, thank you. Which room number is the class in?” I asked, not wanting to wander around and potentially be caught by Luke.

“Nikki’s class is in room one, the first door on your right when you step off the elevator on the Namaste floor,” Jessica answered, fiddling with the pen in her hand.

“Thank you, Jessica. See you on the way out,” I called over my shoulder as I headed to the elevator.

“Namaste, Alexa,” Jessica said as she reached for the ringing desk phone.

When I reached the yoga floor, I was thankful I didn’t need a damn locker. They were the bane of my existence, even if they housed those luscious, fluffy robes. I wanted to cuddle up in one and hang out in the Zen room instead of sweating my ass off in yoga, but I needed the workout.

The Namaste floor had the same feel as the rest of the spa. The earthy tones of ivory with small accents of light pink made the hallway feminine and calming. Music piped through the halls was nature sounds of waterfalls and birds chirping. Gorgeous framed photos displayed perfect yoga poses set at sunset on white sandy beaches. At that moment, I wished I were on a beach, and not on Newbury Street. The huge, wooden doors looked like antique farm gates that slid to the side. I loved how manly men like Luke and Danny owned such a girly spa. They knew their market, and catered to it in the right ways.

Only a few people were in the room when I walked in and placed my mat up close to where the teacher would instruct. I started to stretch as other people filed in. This was a great way to stay loose after a night of fun, and get my head in the game for my run with Jeff tomorrow.

The class was amazing. I loved the sweltering heat from Bikram. Nikki worked our asses off, and I felt like a million bucks. Sweating helped detox my body, and after last night, was exactly what I needed. Even though I was a hot, nasty mess, I felt like I could conquer the world. Well, at least until I got home, took another shower, crashed on the couch next to Addison, and passed out.

On my way out, I was grateful, yet disappointed I didn’t see Luke. I had no idea if he was there, and I didn’t ask. What was happening between us confused me, and our goodbye played over and over in my head. His sweet words, the brush of his lips on my forehead, these were dissected at least a dozen times in my head. Yes, I was attracted to him and wanted to explore my feelings for him. But, and it was a HUGE but, did he want to? Did he even date his clients? Or did he feel like it was crossing a line?

My head was spinning. The downward dog and tree poses did clear the cobwebs, but also created more room for questions. Maybe a good run tomorrow would help me find a way to get answers.



Seeing Alexa after class was a bad idea. One reason was my sister. She would be watching my every move. Since I had no idea what I was going to do regarding Alexa, my feelings, and the growing connection between us, I didn’t need the added pressure from Jess.

My main reason for avoiding the lobby was I didn’t want to lead Alexa on or confuse her until I had some answers. So, like a coward, I hid in my office and stared at my computer screen, wishing the numbers made some sort of sense. All I saw, though, was Alexa’s body in the tiny shorts and the minuscule bra top all the women wore to hot yoga.