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“What are you guys doing all the way over here if you were downtown all night? Nothing good to lick over on Boylston Street?” Addison blurted.

I think she was trying to save Alexa from an embarrassing moment by throwing a sexual innuendo on the table.

“Gross, Addison.” Alexa gasped, slapping her on the arm.

“There was one chick that wanted to lick Luke. It was hilarious. But no, if we licked any of those girls, our tongues would have to be cut off,” Danny joked.

I was going to kick him in the nuts if he kept talking about that Wendy chick. Alexa’s head whipped around, and she stared at me with laughter written all over her face. She opened her mouth a few times, as if wanting to ask more details, but in the end, closed it and shook her head while laughing at me.

“I wanted a gelato, but I also wanted to hit up Stanza dei Sigari for a cigar and bourbon. Mainly, I needed to get away from the children and have an adult conversation,” I answered.

“Sorry to interrupt your male bonding session,” Alexa said while trying to remove her feet from my lap.

I held tight to her ankles. “No need to apologize. Sitting here with you beautiful ladies is better than polluting our lungs.” I stared into Alexa’s eyes as I spoke. She really was captivating and stunning.

“Oh shit! You didn’t even eat your gelato, thanks to me and my stupid feet. It’s all melted. Let me go buy you another one.” Alexa moved too fast for me to catch her this time, and she had her shoes on and stood before I knew what was happening.

I managed to grab her arm, and pull her to me. I looked up at her and softly spoke. “Please, sit. I don’t need another one.”

“Are you sure? You were so busy massaging my feet that you only got in a bite or two.” A soft smile graced her face.

Danny and Addison were in their own little world. My finger itched to trace her plump lips. As we held each other’s eyes, my hand drifted up and down her arm. The moment was intense and intimate, almost as if we were having some sort of conversation without words. I didn’t want to think about what we were actually saying, but wanted to enjoy the moment with her.

“I’m sure,” I answered. The urge to pull her down in my lap and lick her luscious lips was strong, but the mood was broken when Alexa sat down again.

The four of us talked until the employees flipped the chairs upside down on the surrounding tables.

“I think they’re trying to tell us something,” I said, looking around the room. “Where do you ladies live? Do you want to share a taxi toward downtown?”

“We’re in the South End. You?” Alexa asked.

“The Ritz down by the Common. We can have the cabbie drop you off first. I want to make sure you ladies get home safely.” It seemed silly for Danny and me to go the extra blocks, but I wanted to be with her as long as possible. It didn’t look like Danny was all that interested in leaving Addison any time soon, either.

“Sounds great. The booze is leaving my body, and the massage has made me sleepy.”

Alexa and Addison stood and grabbed their jackets. Like the gentlemen we were raised to be, Danny and I helped them put them on.

We stepped out onto the sidewalk and signaled for a taxi. Alexa was still a little drunk and unstable in her sexy heels, so I wrapped my arm around her waist to steady her. Then the four of us were whisked away in a yellow cab.

Addison propped against the console to talk to Danny, who took one for the team and sat in the front seat.

Alexa snuggled into my side. Having her tucked in close to me seemed natural. Her body molded perfectly to mine, and felt so nice and warm. The smell of tangerines drifted from her hair, and I couldn’t stop myself from breathing it in.

“Thank you for the foot rub tonight. I’m sure it was the last thing you wanted to do, but my feet already feel better. Your fingers work wonders,” Alexa said, turning her head to look up at me.

She was so close, all I needed to do was lower my head an inch to claim her mouth. It was so tempting, but I controlled myself in an effort to keep it platonic and professional, when that was the last thing I really wanted.

“No need to thank me. It’s what I do. I hope it helps, and your next run is pain free. Saves me time on Tuesday,” I replied with a wink.

When she turned to face the front again, I bent down and kissed the top of her head. Alexa took in a jilted breath upon contact. Maybe she was feeling me as much as I was her.

The rest of the drive, Alexa and I were silent while Danny and Addison chatted quietly around us.

Chapter Eight


The night turned out to be perfect. I danced and laughed with my bestie, and then we ran into the man I couldn’t get out of my head. He looked so good in jeans and that shirt. Well, he was hot in scrubs, but those jeans hugged his tight ass right.

The ride home with Luke and Danny was unexpected. Addison and I lived a good ten-minute drive from the Ritz, so they were going out of their way to see us home. I somehow ended up snuggled into Luke’s side, his muscular arm wrapped around my shoulder, and his fingers lightly caressing my arm. It felt so nice. I wished I were as fashion conscious as those tramps not smart enough to wear a coat so I could feel his touch on my bare skin. He smelled so delicious, and I wanted to just keep breathing him in.

When I turned and thanked him for the massage, he looked down at me, and I swear his gaze dipped to my mouth. All I wanted was for him to lean in and capture my lips with his.

Instead, he replied, “No need to thank me. It’s what I do. I hope it helps, and your next run is pain free. Saves me time on Tuesday.”

Disappointed he didn’t kiss me, I faced the front so he wouldn’t see it written all over my face. The massage was out of duty, and here I wanted to believe he couldn’t keep his hands off me. As my hope evaporated, his lips brushed the top of my head. My breath caught, and I closed my eyes, absorbing the sweet moment.

When we arrived in front of our house, Danny and Luke asked the driver to wait, and got out of the car. Luke took my hand and helped me.

“Thank you, kind sir,” I said in the worst British accent possible.

“Of course, my lady.” Luke replied in an even worse southern accent.

God, he was adorable.

Once we got to our front door, I expected an awkward moment as we said goodbye, but Luke stepped in to give me a big hug. Our bodies aligned perfectly, and we touched from chests to toes.

He bent down to whisper in my ear. “I’m so glad we ran into you tonight. Thank you for being you. See you on Tuesday, Lex.” Then he kissed the top of my head again.

I looked up at him and gave him a huge smile. I had no words. He fucking thanked me for being me. Who does that besides heroes in romance novels or movies?

Danny gave me a small hug and said goodbye, while Luke did the same to Addison. They hopped into the taxi, and we watched until the glow of the brake lights disappeared.

Addison and I were silent as we walked up to our apartment, but as soon as we crossed the threshold and removed our shoes, we burst out talking at the same time, our words coming a mile a minute.

“You go first. Luke’s great. No wonder you have a thing for him.” Addison graciously let me take the first turn.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe he sat there massaging my feet. I seriously want his hands all over my body. All the time. And not at the spa. I want him in my bed. Naked,” I gushed. “Did you see him kiss my hair? It was so fucking sweet.” I bounced around, replaying moments from the night in my head. “What about you and Danny? What was going on with you two while I was in my Luke haze?”

“He’s so god damn hot. I definitely will be asking for him next time at the spa. I want him rubbing up on me. Do you think he would give me a happy ending?” Addison gave me a dirty grin.