At last on a day at morn they came to a wide dale hollowed like a bowl among the rocks. Deep were its sides, but nought grew there save low bushes of scanty leaves and withered grass. “This is the Withered Dale that I spake of,” said Huan. “Yonder is the cave where the great

Here the typescript version of the Tale of Tinъviel ends, at the foot of a page. I think it is improbable that any more of this version was made.


1 For earlier references to Olуrл Mallл, the Way of Dreams, see I.18, 27; 211, 225.

2 The distinction made here between the Elves (who call the queen Wendelin) and, by implication, the Gnomes (who call her Gwendeling) is even more explicit in the typescript version, p. 42 (‘’tis a tale of the Gnomes, wherefore I beg that thou fill not Eriol’s ears with thy Elfin names’) and p. 45 (‘The Prince of Cats, whom the Gnomes have called Tiberth Bridhon Miaugion, but the Elves Tevildo’). See I.50–1.

3 The manuscript as originally written read: ‘Now Beren was a Gnome, son of a thrall of Melko’s, some have said, that laboured in the darker places…’ See note 4.

4 The manuscript as originally written read: ‘I Beren of the Noldoli, son of Egnor the huntsman…’ See note 3.

5 From this point, and continuing to the words ‘forests of the south’ on p. 21, the text is written on detached pages placed in the notebook. There is no rejected material corresponding to this passage. It is possible that it existed, and was removed from the book and lost; but, though the book is in a decayed state, it does not seem that any pages were removed here, and I think it more likely that my father simply found himself short of space, as he wrote over the original, erased, version, and (almost certainly) expanded it as he went.

6 The text as originally written read: ‘came never back to Ellu, but plays…’ (for Ellu see Changes to Names below). As a result of the interpolation ‘but turned towards Palisor’ Palisor is placed in the south of the world. In the tale of The Coming of the Elves (I. 114) Palisor is called ‘the midmost region’ (see also the drawing of the ‘World-Ship’, I.84), and it seems possible that the word ‘south’ should have been changed; but it remains in the typescript (p. 47).

7 The Tale of Turambar, though composed after the Tale of Tinъviel, was in existence when Tinъviel was rewritten (see p. 69).

8 From ‘amazed utterly’ to ‘if Tinъviel were not there’ (p. 30) the text is written on an inserted page; see note 5—here also the underlying textual situation is obscure.

9 A short passage of earlier text in pencil becomes visible here, ending: ‘…and Tinъviel grew to long sorely for Wendelin her mother and for the sight of Linwл and for Kapalen making music in pleasant glades.’ Kapalen must be a name preceding Tifanto, itself preceding Dairon (see Changes to Names below).

10 this Gnome: original reading this man. This was a slip, but a significant slip (see p. 52), in all probability. It is possible that ‘man’ was used here, as occasionally elsewhere (e.g. p. 18 ‘as high as men could fashion their longest ladders’, where the reference is to the Elves of Artanor), to mean ‘male Elf’, but in that case there would seem no reason to change it.

11 Struck out here in the manuscript: ‘Beren of the Hills’.

12 ‘Mablung the heavy-handed, chief of the king’s thanes, leaped up and grasped a spear’ replaced the original reading ‘Tifanto cast aside his pipe and grasped a spear’. Originally the name of Tinъviel’s brother was Tifanto throughout the tale. See notes 13–15, and the Commentary, p. 59.

13 Mablung replaced Tifanto, and again immediately below; see note 12.

14 ‘O King’ replaced ‘O father’ see note 12.

15 In this place Mablung was the form as first written; see the Commentary, p. 59.

16 It is essential to the narrative of the Coming of the Elves that the Solosimpi were the third and last of the three tribes; ‘second’ here can only be a slip, if a surprising one.

Changes made to names in

The Tale of Tinъviel

(i) Manuscript Version

Ilfiniol < Elfriniol. In the typescript text the name is Ilfrin. See pp. 201–2.

Tinwл Linto, Tinwelint In the opening passage of the tale (p. 8), where Ausir and Vлannл differ on the forms of Tinwelint’s name, the MS is very confused and it is impossible to understand the succeeding stages. Throughout the tale, as originally written, Vлannл calls Tinwelint Tinto Ellu or Ellu, but in the argument at the beginning it is Ausir who calls him Tinto Ellu while Vлannл calls him Tinto’ellon. (Tinto) Ellu is certainly an ‘Elvish’ form, but it is corrected throughout the tale to the Gnomish Tinwelint, while Ausir’s Tinto Ellu at the beginning is corrected to Tinwл Linto. (At the third occurrence of Tinwл in the opening passage the name as originally written was Linwл: see I. 130.)

In the tales of The Coming of the Elves and The Theft of Melko in Part One Ellu is the name of the second lord of the Solosimpi chosen in Tinwelint’s place (afterwards Olwл), but at both occurences (I. 120, 141) this is a later addition (I. 130 note 5, 155). Many years later Ellu again became Thingol’s name (Sindarin Elu Thingol, Quenya Elwл Singollo, in The Silmarillion).

Gwendeling As the tale was originally written, Wendelin was the name throughout (Wendelin is found in tales given in Part One, emended from Tindriel: I. 106–7, 131). It was later changed throughout to the Gnomish form Gwendeling (found in the early Gnomish dictionary, I. 273, itself changed later to Gwedhiling) except in the mouth of Ausir, who uses the ‘Elvish’ form Wendelin (p. 8).

Dairon < Tifanto throughout. For the change of Tifanto > Mablung at the end of the tale (notes 12–14 above) see the Commentary, p. 59, and for the name Kapalen preceding Tifanto see note 9.

Dor Lуmin < Aryador (p. 11). In the tale of The Coming of the Elves it is said (I. 119) that Aryador was the name of Hisilуmл among Men; for Dor Lуmin—Hisilуmл see I. 112. At subsequent occurrences in this tale Aryador was not changed.

Angband was originally twice written, and in one of these cases it was changed to Angamandi, in the other (p. 35) allowed to stand; in all other instances Angamandi was the form first written. In the manuscript version of the tale Vлannл does not make consistent use of Gnomish or ‘Elvish’ forms: thus she says Tevildo (not Tifil), Angamandi, Gwendeling (< Wendelin), Tinwelint (< Tinto (Ellu)). In the typescript version, on the other hand, Vлannл says Tiberth, Angband, Melian (< Gwenethlin), Thingol (< Tinwelint).

Hirilorn, the Queen of Trees < Golosbrindi, the Queen of the Forest (p. 18); Hirilorn < Golosbrindi at subsequent occurrences.

Uinen < Onen (or possibly Ъnen).

Egnor bo-Rimion < Egnor go-Rimion. In the tales previously given the patronymic prefix is go-(I. 146, 155).

Tinwelint < Tinthellon (p. 35, the only case). Cf. Tinto’ellon mentioned above under Tinwл Linto.

i·Cuilwarthon < i·Guilwarthon.

(ii) Typescript Version

Tinъviel < Tynwfiel in the title and at every occurrence until the passage corresponding to MS version p. 11 ‘yet now did he see Tinъviel dancing in the twilight’ there and subsequently the form typed was Tinъviel.