Albion Used once of Luthany (England). 304

Alley of Roses Street in Gondolin. 183

Alqarбmл ‘Swanwing’, Tuor’s ship. 254, 265. See Eдrrбmл, Swanwing.

Aman 64, 266

Ambarkanta ‘Shape of the World’ (cosmological work). 325

Amillo Youngest of the great Valar, called also Уmar. 279

Amnon ‘the prophet’. 184. See I. 172.

Amon Darthir A peak in the range of Ered Wethrin. 126

Amon Ethir ‘Hill of Spies’, east of Nargothrond. 128, 135. See Hill of Spies.

Amon Gwareth ‘Hill of Watch’ on which Gondolin was built. 158–60, 163, 166, 168, 171, 175–6, 178, 180, 189, 196, 207, 212. See Hill of Watch.

Amon Obel Hill in the Forest of Brethil. 135

Amras Son of Fлanor. 251. (Replaced Dнriel.)

Amrod Son of Fлanor. 251. (Replaced Damrod.)

Anach Pass leading down from Taur-nu-Fuin. 211

Ancient Mariner See Man of the Sea.

Anfauglith 57, 62. See Dor-nu-Fauglith.

Angainu The great chain in which Melko was bound. 19, 46; Angaino 68

Angali Angles. 306

Angamandi ‘Hells of Iron’. 13–14, 18, 21, 23, 29, 31–2, 34, 36, 43, 51, 56–8, 62, 68, 87, 94, 138, 223, 264, 280. See Angband, Hells of Iron.

Angband 35, 43–5, 51, 57, 61–2, 65–6, 68, 72, 77, 79, 124, 140, 142, 206, 211, 213, 238, 241; Siege of Angband 209. See Angamandi, Hells of Iron.

Angeln 294

Angles 306. See Angali.

Anglo-Saxon(s) 266, 305, 309, 323

Angol ‘Ironcliffs’, Gnomish name of Eriol and of his homeland. 290–2, 294

Angolcynn (Old English) The English people. 291; Angelcynn 300. See Engle, English.

Angorodin The Iron Mountains. 77, 140. See Iron Mountains.

Angrist Curufin’s knife, made by Telchar of Nogrod. 58

Annael Grey-elf of Mithrim, fosterfather of Tuor. 205

Annals of Valinor 300

Arch of Heaven, the Arch See Heavenly Arch.

Arch of Inwл Western entry to the Place of the Well in Gondolin. 182

Ard-galen 62

Aredhel Sister of Turgon, mother of Maeglin. 212. (Replaced Isfin.)

Arlisgion ‘Place of Reeds’ above the mouths of Sirion. 153, 202, 217. See Lisgardh.

Arminas Noldorin Elf who with Gelmir guided Tuor through the Gate of the Noldor and afterwards brought the warning of Ulmo to Nargothrond, 123, 125, 204

Aros The river forded at Sarnathrod. 236–8, 251; identified with the river flowing past the caves of the Rodothlim, 236 (see 244 note 15).

Artanor ‘The Land Beyond’, region afterwards named Doriath. 9, 13, 21, 30, 35, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58–9, 61–5, 120–2, 127–9, 141–2, 223, 230–4, 236, 240, 243, 246, 248–51, 254, 276. See especially 61, and see Doriath, Land(s) Beyond. References to the protection of Artanor by the magic of the Queen: 9, 35–6, 43, 47–8, 63, 76, 122, 132, 137, 230–2, 249–50

Arval An early name of Eцl. 220

Arvalin 286

Aryador ‘Land of Shadow’, name of Hisilуmл among Men. 15, 42, 44, 50–1, 61, 70, 202, 249. See Dor Lуmin, Hisilуmл, Hithlum, Land of Shadow(s), Mathusdor.

Asgon Earlier name of (Lake) Mithrim. 70, 88, 202, 204, 263. See Mithrim.

Atlantic Ocean 261

Aulл 19, 46, 174, 218, 269, 272

Auredhir Son of Dior. 240–1, 251

Ausir (1) ‘The Wealthy’, name of Dior. 240, 244, 251. (2) A boy of Mar Vanwa Tyaliйva. 5, 7–8, 40–2, 50, 59, 311

Avari 64

Avon, River 295–6

Bablon Gnomish form of Babylon. 196, 203, 214; Babylon 203, 214

Bad Uthwen The Way of Escape into the plain of Gondolin. 189, 203; earlier Bad Uswen, Bad Usbran 203. See Way of Escape.

Balar, Isle of 209

Balcmeg Orc slain by Tuor in Gondolin. 181

Balrog(s) 15, 34, 44, 67, 85, 156, 169–70, 174–6, 178–84, 186, 189, 193–4, 212–13, 216. Numbers of, 170, 179, 184, 213; described, 169, 181, 194, 212–13. See Malkarauki.

Bansil ‘Fair-gleam’, the Tree of Gondolin with silver blossom. 160, 184, 186, 203, 207, 214, 216; later form Banthil 203. See Belthil.

Barad-dыr 67

Baragund Father of Morwen. 139

Barahir Father of Beren. 43, 51. (Replaced Egnor.)

Battle of Unnumbered Tears Called also the Battle of Tears, of Uncounted Tears, of Lamentation, and the great battle. 9–10, 17, 43–5, 65–6, 70, 73, 77, 83–4, 88, 91, 101, 120–1, 140, 142, 157, 198, 200, 208–9, 216, 218. See Nieriltasinwa, Nнnin-Udathriol.

Bay of Faлry See Faлry.

Bee of Azure Sirius. 282; Blue Bee 281. See Nielluin.

Belaurin Gnomish form of Palъrien. 281, 328; Belawryn 310

Belcha Gnomish name of Melko. Belcha Morgoth 44, 67

Beleg 21, 47, 59, 62, 73, 76–83, 102, 118, 121–4, 141–2. Called ‘wood-ranger’, ‘hunter’, ‘huntsman’ 73, 76–7, 81, 123; a Noldo 78, 122–3; later surname Cъthalion ‘Strongbow’ 59, 62, 124

Belegost City of the Indrafang Dwarves. 230–1, 235, 244–8; Ost Belegost 244

Beleriand 64, 128, 205, 217, 245, 324; Drowning of Beleriand 251, 324

Belerion Harbour in the west of Britain. 313–15, 317, 322, 324, 330–3

Belthil The Tree of Gondolin with silver flowers, made by Turgon. 207. See Bansil.

Belthronding The bow of Beleg. 123

Beorn Uncle of Ottor W

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fre (Eriol). 290–1, 294. See Hasen of Isenуra.

Beowulf 298, 323; J. R. R. Tolkien, On Translating Beowulf, 331

Beren 11–19, 21–31, 33–41, 43–5, 48–9, 52–63, 65–8, 71–3, 116, 123–4, 137, 139–40, 144–5, 215, 223, 231, 233–43, 246, 248–51, 259, 330. Called the One-handed, of the One Hand (see Ermabwed, Elmavoitл); Beren of the Hills 49; huntsman of the Noldoli, of the woods 13, 237. For Beren as Man or Elf see 52, 116, 139, 215, 248

Bethos Chief of the Woodmen. 101–2, 106, 111, 130, 142; Bethos’ wife (a Noldo) 101, 130

Bidding of the Minstrel, The (poem) 269–71; associated outline 261–2, 265

Bior Man of the Ythlings who accompanied Жlfwine. 319, 321–2, 331–2, 334

Bitter Hills See Iron Mountains.

Blacksword Name of Tъrin among the Rodothlim (later Nargothrond). 84, 128. See Mormagli, Mormakil, Mormegil.

Blessed Realm(s) 34, 82, 266

Blue Bee See Bee of Azure.

bo-Dhuilin, bo-Dhrauthodavros, bo-Rimion ‘son of’ Duilin, etc.; see the names. (bo- replaced go-).

Bodruith Lord of Belegost. 230–1, 234–5, 246–7

Brandir 130–4. (Replaced Tamar.)

Brethil, Forest of 125, 130, 132, 135, 141

Britain 294, 301, 305, 309

Brithonin Invaders of Tol Eressлa. 294

Brittany 285

Brodda Lord of men in Hisilуmл. 89–90, 93, 126–8

Bronweg Gnomish form of Voron. 144–5, 148–9, 156–7, 160, 197–8, 228, 256. See Voronwл.

Brook of Glass Near Tavrobel. 287

Brown Elves See Green Elves.

Buckland 328

Cabed-en-Aras ‘The Deer’s Leap’, ravine in the Teiglin. 134–5

Caergwвr, Caer Gwвr Name of Kortirion in Welsh. 292, 307

Carcaras See Karkaras.

Carcharoth 58–9, 68; ‘the Red Maw’ 68