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I do.

PORTIA Then must the Jew be merciful.


On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.


The quality of mercy is not strained.

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.

‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest. It becomes

The thronèd monarch better than his crown.

His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,

The attribute to awe and majesty,

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;

But mercy is above this sceptred sway.

It is enthroned in the hearts of kings;

It is an attribute to God himself,

And earthly power doth then show likest God’s

When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,

Though justice be thy plea, consider this:

That in the course of justice none of us

Should see salvation. We do pray for mercy,

And that same prayer doth teach us all to render

The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much

To mitigate the justice of thy plea,

Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice

Must needs give sentence ’gainst the merchant there.


My deeds upon my head! I crave the law,

The penalty and forfeit of my bond.


Is he not able to discharge the money?


Yes, here I tender it for him in the court,

Yea, twice the sum. If that will not suffice

I will be bound to pay it ten times o’er

On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart.

If this will not suffice, it must appear

That malice bears down truth. And, I beseech you,

Wrest once the law to your authority.

To do a great right, do a little wrong,

And curb this cruel devil of his will.


It must not be. There is no power in Venice

Can alter a decree established.

’Twill be recorded for a precedent,

And many an error by the same example

Will rush into the state. It cannot be.


A Daniel come to judgement, yea, a Daniel!

O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!


I pray you let me look upon the bond.


Here ’tis, most reverend doctor, here it is.


Shylock, there’s thrice thy money offered thee.


An oath, an oath! I have an oath in heaven.

Shall I lay perjury upon my soul?

No, not for Venice.

PORTIA Why, this bond is forfeit,

And lawfully by this the Jew may claim

A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off

Nearest the merchant’s heart. (To Shylock) Be merciful.

Take thrice thy money. Bid me tear the bond.


When it is paid according to the tenor.

It doth appear you are a worthy judge.

You know the law. Your exposition

Hath been most sound. I charge you, by the law

Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar,

Proceed to judgement. By my soul I swear

There is no power in the tongue of man

To alter me. I stay here on my bond.


Most heartily I do beseech the court

To give the judgement.

PORTIA Why, then thus it is:

You must prepare your bosom for his knife—


O noble judge, O excellent young man!


For the intent and purpose of the law

Hath full relation to the penalty

Which here appeareth due upon the bond.


’Tis very true. O wise and upright judge!

How much more elder art thou than thy looks!

PORTIA (to Antonio)

Therefore lay bare your bosom.

SHYLOCK Ay, his breast.

So says the bond, doth it not, noble judge?

‘Nearest his heart’—those are the very words.


It is so. Are there balance here to weigh the flesh?

SHYLOCK I have them ready.


Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge

To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death.


Is it so nominated in the bond?


It is not so expressed, but what of that?

’Twere good you do so much for charity.


I cannot find it. ’Tis not in the bond.

PORTIA (to Antonio)

You, merchant, have you anything to say?


But little. I am armed and well prepared.

Give me your hand, Bassanio; fare you well.

Grieve not that I am fall’n to this for you,

For herein Fortune shows herself more kind

Than is her custom; it is still her use

To let the wretched man outlive his wealth

To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow

An age of poverty, from which ling’ring penance

Of such misery doth she cut me off.

Commend me to your honourable wife.

Tell her the process of Antonio’s end.

Say how I loved you. Speak me fair in death,

And when the tale is told, bid her be judge

Whether Bassanio had not once a love.

Repent but you that you shall lose your friend,

And he repents not that he pays your debt;

For if the Jew do cut but deep enough,

I’ll pay it instantly, with all my heart.


Antonio, I am married to a wife

Which is as dear to me as life itself,

But life itself, my wife, and all the world

Are not with me esteemed above thy life.

I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all

Here to this devil, to deliver you.

PORTIA ⌈aside

Your wife would give you little thanks for that

If she were by to hear you make the offer.


I have a wife who, I protest, I love.