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And threw her sun-expelling mask away,

The air hath starved the roses in her cheeks

And pinched the lily tincture of her face,

That now she is become as black as I.

SILVIA How tall was she?


About my stature; for at Pentecost,

When all our pageants of delight were played,

Our youth got me to play the woman’s part,

And I was trimmed in Madam Julia’s gown,

Which served me as fit, by all men’s judgements,

As if the garment had been made for me;

Therefore I know she is about my height.

And at that time I made her weep agood,

For I did play a lamentable part.

Madam, ’twas Ariadne, passioning

For Theseus’ perjury and unjust flight;

Which I so lively acted with my tears

That my poor mistress, moved therewithal,

Wept bitterly; and would I might be dead

If I in thought felt not her very sorrow.


She is beholden to thee, gentle youth.

Alas, poor lady, desolate and left.

I weep myself to think upon thy words.

Here, youth. There is my purse. I give thee this

For thy sweet mistress’ sake, because thou lov’st her.




And she shall thank you for‘t, if e’er you know her.—

A virtuous gentlewoman, mild, and beautiful.

I hope my master’s suit will be but cold,

Since she respects ‘my mistress” love so much.

Alas, how love can trifle with itself.

Here is her picture. Let me see, I think

If I had such a tire, this face of mine

Were full as lovely as is this of hers.

And yet the painter flattered her a little,

Unless I flatter with myself too much.

Her hair is auburn, mine is perfect yellow.

If that be all the difference in his love,

I’ll get me such a coloured periwig.

Her eyes are grey as glass, and so are mine.

Ay, but her forehead’s low, and mine’s as high.

What should it be that he respects in her

But I can make respective in myself,

If this fond love were not a blinded god?

Come, shadow, come, and take this shadow up,

For ’tis thy rival.

She picks up the portrait

O thou senseless form,

Thou shalt be worshipped, kissed, loved, and adored;

And were there sense in his idolatry

My substance should be statue in thy stead.

I’ll use thee kindly, for thy mistress’ sake,

That used me so; or else, by Jove I vow,

I should have scratched out your unseeing eyes,

To make my master out of love with thee. Exit

5.1 Enter Sir Eglamour


The sun begins to gild the western sky,

And now it is about the very hour

That Silvia at Friar Patrick’s cell should meet me.

She will not fail; for lovers break not hours,

Unless it be to come before their time,

So much they spur their expedition.

Enter Silvia

See where she comes. Lady, a happy evening!


Amen, amen. Go on, good Eglamour,

Out at the postern by the abbey wall.

I fear I am attended by some spies.


Fear not. The forest is not three leagues off.

If we recover that, we are sure enough.


5.2 Enter Thurio, Proteus, and Julia dressed as a pageboy


Sir Proteus, what says Silvia to my suit?


O sir, I find her milder than she was,

And yet she takes exceptions at your person.


What? That my leg is too long?


No, that it is too little.


I’ll wear a boot, to make it somewhat rounder.

JULIA (aside)

But love will not be spurred to what it loathes.


What says she to my face?


She says it is a fair one.


Nay, then, the wanton lies. My face is black.


But pearls are fair; and the old saying is,

‘Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies’ eyes’.

JULIA (aside)

’Tis true, such pearls as put out ladies’ eyes,

For I had rather wink than look on them.


How likes she my discourse?


Ill, when you talk of war.


But well when I discourse of love and peace.

JULIA (aside)

But better indeed when you hold your peace.


What says she to my valour?


O sir, she makes no doubt of that.

JULIA (aside)

She needs not, when she knows it cowardice.


What says she to my birth?


That you are well derived.

JULIA (aside)

True: from a gentleman to a fool.


Considers she my possessions?


O ay, and pities them.

THURIO Wherefore?

JULIA (aside)

That such an ass should owe them.


That they are out by lease.

JULIA Here comes the Duke.

Enter the Duke


How now, Sir Proteus. How now, Thurio.

Which of you saw Eglamour of late?


Not I.


DUKE Saw you my daughter?

PROTEUS Neither.


Why then, she’s fled unto that peasant Valentine,

And Eglamour is in her company.

’Tis true, for Friar Laurence met them both

As he in penance wandered through the forest.

Him he knew well, and guessed that it was she,

But being masked, he was not sure of it.

Besides, she did intend confession

At Patrick’s cell this even, and there she was not.