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The only star to shine.


I am extinct.

There is but envy in that light which shows

The one the other. Darkness, which ever was

The dam of horror, who does stand accursed

Of many mortal millions, may even now,

By casting her black mantle over both,

That neither could find other, get herself

Some part of a good name, and many a murder

Set off whereto she’s guilty.


You must go.


In faith, I will not.


Why, the knights must kindle

Their valour at your eye. Know, of this war

You are the treasure, and must needs be by

To give the service pay.


Sir, pardon me—

The title of a kingdom may be tried

Out of itself.


Well, well—then at your pleasure.

Those that remain with you could wish their office

To any of their enemies.


Farewell, sister. I am like to know your husband fore yourself,

By some small start of time. He whom the gods

Do of the two know best, I pray them he

Be made your lot.

Exeunt all but Emilia

Emilia takes out two pictures, one from her right side, and one from her left


Arcite is gently visaged, yet his eye

Is like an engine bent or a sharp weapon

In a soft sheath. Mercy and manly courage

Are bedfellows in his visage. Palamon

Has a most menacing aspect. His brow

Is graved and seems to bury what it frowns on,

Yet sometime ’tis not so, but alters to

The quality of his thoughts. Long time his eye

Will dwell upon his object. Melancholy

Becomes him nobly—so does Arcite’s mirth.

But Palamon’s sadness is a kind of mirth,

So mingled as if mirth did make him sad

And sadness merry. Those darker humours that

Stick misbecomingly on others, on them

Live in fair dwelling.

Cornetts. Trumpets sound as to a charge

Hark, how yon spurs to spirit do incite

The princes to their proof. Arcite may win me,

And yet may Palamon wound Arcite to

The spoiling of his figure. O, what pity

Enough for such a chance! If I were by

I might do hurt, for they would glance their eyes

Toward my seat, and in that motion might

Omit a ward or forfeit an offence

Which craved that very time. It is much better

Cornetts. A great cry and noise within, crying, ‘A Palamon’

I am not there. O better never born,

Than minister to such harm.

Enter Servant

What is the chance?

SERVANT The cry’s ‘A Palamon’.


Then he has won. ’Twas ever likely—

He looked all grace and success, and he is

Doubtless the prim’st of men. I prithee run

And tell me how it goes.

Shout and cornetts, crying, ‘A Palamon’


Still ‘Palamon’.


Run and enquire.

Exit Servant

She speaks to the picture in her right hand

Poor servant, thou hast lost.

Upon my right side still I wore thy picture,

Palamon’s on the left. Why so, I know not.

I had no end in’t, else chance would have it so.

Another cry and shout within and cornetts

On the sinister side the heart lies—Palamon

Had the best-boding chance. This burst of clamour

Is sure the end o’th’ combat.

Enter Servant


They said that Palamon had Arcite’s body

Within an inch o‘th’ pyramid—that the cry

Was general ‘A Palamon’. But anon

Th’assistants made a brave redemption, and

The two bold titlers at this instant are

Hand to hand at it.


Were they metamorphosed

Both into one! O why? There were no woman

Worth so composed a man: their single share,

Their nobleness peculiar to them, gives

The prejudice of disparity, value’s shortness,

To any lady breathing—

Cornetts. Cry within, ‘Arcite, Arcite

More exulting?

‘Palamon’ still?


Nay, now the sound is ‘Arcite’.


I prithee, lay attention to the cry.

Cornetts. A great shout and cry, ‘Arcite, victory!’

Set both thine ears to th’ business.


The cry is

‘Arcite’ and ‘Victory’—hark, ‘Arcite, victory!’

The combat’s consummation is proclaimed

By the wind instruments.


Half sights saw

That Arcite was no babe. God’s lid, his richness

And costliness of spirit looked through him—it could

No more be hid in him than fire in flax,

Than humble banks can go to law with waters

That drift winds force to raging. I did think

Good Palamon would miscarry, yet I knew not

Why I did think so. Our reasons are not prophets

When oft our fancies are. They are coming off—

Alas, poor Palamon.

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She puts away the pictures.
William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition _47.jpg

Cornetts. Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Pirithous,

Arcite as victor, and attendants


Lo, where our sister is in expectation,

Yet quaking and unsettled. Fairest Emily,

The gods by their divine arbitrament