Amy, "No. Delores in in Memphis."
Wanda asked, "Could she be on the train without youknowing it? Have you been around the train or have you been in andaround the sleeping cars?"
Amy thought and answered, "I've been around thesleeping car, the lounge, the dining car. That's about all."
Wanda said, "There is a lady in the third coach carfrom the engine. She has psychic energy. I think she'sDelores."
Any, "I guess that's possible, but I don't know whyshe would be on this train."
Wanda," I would like for you to walk with me to thecar and see if it's Delores" You can stay in the car behind her andshe shouldn't be able to see you."
Amy, "If she's on this train I want to know aboutit."
They both walked towards the front of the train. Asthey approach the dining car Amy looked through the car door windowand saw Delores in the dining car.
Amy said to Wanda, "That's Delores sitting rightthere. Lets go back to the room."
They both returned to the sleeping car room.
In the room, Amy explained more about the rumors ofpsychic abilities in their family," We're are from an old familyand there have been rumor heard about these abilities in all thegenerations. Today Delores is the only one in the family has therumor attached to her. Between Connie and me we cannot figure outwhy Delores has these rumors connected to her. We have seen nothingthat shows Delores has psychic powers. But for some reason we havethese feeling that there is something about her that isdifferent."
Wanda, "That's not unusual for someone, around aperson who has the powers, to have these feelings. I would like totalk with Connie. Since she seems to be more connected withDelores. I think she could be helpful in figuring out what is goingon."
Amy, "You can chat with her on my computer. I'll gether and tell her what we're doing."
Amy put her computer on the table and after a fewclicks had Connie on. She explained to Connie what they weredoing.
Then she turned the computer to Wanda and said, "Shesaid she would talk to you."
Wanda sent the message, "Hello Connie. I'm Wanda. I'mhere with Amy. I would like to hear just what happen at the séanceyou recently had."
The message from Connie said, "We were in the backroom. She did something. I don't know what it was. Then she turneddown the lights. Then her look changed like she was staring intonothing. I thought for a second that there was someone else in theroom. Then all at once she came out of the trance like state.Nothing else happen."
Wanda sent the return message, "When you had thefeeling of someone being there. There was someone there for thatmoment. The psychic was a fake and she did not know what washappening. So she came out of her faked state of being in contactwith the other side. Who did you ask her to contact?"
A message appeared on the screen," I asked her tocontact Henry Majors my great-great-great-grandfather, the founderof the company."
Wanda, "From what you are saying he was there, butbecause of the psychic, he stayed only for a moment."
Wanda said to Amy, "What we need to do is have aséance to contact Henry Majors.'
Amy, "I completely agree. Is there a place we shouldgo to will it work in this room."
Wanda, "If it works it will work in this room. Wehave to set up the right conditions. It needs to be dark but withsome low light and we need some object that connects with theperson on the other side."
Amy, "I brought some candles with me in case therewas an emergency. But I don't have anything that is connected tothe other side."
Wanda sat and thought a while and said, "Do you havethe cheese?"
Amy didn't know what she meant and asked, "Thecheese?"
Wanda, "The cheese you saw change shape thisafternoon. It's somehow connected with the other side since someenergy came from there which caused it to change."
Amy thought and then pulled out a curved round shapedpiece of cheese from the food container on her bed, "Yes. This isit."
They put the end table in the center of the room.Stood three candles on it and placed the cheese in the center. Theyturned off the lights.
Wanda sat and said nothing. Then she looked intoemptiness. Then she spoke, "Henry Majors."
A fog of white appeared in the room. It took theshape of a person. It took the shape of a female person. The femalewore a dress of the 1920s.
Wanda came out of the trance like state. Amy lookedat the spirit and asked, "Lizzy?
The spirit of Henry Majors wife ,Lizzy, spoke, "Yes.I saw you only a few times in life. I have seen you many times fromthe afterlife."
Amy, "Are you really here?"
Lizzy said, "I am as close to really here as I canbe. I was with Connie but only for a moment."
Lizzy paused for a moment then continued, "I heardthe voice of Connie calling. I went to Mapleville. But the mediumwas blocking the communication, as many do, when they only thinkthey can communicate, but cannot. From Connie I saw her concernthat Delores would use her powers to get the families wealth. So Iwent with you to Memphis and watched as Delores plan unfolded. Shewill switch papers. Then she will appear like Connie. And you areto unknowingly sign over the family wealth to her instead ofConnie."
Lizzy continued, "I was with you when you boarded thetrain."
Lizzy turned and started talking to Wanda, "Then Isaw you on the train and recognized your powers. To contact you Imade the napkin float, above the table."
Lizzy continued speaking as turning, "Then to contactboth of you I made the cheese change at the same time."
The plan was made between the three that they willallow Delores to switch the papers. Then she will be allowed totake that appearance of Connie and come to Amy's room. Where Wandawill cause Delores to hallucinate that Amy signs the papers.
Wanda and Matt and Kim remained in the car untilWanda senses her psychic power increasing. Wanda and Matt and Kimsaw the papers appeared as they came through the door and went tothe table with real papers. The real papers lifted up, floated tothe door, and disappeared through it. They opened the door andwatched the real papers as they floated down the hallway towardsthe front of the car and turn out of sight. After telling Amy notto sign the papers, Wanda left the room. Matt and Kim followed her.They went to the rear of the sleeping car hallway and watched asDelores came around the corner. Then as she walked down the hallwayshe changed into Connie. Connie knocked on the door. Amy invitedher in. Connie opened the door an entered the sleeping room.
Wanda entered the next rear sleeping car. Matt andKim followed. Wanda went into a stare into emptiness. Matt and Kimkeep quiet and watched. Then Wanda immediately came out of thestare.
She appeared frightened and said to Kim, "It's notworking."
Wanda pushed the train doors open and ran to Amysleeping car. Kim and then Matt ran behind her. As Wanda turnedinto the hallway she saw Delores turn toward the door at theforward end of the hallway. She had the papers with her.
Wanda blurted, "Oh! No!"
And ran to Amy's room door. Kim and then Matt ranbehind her.
Wanda opened the room door. She saw Amy calmly seatedin the chair beside the bed. Kim and Matt were at the door.
Wanda, "What Happen?"
Amy calmly replied, "Just what you said she thinksthat I have signed the papers."
Wanda, "It never worked!"
Amy held up her copy of the papers, "It worked."Wanda looked at the paper and saw no signature on Amy's copy. Wandastood speechless.