Wanda, "Of course. It's been nice to meet you."

Amy left going to the rear of the train and hersleeping car.

Wanda, Matt, and Kim started to the front of thetrain and their coach car. As they walked to their coach car, theconductor announced that it was 10 pm. And the lights were turneddown.

The Night

As Wanda passed through the third coach car shewalked by Delores. Wanda continued to the end of the car andstopped. Matt and Kim watched as a dazed look appeared on Wanda'sface. Wanda stood for several seconds with the dazed look. Andafter a few steps stopped and came somewhat out of the dazedlook.

Kim were concerned and asked, "Are you ok?"

Wanda after the look left, "Did you saysomething?"

Kim replied , "I was wondering if you were ok."

Wanda replied, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be ok?"

Kim, "You were just standing there."

Wanda, looking puzzled, Said as a question, "Iwas?"

And then continued to their coach car.

All sat saying nothing.

Wanda sat a while and said nothing, then spoke toMatt and Kim, "There was a powerful energy in the car behind us.Very strong. Very deceitful. I never felt anything like thatbefore."

Matt and Kim didn't know what to say only expressedthe look of bewilderment on their faces.

Wanda continued, "There's something on this train.It's frightening. It's not frightening. I don't know what it is,but there something or somebody on this train."

Wanda got up and walked towards the rear of thetrain. Matt and Kim followed behind her. Wanda reached the car doorand reached her hand out to open their coach car rear door. Thenshe saw Delores get out of her seat and walk to the rear of hercar. Wanda said nothing while she watched Delores open the reardoor of her car and go into the next car.

Wanda opened the door, entered the car and, walked tothe rear of the car. Then she stopped and looked into the next car.She saw Delores and Donald going down the stairs.

Wanda said to Matt and Kim, "She has the energy. It’svery powerful. Deceitful. But somehow it isn't. I just can't tell.It's frightening."

Kim responded, "What are you talking about? What areyou sayng?"

Wanda, "Just believe me. Maybe. Should get off thistrain at next stop. No matter where it stops. I just don't knowthis feeling."

All three began the return to their coach car. Asthey went through the lounge car they passed a young male and youngfemale who were sleeping side by side in chairs in the dimlight.

Wanda walked ahead through the cars and reached herseat. Matt and Kim following behind, arrived and sat in theirseats. No one spoke.

Delores was in the restroom downstairs of the fourthcoach car from the engine. She had several staple papers held upand showing Donald.

Delores, "It's simple. I'll get these papers into herroom and get the real ones out. Then she will sign these papers.Then I will control the family wealth and control the family. Itwill be good for these inferior people I've been stuck with since Iwas born."

Donald said. "Talk quietly there may be someone inthe restrooms."

Delores replied, "There is no one in therestrooms."

Donald said, "How do you know. You haven'tlooked."

Delores repeated sternly, "There is no one in therestrooms."

And looked directly at Donald. Then Donald shiftedhis eyes off of her

She continued with the plan saying, "After switchingthe papers. I will go into Amy's room as Connie and get hersignature on the papers."

She stopped talking and turned into Connie withDonald watching.

Donald said, "I wish you wouldn't do that. It's tooscary. Besides Amy knows Connie is not on the train no matter whoyou look like."

Donald stopped talking and Delores looked at Donald.Donald showed extreme fright and asked, "Connie, What happen toDelores?"

Delores replied, "You don't know I'm not Connie andneither will Amy."

Donald muttered and said, "I really wish you wouldn'tdo these things. It's just gets too weird."

Delores, "I know, ignorant humans don't understandthe powers."

Donald knew it was time for him to quit talking, sohe did. Delores climbed back up the stairs and Donald followedalong.

In the second coach car, Wanda started talking toKim, "The lady back there somehow connected with what's going on,on this train. I don't know what it is, but she's connected withit."

Kim without speaking listened to Wanda. Matt acrossthe aisle listened in also.

Wanda, "This whole thing started when the napkinfloated above the table this afternoon and then the cheese changed.Then Amy in the lounge car. Talking about her granddaughter andgrandniece. And the psychic things within their family. All this isconnected. That is why what is going on, on this train, ishappening. Don't know how it all fits. But it explains the energyon this train."

Kim sat for a while, not saying anything.

Wanda, "I think I’ll talk with Amy again. To find outwhat is going on."

Kim finally answered, "We have no idea where she is.What car she's in or what room she has."

Wanda, "The conductors on the train know where sheis. We could ask them.'

Kim, "They're not going to tell you."

Wanda, "Maybe we could have one of the conductors askher to join us in the café car or lounge car. There's alwayssomeone in the café car. I'm going back to see if they would dothat."

Kim got up and let Wanda out of her seat. Wandawalked towards the café car. Kim and Matt followed along.

They arrived in the café car. Wanda asked the caféattended if he knew if the older lady that had a sleeping car hadbeen around lately. He answered that that could be a lot of people,but he hasn't seen anybody like that.

Then said, "Clyde is in charge of the sleeping cars.He would know where she was. He's always around the dining car orthe sleeping cars. You can go back to the dining car to ask forhim."

Wanda and, Kim and Matt, went to the dining car.Waited a little since there was no one there when they arrived.Them a conductor came from the sleeping car and they found that hewas Clyde. They explained to him that they would like Amy to jointhem. Clyde said he would go to her room tell her they would liketo see her. He said they should wait there and he'll be back in aminute. The conductor left. They waited a few moments and Amywalked into the dining car.

Wanda explained her concerns about the psychic energyon the train to Amy.

After listening to Wanda, Amy said, "Why don't all ofyou come to my room. It’s a much quieter place to sit for a chat.They all went to Amy's car.

Amy's sleeping car was the second one behind thedining car. Her room was the third one from the rear of thecar.

Wanda explained to Amy why she thought somethingsuspicious was going on.

Wanda told Amy the strangeness of the napkin floatingand the cheese changing shape right after the train started. Thatthis was her first feeling of the energy on the train.

Amy spoke to Wanda saying, "I was eating here in theroom right after we left Memphis. I saw a cheese stick change shapehere on the table. It was kind of frightening, but I didn't thinkmuch about it. I have seen many things during my years. I don't putmuch stake in things like that anymore."

After listening to Amy, Wanda is convinced that thelady, in the third car with the energy, caused the two cheesesticks to change shape and the napkin to levitate. Wanda isconvinced this lady is Delores.

Wanda asked Amy, "Is Delores on this train?"