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“You’re not what?” he drew closer to her when he saw the look of despair on her face. “Did Victor threaten you?”

His ability to read her was nerve-wracking. It was an annoying trait he had picked up from their mother. “No,” she lied. “He promised me something.”

His stare turned deadly. “What?”

“That he would let me live my life without interruption.”

“In exchange for what?” he whisper yelled.

“Playing his game.”

“Holy hell, that man is a menace to fucking society. And you agreed?”

She could only nod.

“Of course you did. You’re fucking up again, El,” he gave her an exaggerated sigh. “And you’re going to ruin things with Nate. If he finds out…”

“It doesn’t matter. When this is all over…” she turned her face away, ashamed, but determined. “I’ll be a stronger person for it. And Victor will be… It’s different this time. I’m in control. He’s playing by my rules.”


When she looked up, Nick’s harsh stare had turned sympathetic. “You’re too kindhearted, El. Dumb as hell, but a good person.”

“Don’t tell mom. I don’t want to worry her. Promise me…”

He shook his head and pulled her into an embrace.

“I want updates on your safety. I mean it. If you don’t text or call me daily, I’m coming back here. With mom. And we’re burying that fucker. I don’t care who the hell he is.”

Pressed against his chest, she looked up at him and forced a smile. “It won’t come to that. I promise. And thanks for the party.”

He gave her a questioning glance. “I didn’t do it. Nate did.”


By the time she had reassured Nick that she would keep in strict contact with him, Nate had vanished. Her heart sank, but only a little. Seeing him only reminded her of the bad decisions she had made in her life and was continuing to make.

She no sooner climbed into her car when she received a text message of where to meet Victor.

When she arrived at the swanky hotel in downtown Richmond, she found her way to the designated room and knocked. The door opened, and Victor was standing in the threshold with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Guiding her by the shoulders, he walked her into the room and gently eased her down into the chair several feet from the bed.

“To start with, you only get to watch,” his fingertips traced her jawline. “But if you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you join in.”

Seating himself on the corner of the bed, Victor loosened his tie, ran his fingers through his hair as he swiveled his head around to ease the tension of his neck, all the while never taking his eyes off of her. What exactly was she going to be watching? Him masturbate? She had seen it before, though not often or to completion… Perhaps a sexy strip-tease for her birthday? She smiled at the mental image. Her lips parted to ask what the big surprise was, but he brought a finger to his mouth to shush her.

A quiet knock on the door startled her.

Rising, he reached the door in three long strides. Secretive voices from behind the door could be heard, the second voice just as masculine as Victor’s but with a different, more distinct tone.

Another man.

Her body stiffened and her heart rate spiked. Would she be double-penetrated? Her belly fluttered at the thought. Closing her eyes, she tried to rein in the nervous energy and dread bubbling to the surface. Next she heard heavy footsteps and the door being closed behind them

“Open your eyes, Peach,” Victor demanded. “This is all for you.”

Swallowing loudly, she did as she was told.

The image before her was entrancing: two well put together men in a dimly lit room, their shadows dancing on the wall above the bed, both pairs of eyes keenly fixed on her. The scent of their aftershaves mingling along with the smell of her perfume drifted around the room like an erotic cloud, making her feel giddy and frightened. The stranger’s eyes roamed over her body, one of his eyebrows lifting infinitesimally just before he turned his full attention back to Victor and lowered himself to the floor. The man now on his knees was much younger than Victor, but just as tall and lean; eyes hooded, chin squared, longish, sandy blonde hair slicked back. His short fingers deftly unbuckled Mr. Black’s belt, then unhurriedly dragged the zipper of his slacks down, letting the black pants pool at his feet. A wet tongue darted out and glided up the long, thick shaft that she knew well, then back down the length and nibbled at his ball sack.

Green eyes watched her. Victor’s eyes. Or were they Mr. Black’s?

Sucking… slurping… two hands twisting around and around Victor’s cock in opposite directions before the mouth that didn’t belong to her, engulfed him once more...

She squeezed her thighs together to relieve the ache building low in her belly, her hands neatly clasped together and pressed between her legs. His smirk was visible; his amusement, unmistakable. A sharp intake of air through hissed teeth followed by a long sigh ending in a moan set her nerves on edge. Soft guttural noises drowned out the ringing in her ears, his malachite eyes growing needier as the dark-blonde head bobbed up and down in slow, deliberate strokes.

So completely mesmerized and turned on, Elsa could barely wrap her brain around how gorgeous the two men looked as they got off on each other and that she was actually given the privilege to watch it. Her lover’s stance widened, his eyes rolled back and his hips thrust forward as the man’s grip tightened and twisted. She hadn’t yet blinked and her eyes became bleary with their image.

All of the male-on-male porn she had watched didn’t compare to what was taking place in front of her. So dirty. So delicious. So intimate. And all for her. Her body jerked when she felt her own fingers inside of her, not realizing her hand had slipped under her skirt.

“Fuck yes…” The voice she had grown addicted to spoke softly as his fingers laced through the blonde’s well-groomed hair. “That’s it, take all of it…” He pushed more of his hardness into the greedy mouth around him.

The words uttered echoed undeniable pleasure; the emotion and arousal behind them she had foolishly convinced herself could only be brought on by her. How wrong she had been to think that her mouth alone could bring him such bliss. Her glassy eyes widened at the site of Victor’s concentrated gaze focused not on her anymore, but on the beautiful man submitting to him.

The man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, stood, quickly removed his pants and bent over the bed while Victor slipped on a condom. Stirring in her chair uncomfortably, her movement went unnoticed and it was as if she had become invisible to them, and that she no longer existed. Victor brusquely forced the man onto all fours on the mattress, leaned down over him and growled something into his ear. The indiscernible words and flesh on flesh contact between the two caused hot, all-consuming jealousy to pump through her veins. She had dreamt of Victor and Jordan and their illicit love affair and imagined this very thing, but now faced with it, all she could see was their blood-red reflection filtered through her heated stare.

Victor was hers to please; hers to submit to. Not this stranger who hadn’t earned the right to be in his presence or experience his domination. Hadn’t been put through the hell that she had with Mr. Black. No. Victor and Mr. Black belonged to her and only her.

With angry, unwanted tears streaming down her cheeks, she wiped them away with the back of her hand, smudging her mascara across her face.

What happened next was a blur as she lunged at the two men. Shoving Victor’s body to the side just as he pushed the head of his cock into the young man’s ass, she knocked him off balance and toward the nightstand causing the lamp to hurtle onto the floor and shatter. Throwing herself at the man who wasn’t worthy of her lover’s attention, she fisted his hair and clawed her nails down his sculpted and muscular back, leaving bright-red welts on his tanned skin. Her voice was unrecognizable in her ears as she screeched obscenities at the top of her lungs. A flurry of movements, intertwined and thrashing limbs sent her tumbling and crashing against the headboard as she wrestled him before she heard an unfamiliar, deep voice booming loudly, “What the fuck?”