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Blood dripped from his mouth. He landed a punch on my face, but I hit him back. We were the same size, but I had the rage coursing through my veins. “I’m going to kill you for hurting her.” I punched him again then hit him in the stomach.

His whore sobbed. “Stop! Leave him alone.”

I was grabbed from behind and yanked back. “Calm the fuck down.” Scotty’s voice was in my ear.

“You want to get arrested?” Liam had one arm around me and he was dragging me away.

I tried to get away. I wanted to bury this fucker in the ground then spit on his corpse.

They pulled me out of the bar and into the parking lot.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Scotty looked at me like I was crazy. “You slammed a fucking bottle into his skull.”

“He’s cheating on Alaska.” I shook just from thinking about it. “He’s fucking pussy behind her back. Fucker.”

Liam finally let me go. “You still shouldn’t go ape-shit on him.”

“Leave me the fuck alone.“ I was still so angry that I was seeing red.

Scotty glanced over his shoulder. “You should get out of here. I’m sure someone called the cops.”

“Too bad it wasn’t because a homicide just happened,” I said bitterly.

“Seriously, go.” Scotty pushed me toward my car. “Now.”

“Fine.” I pulled my keys out then got inside.

The other two got into their trucks and drove away. Now that the adrenaline had passed, I realized I had to tell Alaska what I saw. I wasn’t looking forward to this. I hated the guy and wanted her to break up with him anyway, but I didn’t want him to cheat on her. I didn’t want him to hurt her… I left the parking lot and drove back to my apartment, the stress weighing on my heart.

When I reached her door, my heart was beating a million miles an hour. I swallowed the lump in my throat, hating myself for what I was about to do. When I first saw Alaska in that bar, I was obsessed with her. I’d never seen a more beautiful woman in my life. She deserved the perfect guy, someone that worshipped the ground below her feet. But she was with a piece of shit.

I held my fist to the door then finally knocked.

Music played from her apartment. I knew she was working while her stereo relaxed her. I imagined a lost strand of hair falling from her ear while she leaned over, focused on her work. Why was Jace out with another girl when he could be here with her? I don’t understand it. She was perfect, flawless. She was the coolest person I knew. She had the whole package. She had a heart of gold, the body of a supermodel, and she was fun.

She opened the door, wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt. “Hey. What’s up?” Her hair was pulled back and she didn’t wear any make up. But she looked gorgeous.

I didn’t want to do this. “Hey…”

She studied my face, seeing the pain in my eyes. “Is everything okay?”

No. “Can I come in?”

“Sure…” She stepped aside and let me enter her apartment. Then she turned off the stereo and gave me her full attention. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know how to say this…”

She came closer to me, eyeing me. “Ash, you’re shaking.” Her hands moved to my arms, trying to still them. As soon as she touched me, I felt the burn in my heart. Her hands were cold compared to the warmth of my body, but I liked the sensation. Jace could touch her whenever he wanted but he didn’t care. He got to have sex with her whenever he wanted, but he preferred someone else.

Fucking lunatic.

“Ash?” The concern was in her eyes.

“I went out tonight and saw Jace.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Where? He’s working.”

That fucking liar. “No, he wasn’t. I saw him at the Gaslight.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.” I felt the anger seep out. “He wasn’t alone, Alaska.”

Her eyes dilated slightly and she swallowed the lump in her throat. “What do you mean?”

“He was with a girl. They were kissing and touching. And I overheard them talk. They’ve been sleeping together for a while.” I hated myself for telling her this. Why did it have to be me? I didn’t want to tell her, to break her heart.

She dropped her hands and stepped back. Her breathing had increased. “But he wouldn’t do that…”

“I wish I was wrong, Alaska. But I’m not.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “There must be some sort of mistake.”

“There wasn’t,” I said firmly. “I beat the shit out of him until I was dragged out. I got a good look at his face and his tattoo. And he responded to his name. It was he. There is no doubt.”

Alaska stared at the ground, breathing hard.

“I know this is hard for you…I understand. But I’m not making this up.”

She grabbed her cell phone and made a call.

“Alaska, I saw him.”

“I’m calling the firehouse to see if he’s there.”

“He won’t be.”

She stayed on the line until someone answered. “Hi. Is Jace there? He’s supposed to be working tonight. Yeah, I’ll hold.” She stared at me while she waited for him to pick up.

I didn’t want to see her reaction when she realized he lied to her.

“Hello?” Her voice picked up slightly. “Jace?”


“You’re at work?” The surprise was in her voice. “Have you been there the whole time?”

What the fuck was going on?

“I was just wondering…” Her voice became weak. “I’m sorry for bothering you. Bye.” She hung up. “He’s been at work the whole time.”

What the fuck? “Does he have a twin?”


“Then it was him. I know what I saw. I know who I punched.”

She shrugged. “He’s been at the firehouse.”

When I laid out the geography of San Diego in my mind, I realized the firehouse was less than a mile away. “Fucking pussy…”

She stared at me, unsure what to say.

“He ran to the firehouse immediately afterwards because he knew you would call.” I gripped my skull and breathed through the rage. “Fucking asshole.”

She gripped the phone and remained quiet.

“Alaska, you have to believe me. This guy is playing you. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and didn’t look at me.

“Alaska.” I came closer to her, gripping her arms. “He doesn’t care about you. He’s lying to you every day and sneaking around behind your back. That’s why he’s never around. He has a full-time job and another girlfriend. Why don’t you believe me?”

She continued to grip the phone. “Maybe you’re just doing this in the hope that we’ll break up…so you can sleep with me.”

That was a slap in the face. I stepped back, wounded. My hands dropped to my sides and I felt empty, broken. My heart was beating hard but I wasn’t getting enough blood. “Alaska, I care about you. You’re my friend and you mean a lot to me. I don’t just want to sleep with you. There’s so much more…”

She still wouldn’t look at me. “You’ve never liked him.”

“Because he hurt you!” My eyes were about to fall out of my head. “You’re every guy’s fantasy. You should be with a man that makes you smile, that gives you the damn world. If you don’t want to be with me, fine. Whatever. I don’t care. But be with someone that actually deserves you, not this creep.”

She finally looked at me, her body tensing.

“Did the last month never happen?” Was this really happening? “I thought we were friends? I thought we trusted each other? I told you things I never admitted to anyone else. How could you possibly think I would ever manipulate you like that? You’re suspicious of me because I was honest with you from the beginning. Yeah, I wanted to sleep with you. Who cares? But you aren’t suspicious of him? The guy who’s never around? The guy who has to work all the time? It’s like you don’t even know me.”

She turned away from me, her arms across her chest. “Ash, you should go.”

Was this really happening? “You’re going to stay with him?”

She didn’t respond.

Now I remembered why I didn’t care about other people. Because all they did was hurt you.