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‘Somehow Ray found out during that year’s winter school break. Now Ray had always been a very calm person. I’d never known him to lose his head. Actually, I’d never known him to even raise his voice. He was just your regular, everyday, church-going, quiet kinda guy. And that’s what was so out of character about what he did.’

Garcia looked like he was about to ask something but Hunter lifted his hand, stopping him. He didn’t want to rush Anderson.

‘Well, that day Ray completely lost control, as if he was possessed. He went over to Nathan’s apartment and killed him first, before going back to his house and killing his kid, his wife, and then splattering his brains all over the walls with a double-barreled shotgun.’

Anderson coughed and Hunter waited as he heard the cigarette lighter being flicked on again.

‘How did he kill them?’

‘That was the reason why Chief Cooper and Mayor Taylor asked to talk to me that day. Because of the way Ray went about his killing business. Ted Bundy is a boy scout compared to what he did.’ Anderson paused. ‘In Nathan’s apartment, Ray tied him down and used a meat cleaver to cut his . . . penis off.’ A longer pause this time. ‘That was it. Nothing else. Ray simply left him there to bleed to death. Now, you might ask – how come Nathan didn’t scream his head off and alert the whole neighborhood. Well, the reason would be because Ray used a shoe needle and thread to stitch Nathan’s mouth shut.’

Garcia’s eyes flickered towards Hunter.

‘Ray went from Nathan’s apartment back to his house . . .’ Anderson continued, ‘. . . killed his kid inside his truck, and then did the same thing he did to Nathan to his wife, Emily. He stitched her mouth shut too.’

Hunter had stopped writing.

‘But it didn’t end there.’

Hunter and Garcia waited.

‘Ray took what he’d cut off Nathan with him, shoved it inside his wife, and stitched her shut as well.’

Garcia flinched but Hunter’s face remained neutral. His blue eyes locked onto a blank page in his notebook.

‘I still can’t believe that Ray did what he did. Not the Ray Harper we knew. It just couldn’t have been the same person. As I said, it was like he was possessed.’

A short pause, a new cigarette drag.

‘After stitching his wife shut, Ray sat on the floor in front of her and blew his brains all over the room with his shotgun.’

‘And you’re sure those facts are correct?’ Hunter asked. ‘You said you never saw the crime scene for yourself.’

A nervous chuckle.

‘Yes, I’m sure. I didn’t see the crime scene, but I saw the pictures with my own eyes. Those images will be imprinted in my brain forever. Sometimes I still have nightmares about them. And the words . . .’

‘Words?’ Hunter cocked his head forward.

There was no response.

‘Stephen?’ Hunter called. ‘Are you still there? What words?’

‘Ray left his wife tied to their bed all stitched up. But before blowing his head off, he used blood to write something on the wall.’

‘And what did he write?’ Garcia asked.

‘He wrote the words – He’s inside you.


Hunter came off the phone with the Healdsburg Police Department after speaking to Anderson and went straight down to Captain Blake’s office. He caught her as she was getting ready to go home for the day.

‘I need to go up to Healdsburg first thing tomorrow morning,’ he said, letting the door close behind him. ‘I’ll be away for one, maybe two days.’

‘What?’ She looked up from her computer screen. ‘Healdsburg? Why the hell?’

Hunter ran her through everything he’d found out. Captain Blake listened to the whole story in absolute silence, her face immutable. When he was finished, she breathed out as if she’d been holding her breath for minutes.

‘When did all that happen, again?’

‘Twenty years ago.’

Her eyebrows lifted. ‘Let me guess, because that case is older than fifteen years, the files aren’t in the Unified California Police Database, nothing’s been digitized, right?’

Hunter nodded. ‘I’ve searched by date, town and victim names. There’s nothing. The records will be in paper form in the Healdsburg PD storage archives.’

‘Great. So other than the newspaper article and the reporter’s story, what do we have?’

‘I just got off the phone with Chief Suarez in Healdsburg. He wasn’t the chief back then. He was transferred and relocated from Fair Oaks nine years ago, a year after the entire Healdsburg Police Department was moved to its new location. He hadn’t even heard of the Harper case.’

Captain Blake paused and looked at Hunter sideways. ‘Wait a second. Why are you going to Healdsburg? Homicide case files would’ve been filed with the Sonoma District Attorney’s office, and that’s in . . .’

‘Santa Rosa,’ Hunter confirmed. ‘I’ve called them as well.’ He pointed to his watch. ‘After office hours. There was nobody there who I could talk to. But if the case files aren’t in the California Police DB, it means that either the Sonoma DA’s office don’t have them, or they’re piled up in some dusty room still waiting to be digitized. I’d like to have a look at the crime-scene pictures and the autopsy reports if I can get them, but the police and the DA case files won’t help us much. They’ll just describe what happened back then in a little more detail than Stephen did. It was a family murder/ suicide, Captain. Open and shut case. No witness accounts, no investigation records, if there even was one. They had nothing to investigate. Wife sleeps with another man, husband gets jealous, loses control . . . the lover and the whole family pays the ultimate price. Case closed. We have replica cases up and down the country.’

Captain Blake sat back on her chair and rested her chin on her knuckles. ‘And you wanna talk to someone who was involved in the case?’

Hunter nodded. ‘The old chief of police retired seven years ago, but he still lives in Healdsburg. Somewhere near Lake Sonoma. I don’t really wanna talk to him over the phone.’

The captain saw something shine in Hunter’s eyes. ‘OK, talk to me, Robert. What are you really after? Do you think our killer came from Healdsburg?’

Hunter finally had a seat on one of the wingback chairs in front of the captain’s desk. ‘I think our killer was there, Captain. I think he saw that crime scene.’

Captain Blake studied Hunter for a beat. ‘A trauma?’


‘You mean . . . a shock trauma, induced by what he saw?’

‘Yes.’ Hunter ran a hand over his left arm and felt the bullet scar on his triceps. ‘The similarities between what happened in Healdsburg twenty years ago and what we have happening here today are too strong to be coincidental.’

Captain Blake said nothing.

‘The way Ray Harper killed his family . . . the way he killed his wife’s lover . . . even big city, seasoned Homicide detectives would find such a crime scene hard to deal with, never mind a small town’s police department whose idea of a tough crime is probably jaywalking.’

The captain started fidgeting with one of her earrings. ‘But hold on. If the Healdsburg Police Department did their job properly, then not many people would’ve had access to that crime scene. Presumably officers and the sheriff’s coroner, that’s all.’

Hunter nodded. ‘That’s why I need to talk to the old chief of police, and hopefully find the crime-scene logbook. We need to establish the whereabouts of everyone who had access to it that day.’

The captain’s eyes stayed on Hunter while her brain searched for answers. ‘Could a similar kind of trauma occur just by looking at the crime-scene pictures?’