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‘I just realized that this is the first time that at the end of a big case I’m not the one with my face all smashed in.’

‘Well, that can be easily arranged,’ she replied, giving him the evil eye.

‘Nope, I like my face like this,’ Garcia said. The smile didn’t go away.

Everyone went quiet for a moment.

‘Thank you,’ the captain finally said, looking at Hunter.

Hunter tilted his head in his partner’s direction. ‘Carlos saved us all when he came up with the flare idea.’

‘Well, somebody had to think of something,’ Garcia said.

There was a knock at the door and a nurse popped her head through the door.

‘OK now, that’s enough for today. You must all leave Miss Blake to rest,’ she said, her gaze settling on Hunter.

‘Rest?’ Captain Blake shot back almost laughing. ‘Honey, if you think that I’m gonna spend another night in here, you’re the one who needs a doctor.’

‘The doctor said you should spend at least another twenty-four hours in here under observation,’ the nurse replied.

‘Do I look like a woman who needs to be observed?’

Hunter lifted both hands in the air and looked at Garcia. ‘We’ve gotta go anyway. We’ll leave you two to sort this out.’

‘There’s nothing to sort out,’ the captain blurted. ‘I ain’t spending another night in here. And that’s final.’ She could have killed the nurse with her look.

Hunter paused by the door and whispered in the nurse’s ear. ‘I suggest you sedate her.’

‘Oh don’t worry, sugar-lips, I was already warned about her.’ She tapped her right breast pocket and winked at Hunter. ‘I have a needle with her name on it.’ She studied Hunter’s face for a moment. ‘Would you like me to have a look at those cuts and bruises, sweet pie? It looks like you might need a stitching job.’

Hunter and Garcia exchanged a quick look.

‘I’ll be fine.’ Hunter shook his head.

‘Are you sure? I’m very good with needle and thread.’

‘Positive,’ they both said in unison.

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