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“Would you shut up already?!” I screamed, leaning in closer towards where my phone was resting on the table.

“Why would you say that? I’m your best friend and you’ve kept me waiting on pins and needs all night. I want freaking details, woman!”

I had no words, I couldn’t physically form any type of response, not even a grunt could escape my mouth right then. So, Baylor chimed in, “Yes she slept with him and there were definitely multiple outstanding ‘O’s.’  I love that she is so vocal. Oh and the peen is nowhere near the little spectrum. Let’s see, did I cover everything?”

“Oh my God, swallow me whole! But I think you’ve stunned Jules into silence. Jules?” I said, truly impressed that he could make her speechless.

“Holy shit! I think I just fell in love. The timber in his voice is definitely swoon-worthy. Eden, you may have a little competition on your hands. I think I’ll be looking up those flights now,” she finally said in the most serious tone that I think I had ever heard come from her mouth.

“You are hilarious,” I mocked. “Remind me to never put you on speaker anymore. Now you’ve made my pancakes go cold, that’s right he cooks! Suck on that!” I hollered before hanging up on her. I didn’t even want to look at Baylor so I just profusely apologized, “I am so sorry.”

“I’m not. It was completely worth it to see you get so worked up and embarrassed. Your face is seriously the brightest shade of red that I’ve ever seen.”

Rolling my eyes, I got up to go reheat my pancakes in the microwave and completely ignored Baylor as I did so. On my way back to the table he tugged on the middle of his flannel shirt and pulled me onto his lap, my back flush against the edge of the table. “You look good in my shirt.” He pulled the collar away from my skin and peered down at my naked chest. “Of course, you look even better out of it.” Slowly he went down the row of buttons on the shirt and unfastened each of them until the shirt was hanging completely open and he proceeded to slide it down my arms and throw it to the side. His hands immediately covered my breasts as he palmed them both before lowering his mouth towards them, his eyes continuously focused on mine.

The minute his tongue caressed one of my nipples, my eyes rolled back into my head and I had to prop my elbows back on the table for leverage. “Oh Baylor, baby,” I moaned then rolled my bottom lip in between my teeth.

“You drive me absolutely crazy whenever you do that.” He released his hands, moved the forgotten breakfast dishes out of the way and rested his hands in the middle of my back so I could lower my arms and just melt into his embrace. This new position gave him the perfect opportunity to feast on my neck. He alternated between little playful nibbles and running his tongue over my earlobe all the way to the hollow base of my neck. One of my hands was shoved into his hair while the other was grasped around his forearm, my nails biting into his flesh.

I had never had a man so focused on foreplay and making sure that I got the attention that he deemed I deserved. It made me feel completely cherished and taken care of in the midst of his explorations of my body. His mouth left my skin and without delay he hoisted me up onto the table and laid me back so my bottom was flush with the edge. Baylor lifted himself out of the chair and paid special attention to my stomach, especially around my navel, and my upper thighs. While his mouth placed tiny kisses around my hipbone, his hands were simultaneously kneading my thighs, ascending the juncture where my legs met my pelvis, but wouldn’t cross over to the intimate location I was so desperate for him to go.

“You completely undo me, Eden. Never did I once think my dreams would ever come true, but here you are spread out just for me.” At long last he hooked his hands into my panties and dragged them clear off my body. He resumed his seat, scooting as close as humanly possible to the table and leaned back in the chair, grasping his chin with his thumb and forefinger and just stared.

He was still entirely clothed in a t-shirt and jersey knit shorts while I was as naked as the day I was born and spread completely out on display for him, awaiting his next precise, well-thought-out move. Normally I would’ve felt vulnerable for being so put on the spot, but the fire that was burning in his eyes showed me that he enjoyed all that he saw—the hunger and raw passion. It made me wonder what was taking him so long. I wiggled my ass as a little tease, hoping he would speed up whatever game he was playing.

Tilting my head to the side so I could look down at the end of the table a little more clearly, I spoke up, “I’ve almost come to the conclusion that you’re a sadist and get off on seeing me suffer.”

He leaned forward closer to my achingly wet core and blew a line of breath the short distance from my clit to the entrance to my pussy making me squirm even more. “Is that so?”

I bit my bottom lip again, and nodded my head. “When you bite that lip,” he grunted.

He finally descended his mouth to my center and rolled my clit into his mouth, sucking liberally. My hands gripped the edge of the table as he continued his feast on my core until I was at the cusp of orgasm. My breathing was heavy, but I still managed to groan in between pants, “I’m almost there. Don’t stop,” which further encouraged him, making his speed drastically increase. At the last second, he inserted two of his fingers into my pussy and that was all it took for me to explode in a thousand different directions as my orgasm took root. At one point I could’ve sworn that I literally had stars before my eyes.

Coming down from my orgasm high, I had no other choice but to lay limply on his table as I tried to regain my strength. That was where the sustenance from the pancakes would’ve come in handy.

After a few minutes of Baylor leaving numerous trails of kisses along my thighs, he offered me his outstretched arm. I grabbed ahold of his hand so he could help me sit upright on the table. “What is it with the kitchen?” I looked back around at the table where I was just lying and it was almost hard to wrap my head around having two of the most earth-shattering orgasms of my entire life in that very kitchen. Wow, I hope he disinfects.

“Aren’t kitchens used for eating?” He asked as he nipped at my earlobe before he bent down to retrieve my discarded shirt and hand it to me. “Sadly, that’s just a little prelude for what’s to come later on. I have to go into work; if I had known you were coming I would’ve arranged ahead of time to take off.” The rush of guilt he felt was apparent. He came forward to nuzzle my neck after I finished buttoning the rest of the buttons on his flannel shirt. Just during the short time that we’d been together he had never ceased to amaze me with how special he ultimately made me feel.

“Don’t worry about it, babe, like I said I was going to invite Dean for lunch anyway. Catch up with him a bit.”

He stood up so we were almost at eye level and even though he had a pout on his lips his eyes were green with envy. Oh my. I playfully slapped his shoulder, “Baylor Jenkins, are you jealous?” He ducked his head so I couldn’t look directly in his face, so I hopped up from the table and ran around in front of him. “You are totally jealous! He’s your best friend!”

Shrugging a shoulder, he tried to justify his reasoning, but came up short. “Excuse me for just wanting to keep you all to myself.”

I couldn’t help it; I threw my head back and laughed until there were tears freely flowing down my face. It startled me when Baylor wrapped an arm around my waist and brought his hand up to my exposed slender neck. Feeling his rough, overworked hands brushing against my smooth skin was like nothing I’d ever felt before and all playfulness was cast aside. I shouldn’t get used to that type of feeling. It would be over all too soon and I’d go back to being the boring non-cat lady from Nashville who worked wonky hours and went to bed super early like an old lady. But damn those hands…