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“Uh,” I finally was able to find my voice to answer her question. I cleared my throat and continued, “Dinner is almost finished, about five more minutes, ten at the most.” The rest of the house was eerily quiet and I wished that someone would start talking or the tears were really going to start flowing.

She shrugged a shoulder and a smile appeared on her face, “Cool, I love your cooking. Don’t get me wrong, Dad tries his best but it isn’t on the same level as yours.” She spoke as if she wasn’t just insulting her dad right in front of him. She began heading into the living room before pivoting on her foot facing towards me again, “Oh and Mom,” she paused, “thanks.”

I had to clear my throat once more before I could answer, “Anytime, Norah,” then she disappeared into the living room and sounds from the TV floated in from the other room. That one word, thanks, was all I needed. It reaffirmed that I was right where I was supposed to be in life. That thanks let me know that she was thankful in all aspects of her life, making her dad a whole person again, and bringing a motherly figure into her life that loved and cared for her without making it an obligation. I glanced back to Baylor who at that moment knew exactly how I was feeling.

Dean, Baylor, and I continued to stare at one another before we just burst out in laughter. The melodic sound filling our house was more than I could’ve ever hoped for in life. To think that these two men who were now constant fixtures in my life, just a few short months ago were nothing more than a distant memory. We would continue to make new memories while holding the ones of the past close to our hearts and never for a second letting them be forgotten.

Baylor came towards me once again, closing in the distance between us and placed a brief kiss on my lips. “I love you, Eden. The sooner I can make you Mrs. Jenkins the happier I’ll be. I know I’ve said this before, but it must be said again, you were always supposed to be more than just a memory and I’m so thankful we were given our chance.”

He said it absolutely perfectly, I didn’t think I could’ve said it better myself. But he wasn’t quite finished, “I’ve heard before that memories are referred to as treasures of the heart with the hopes that over time they won’t diminish. But with you, the memory never faded. You are my heart, my own personal Eden, my paradise on earth.”

About The Author


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Amber is a stay at home mom currently residing in Southern Indiana with her husband and two beautiful daughters. If she's not shopping, going to concerts or on road trips, or having her nose stuck in a book, you'll often find her at the ball field watching one of the numerous sports that her girls are involved in.

Contact Amber

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ambernationauthor

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @nation_amber

Website: www.ambernationauthor.com



I always feel as if I’m going to end up either rambling on or leave people out, so here goes...

My family:Jarrod, Alexis, and Olivia- I say this each and every time but it still holds true. Thank you so very much for believing in me and continuing to stand behind my decision to write. I love you three to the moon and back!

Savannah Stewart: My traveling partner in crime. I am so very blessed and thankful that the Indie Community brought us together and that I can call you a friend. I look forward to our daily chats and I absolutely can’t wait to see what type of Shenanigans we can get into in 2015. Love ya girlie! #Gnomesaying

Annalisa Nicole: My author twin. Again, another home run for the Indie Community! I am so grateful that our love of books and writing has brought you into my life. Love ya lady and can’t wait to see your part of the US in February!

My BETA’S: Mayas Sanders, Savannah Stewart, Chelsie Leverette, Delisa Lynn, and Ashley Volk. Thank you so very much for your continued encouragement and support, I appreciate y’all more than you know!

Najla Qambar: Thank you for creating such an amazing cover! I absolutely love it!

Jen Akers: I am so thankful that I was referred to you and was introduced to your amazing editing skills! I hope to continue to work with you in the future.

READERS, AUTHORS, and BLOGGERS:THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to read and review More Than A Memory and for taking a chance on Baylor and Eden! MUCH LOVE!