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“Trin!” He started to rise to his feet, a strange,intense look in his eyes. “I shouldn’t have told you…not like that. I’m sorry…Ijust—”

“No! I don’t want to hear any more. I never wantto hear any more.” Turning, she tore open the door and ran from him, ran fromthe room and the past that stood between them like an insurmountable wall. Ranfrom his pain and hurt and her own fear and vulnerability.

But no matter how fast she ran, the nightmarefollowed her—the vision she’d seen the night before—the memory of his sufferingand the fact that she had added to it. No matter how fast she ran, she couldn’toutrun the hurt in his eyes or the pain in his voice when she left him,standing there with his hands outstretched and empty.

** * * *

Fuck—what’swrong with me? Why in the Seven Hells did I tell her all that? Why the fuck didI tell her I killed the old Master? And why did I tell her how he used me everynight? She hates me now—thinks I’m dirt—trash. Not just trash—fucking dangerous trash. I told her I rippedhis throat out with my teeth! Why did I tell her that? Wouldn’t it be enough tojust say I killed him without giving details? Fuck!

Thrace paced the floor, running both hands through hishair, trying to understand what had happened, why he had snapped.

Shouldhave played off the dream—told her it was just a nightmare. Never should haveadmitted it was a true memory, never should have said anything about the pastat all.

For years it had isolated him. He’d never toldanother living soul about his past abuse—not even his first mate and bestfriend, Solar. Now he understood why. Seeing that horrified look on Trin’sface—hearing the pity and fear in her voice as she told him she didn’t want tohear any more—that was reason enough to keep the past to himself. Thracewished desperately that he’d done exactly that.

But somehow when she started using the lube on him,he just couldn’t keep it inside anymore. His subservient position, kneeling bythe bed with his legs spread while she fingered him from behind had been toomuch to take. It reminded him too strongly of the past—of the way the Masterhad sometimes prepared him before taking him.

Shouldhave kept it to myself, he thoughtagain. But it was too late for that. Too late to do anything but try to findher and repair the damage he’d done. With a low oath, he stood up andbegan looking for his trousers—the ones that actually covered him. They were goingto have to leave this place and he’d be damned if he would wear those fuckingcrotchless slave trousers one more minute. He was going to get dressed, gatherthe bare necessities, and find Trin. In the meantime, maybe she would cool offa little and be ready to talk by the time he got to her.

He hoped.

Chapter Twenty-seven

Trin ran until the breath was tearing in her throatand she felt like her heart would burst. The marble halls of the vast mansionechoed with her footsteps and the stone floor was cold against her bare feetbut she didn’t care—she had to get away.

At last she found the exit out into the backgrounds of the estate. She stumbled wearily out into the weak sunshine,grateful beyond words to be out of that house, away from the awful things she’dheard and seen.

PoorThrace…ohGoddess, so awful…so horrible…

She shouldn’t have run. Trin sank to the ground,the dry grass crunching under her feet, holding the stitch in her side. Shouldn’thave run.

But the look on his face had been so fierce andfrightening and the things he’d told her had been so awful…

Howmuch more awful do you think they were for him? How hard was it for him to tellyou? But you didn’t stay and try to comfort him—you ran. Ran away and left himfeeling like garbage.

I’msorry…so sorry… Trin buried her face in her handsand a hoarse sob broke from her throat. The worst thing was that she’d almostdone it to him again—had almost forced him to relive that old trauma, thathorrible past. Oh Goddess, if his words hadn’t brought back the dream…if hehadn’t admitted it was true and not just a nightmare…I can’t believe I wasactually going to do that to him…that I was going to hurt him like that!

She felt sick—sick and shaky with rage and sorrow.She wanted to find Thrace’sold master and kill him…until she remembered what he’d said about the way hehad killed the old bastard himself.

Iripped out his throat. With my teeth. His blood tasted so fucking sweet…

Goddess! Trin shivered and let out another sob. Shehated getting emotional—hated letting her feelings show. And yet this time shecouldn’t keep them inside. Thracemeant something to her—in the short time she’d known him he had somehow gottencloser to her than to any other person she’d ever known. Despite the fact thathe was male and a relationship between them was both wrong and forbidden shecared for him. And the thought of him being hurt like that…

“My, my—you look a mess, my dear if you don’t mindme saying so. And you must be thirsty with all that running. Here.” Someonehanded her a cool, frosty cup. Her eyes still filled with tears, Trin gasped itblindly and took a deep drink. The liquid inside was faintly sweet and icy—socold it made her lips go numb.

“Thank you,” she said in a shaky voice, handing itback.

“Not at all, not at all. Always glad to be of useto a lady in need.”

A pair of tall black boots was suddenly in front ofher eyes and a big, masculine hand was reaching down to take her under the arm.Black boots…that should bother me…why? For a moment she couldn’t thinkwhy. Then she looked up and saw the boots and the hand with the drink belongedto Lord X.

“You!” She tried to scoot backwards but his grip onher was too firm.

“Of course it’s me. Let me just help you up.” Hesmiled gallantly as he hoisted her to her feet. When he got a look at her face,he shook his head and made a tsking sound. “You’ve been crying! My dear,whatever for?”

“I can’t…I don’t want to talk about it.” Trinswiped at her eyes and did her best to stand up straight.

“But you should talk about it—to a friendwho cares.” His handsome face twisted into a cold smile that didn’t quite findhis eyes. “Lady Tam-tam is most displeased with you, you know.Apparently you didn’t fulfil your end of some bargain she made with you.”

“That was no bargain—it was blackmail!” Trin spatbefore she thought better of it.

“Blackmail? Really?” His eyebrows raised high overthose strange black eyes with the deep red glints in them. “Whatever can thatmean?”

“None of your business.” Trin rubbed the back ofher hand over her numb and tingling lips. She didn’t like showing weakness infront of a strange male. Especially one she suspected of drugging her.

“Sorry to hear that.” He raised the frosty cup toher once more. “Maybe you’d like another drink?

Trin eyed the cup and her stomach did a slow flip.

Ohmy god…drugging me! He gassed Thraceand me last night and now, why do my lips feel so numb? Almost like…

“Ah—the look of realization.” Lord X smiled broadlythough the expression still didn’t reach his eyes. There was something horriblyfamiliar about that grin, Trin thought sickly—for a moment she almost seemed tosee metal teeth gleaming in the weak sunlight. Then the illusion passed and itwas only Lord X standing there, handsome and inscrutable with cold black eyes,perfect white teeth, and a cruel little smile playing around his mouth.

“You…what have you done to me?” she asked thickly.She was beginning to feel dizzy and hot, as though the dress she was wearingwas made from unbearably thick fur instead of thin lace and silk.

“Nothing irreversible, I assure you.” Lord X smiledand tightened his grip on her arm. He began to drag her around the side of thehuge house. “I’ll leave that for someone else.”