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“How…how do you know they’d be sweet?” Trin couldbarely talk. Her fingers flew between her legs, stroking lightly around herclit as she pictured the acts he was describing. What would it feel like tohave the big Havoc’s tongue between her legs, his broad shoulders splitting herwide as he tasted her the way he seemed so desperately to want to do?

“I know it’d be sweet because of your scent,” Thracegrowled. “I can tell how hot and wet you’re getting just by sniffing the air.And that warm, sweet perfume your pussy puts out when you’re hot is so fuckingdelicious I could come just from scenting it.”

Trin didn’t know what to say to that. But herfingers kept flying between her thighs and her pleasure was close—she was righton the edge and about to jump off. Thrace seemed to sense thatsomehow.

“Are you close, baby?” he murmured in her ear.“Close to coming for me?

“Y-yes,” Trin couldn’t help admitting. “I amclose. So close…”

“Good.” Thrace pulled her even closer andnuzzled his face into the side of her neck. “Because I want to hold you whileyou lose control—want to feel you quiver against me. Even if I can’t be the oneto make you come, I want to feel it.”

“I am,” Trin gasped as her pleasure suddenlypeaked. “I can’t help it…I…I’m coming.”

And then the pleasure was washing over her,overwhelming her as, for the first time in her life, she allowed herself toorgasm with another person.

Thrace held her tight as she shook and moaned helplessly,her fingers thrust between her thighs as she rode out the aftershocks of theintense orgasm. Then, slowly, she began to come back to herself.

“Oh my Goddess,” she whispered shakily. “This is wrong.What am I doing?”

“Just helping yourself a little,” Thrace rumbled reassuringly.“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“A lot of people would disagree with you,” Trinsaid tartly. “The priestesses at my old temple to start with.” The only goodthing about the shameful thing she’d done was that she now appeared to becompletely warm. She pulled away from Trace and took a deep breath.“Maybe…maybe you should go back to your place,” she said. She tried to make hervoice hard and frosty but it came out shaky instead.

“Maybe I should. But first…” Reaching around her,he grasped her forearm and pulled her hand out from beneath the thermalblankets.

Trin gasped with embarrassment as she saw herjuices gleaming in the faint light from the floor glows which stayed on in thecorners to prevent midnight accidents.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Cleaning you up, Mistress.” Slowly he slipped hertwo fingers between his lips and sucked them into his hot mouth. He licked themboth, cleaning away her honey and holding her eyes with his own as he did so.

Trin stared at him uncertainly as her stomach did aslow flip-flop and she felt another surge of wetness between her legs. Goddess,what was he doing to her and how was he doing it? How could he affect her sostrongly when he was a male?

“Just as I thought,” he murmured when he finallyreleased her fingers. “Delicious. Wish I could lick your sweet pussy clean thesame way.”

“Thrace!”she exclaimed, her cheeks burning. “You know that wouldn’t be right!”

“Maybe not but it would be fucking hot.” His eyesburned. “Good night, Mistress.” He gave her a slow smile she could see even inthe dim room. Then he slipped out of her bed and went to lie on the floor wherehe had started the night.

Heart pounding, Trin looked at her freshly cleanedfingers, feeling a strange mixture of shame and desire. She’d never had such astrong reaction to anyone, male or female, in her life. What had he done to herand how had he done it?

Well,whatever he did, it can’t happen again, shetold herself sternly. From now on I must be in complete and total control ofmyself.

With that promise to herself, she rolled over andtried to get to sleep. But even though she was now warm through and through,sleep was a long time coming.

Chapter Fourteen

Trin made a small noise in her sleep and rolledover.

Thrace looked up from his chair in front of theviewscreen and cast a glance in her direction. Was she waking up? It was abouttime—they were about to enter Yonnie Six airspace in an hour, as the navigatorhad called to say. Thracehated to wake her up from her slumber but it was time they got up and startedgetting ready to go.

“Mmmph.” She rolled over again.

Thrace bookmarked the search he’d been doing on theduties of a body-slave on Yonnie Six and the Landra-Rey Celebration inparticular and went to her bedside.

“Mistress?” he murmured. “Miss—”

The words died on his lips as Trin, apparently avery restless sleeper, rolled over again. The motion pushed the blankets downaround her thighs and revealed that the thin nightdress she wore was pushed uparound her waist. The tiny pair of panties she wore was riding high. The thincrotch had slipped up between her plump pussy lips and the top of her dress wasstretched tight across her full breasts and berry dark nipples.

Gods!Thrace knew he shouldn’t look—it was disrespectful andwrong. But he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her creamy brown skin and herfull curves. She was like no female he had ever seen before and he longed tostroke all her exposed flesh and make her moan and come as she had last night.

Of course, last night was about the passion berryresidue, he reminded himself. Trin was doubtless never going to want to repeatit…which was why she was going to be very unhappy about some of the things hisviewscreen searches had turned up.

She was a strange mixture, he reflected. On onehand she was a self assured female, the captain of a star ship and a verycompetent leader. On the other, she was a virgin, having never actually beenwith anyone, even one of her own sex as was usual for her people. And she stillseemed completely tied to the ideas she’d grown up with which was going to be aproblem in the near future unless he was very much mistaken.

“Mistress?” he said again and cleared his throat.

“What?” Trin’s eyes flew open and she looked up athim and then down at herself. “What…what’s going on?” She began trying tostraighten her night dress hastily. “I had the strangest dreams.”

“What did you dream, Mistress?” Thrace averted his eyes pointedlythough he wanted nothing more than to keep drinking her in.

“That I was cold and you held me to warm me up andthen I…I…” She stopped fighting with her twisted dress and put a hand to hermouth. “Oh my Goddess, that was no dream, was it?”

“Afraid not,” Thrace said.

“I can’t believe I did those things.”

From the corner of his eye, Thrace saw that his new mistresslooked really upset.

“You had to,” he said quickly. “It was the only wayto finally rid yourself completely of the passion berry residue. If you hadn’t,you might still be having problems with it.”

“Then…why didn’t you tell me to do that in thefirst place instead of offering to hold me?” she demanded.

“Right,” Thrace said flatly. “You think youwould have listened to me if I suggested out of the blue that you touchyourself until you came? Besides, you were freezing to start with—frostbite andsexual arousal don’t usually go hand in hand. I had to warm you up first beforeyou could let yourself go there.”

“I guess. But…I let you hold me and talk to me thatway and you’re a male.” She still looked upset. “And the things you saidto me…”

“Were all true.” Thrace sat on the bed beside her.“But I only said them—I didn’t act on them. You remain pure—you’re stillone of the Unpenetrated.”

“Yes, I suppose so.” Trin still looked troubled.“I’m just thinking about what everyone back home on Zetta Prime would think ifthey knew. What they would say in the temple of the Goddess of Judgment if itwas known that I—”