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Trin settled back against him, feeling the planesof his flat chest against her back, his long legs against the backs of herthighs…and the hard ridge of his shaft pressing directly against her ass.

It felt odd at first and she wiggled, trying to getmore comfortable. This elicited a low groan from Thrace. She stopped at once.

“Did I hurt you? I was just trying to get settled.”

“No, you didn’t hurt me. Not in the way you mean,anyway.” His voice had that slightly strangled quality to it again.

“How then? Does it hurt when I, uh, touch it?” Trinasked.

“Does it hurt when you touch your pussy?” he askedroughly. “Hell no, it doesn’t hurt. It just feels so good it’s a littlebit painful…if that makes any sense.”

“Not really,” Trin said doubtfully. “I’ve neverfelt a pleasure that was so good it was painful.”

“Then you’ve never been pleasured properly,” he murmured.“Never had a partner who knows exactly how and where to touch your body to makeyou moan and gasp for more. Who knows how to make you beg them to stop and tonever stop in the same breath.”

“I…don’t know what you mean,” Trin murmured but hiswords made her feel strange inside—things low in her body seemed to clench.

“I know you don’t, baby. Sorry…Mistress,” hecorrected himself. “I can’t really explain it if you’ve never felt it. Unlessyou want me to show you what I mean?”

“If you mean by touching me, that wouldn’t be rightand you know it,” Trin murmured, her heart racing. “But…” She cleared herthroat, knowing she should stop but not quite being able to. “But you can tellme. Tell me what you would show me if you could.”

“You want me to talk dirty to you, Mistress?” Hisvoice was a low growl. “Is that it? Because I’ll be more than happy to do thatif you want.”

“I…don’t know about that,” Trin hedged. She felt alittle guilty about the situation she was in but honestly, it wasn’t like hewas doing anything but holding her…and talking. Surely there couldn’t be anyharm in that—could there? “Just tell me what you’d do if…if it wasn’timproper,” she said.

“Mmm, with pleasure.” He settled her closer againsthim. “Well, the first thing I’d do is pull off that thin little night dress ofyours so I could feel your naked body against me, skin-to-skin,” he murmured,low in her ear. “Then I’d cup these sweet, luscious breasts in my hands andtease your nipples nice and slow.” As he spoke, one large hand drifted over thefront of her night dress, his fingertips just barely brushing the aching peaksof her nipples as if in illustration.

Trin bit her lip and tightened her grip on theremote, which she was still holding in one hand. But his touch was so light, sofleeting, she felt she could hardly complain. Instead of pressing the painbutton on the remote she whispered, “Go on.”

“Then I’d roll you over on your back and take mytime sucking and kissing your nipples,” he murmured. “I’d nip you…very lightly,then kiss them to take away the sting. Then suck as much of your ripe breastsinto my mouth as I could—suck hard—to let you know how much I want you.”

“You…you would?” Trin whispered ratherbreathlessly.

“Hell, yes I would,” he murmured. “And I wouldn’tstop there. After I sucked your ripe nipples a good long time, I’d startworking my way down your chest and belly until I got to the sweet spot—rightbetween your thighs.”

His big hand brushed lightly across her mound,making her jump and bite back a moan.

“And then?” Trin managed to ask. She knew themental images he was painting with his deep, growling voice shouldn’t beturning her on. But somehow, even though she knew it wasn’t proper to besexually stimulated by a male, she was. In fact, she couldn’t rememberthe last time she’d felt this hot and bothered. Her nipples were aching at thetips of her breasts and her pussy felt hot and swollen and positively liquidwith desire.

“Then I’d spread your thighs and taste you,” hemurmured in her ear. “Have you ever been tasted before, Trin? Back when youwere trying to see if you liked it with other females?”

“No, we…” Trin cleared her throat. “No, I never gotthat far.”

“Then I would be your first.” There was a definitenote of interest in his low, growling voice. “So I’d have to be gentle…ease youinto it.”

“Into what?” Trin knew it was wrong to want to hearmore and yet she couldn’t help it—she wanted to hear more. No, scratchthat—she needed to hear more.

“Into having your pussy licked,” Thrace murmured. He pulled her evencloser against him so that she could feel the long, hard ridge of his shaftnestling right between her buttocks. “I’d kiss you first,” he went on, beforeshe could say anything. “Kiss you like I was kissing your mouth—long and softand sweet to warm you up and get you ready. Then when you were moaning andsliding your hips all around the bed, I’d spread you open and taste all yoursweet juices.”

“Oh…I mean, you would?” Trin was getting so hot nowshe could barely stand it. The desire growing between her legs was getting tobe too much. She felt like she had to do something to relieve it soon or shewould explode.

“You know I would,” Thrace told her. “I’d love tospread your pussy open and kiss and lick and taste you.”

“Oh!” Trin wiggled against him, feeling helplesslyhot as the thick rod of his shaft poked her from behind. “I think…I wish…”

“You wish what?” he growled softly.

“I wish I had my clitoral stimulator, but no…” Shebit her lip. What had she been thinking, saying such a thing aloud? But Thraceseemed to understand and approve of her need.

“You don’t need a stimulator, baby,” he murmured.“Just use your fingers. I’d offer to do it myself but I know you think itwouldn’t be ‘proper.’”

“Touching myself while you talk to me wouldn’t beproper either,” Trin pointed out, breathing hard.

“It might not be proper but making yourself comemight get rid of the last of the passion berry wine,” Thrace told her. “It would sure ashell help, anyway.”

“It would?” Suddenly Trin began to see things in anew light.

“Uh-huh—flush it right out of your system,” hepromised. “So go ahead baby, touch yourself. There’s only the two of us here,alone in the dark. Who cares if it’s proper?”

Honestly, nothing she was saying or doing right nowwould be considered proper behavior for a respected daughter of Zetta Prime,especially one of the Unpenetrated, but Trin couldn’t help it. Thrace’swarm scent all around her and his big, hard body pressed to her back seemed todo things to her…things that had never been done by anyone until now. Besides,maybe this would finally get rid of the lingering effects of the passionberries. That seemed like a good, valid reason for doing as he suggested. Atleast, she thought so.

“All right,” she whispered at last. Almost withoutthinking about it, she allowed the hand holding the remote to relax and let itgo. Then she slipped her fingers down between her thighs and cupped her mound.“Tell me more,” she whispered.

“First tell me if you’re touching yourself,” Thracerumbled. “Tell me if you’re spreading open your soft little pussy and pettingyour sweet, wet inner cunt.”

“Y-yes,” Trin stammered as her fingers found theirway between her swollen pussy lips. “Yes, I am.”

“And does it feel good, baby?” he murmured in herear. “Are you stroking your sweet little clit? Are you imagining me betweenyour thighs licking you there? Running my tongue all over your pussy?”

“I…I am now,” Trin confessed. Dear Goddess, whatwas she doing? There was a little voice far back in her head now screaming thatthis was wrong, that no matter how badly she needed to get warm this was notthe way to go about it but Trin couldn’t seem to make herself care or listen tothe shrill little pest.

“That’s good,” Thrace growled softly. “Spread yourpussy wide and imagine it’s me. Imagine I’m tasting you there, tracing yourclit with my tongue, licking up your sweet juices.”