“No big deal?” Tim said,turning towards the young man. He was having a difficult timekeeping his voice low enough that Katie wouldn’t hear. “I’ve gotsome fucking stranger in my fucking house with my daughter asleepin the other room and you think that’s no fucking bigdeal?”

The young man just shrugged and continuedlooking at Tim with a little smirk.

“Alex, cut it out,” Amysaid, shooting him a glance. Then, turning back towards Tim, shesaid, “I’m sorry. I’m reallysorry.”

Tim looked back at Amy and could feel hisanger starting to slough off. She seemed genuinely remorseful.Maybe it was all an act, but still, it was working. And then herfriend chimed in again.

“Fucking get over it,dude,” Alex said, chuckling derisively under his breath. “Quitbeing such a fucking douchebag.”

“Alex!” Amy said,horrified. But Tim didn’t hear her. His focus was on the punk stilllying on his couch.

“Douchebag?” he said,staring Alex down. “Did you just call me a douchebag?”

“What are you,” Alex said.“Deaf?”

And just like that, Tim’s anger came backtenfold. He stepped forward and grabbed Alex by the shirt andyanked him to his feet. The young man tried to brush him off butTim was ready for it and pushed him back against the wall and heldhim there.

“Now listen up you littleshit, and listen up good,” Tim said. “You’d better walk out of thatfront fucking door in the next five seconds or you’re gonna getyour ass whipped. Do you understand?”

For a moment, Alex looked like he was goingto spout off again, but then he thought better of it and justdropped his eyes and nodded his head.

Tim released his hold on Alex and the youngman headed towards the door, walking silently, as though he was onhis way to the electric chair.

“And close the door onyour way out,” Tim said. “Softly.”

Tim watched Alex leave then turned backtowards Amy.

“What the hell were youthinking?” he said to her.

Looking down at the floor, Amy just shruggedher shoulders.

“Do you not remember whatI told you about having boys over? I said it three fuckingtimes.”

“I know,” Amy said, stillnot looking at him. “I just . . .”

“You just what?” Timasked.

“I just got bored,” shereplied. “Katie was asleep, there was nothing on TV, I was startingto fall asleep—”

“So you called up Alex andinvited him over,” he said.

Amy glanced up and caught Tim’s eyes andnodded again. “I know you’re pissed off,” she said. “But I’m sorry.I really am.”

“I’m sure you are,” hesaid. “And I am too.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because now I have tofind someone else to watch Katie on Wednesday nights.”

“What?” Amy said, lookingcrushed. “No! Why?”

“Because I can’t trust youanymore,” Tim said. “Not when you’re bringing strangers into myhouse when my daughter is asleep.”

“It won’t happen again, Ipromise,” Amy said.

“I don’t know why it’ssuch a big deal anyway,” Tim said. “It’s not like you need themoney that bad. You have a job now.”

“It’s not the money,” shesaid. “It’s just . . .” She trailed off, suddenly lookingembarrassed.

“It’s just what?” hesaid.

“It’s just that I likecoming over here,” Amy said. She dropped her eyes to the flooragain and started to blush. “I like seeing you.”

This threw Tim for a loss. But he quicklyrecovered once he realized what she was saying and how he could useit to his advantage. A dastardly move, to be sure, but one hewasn’t above taking, especially after what she’d done to him onthis night.

“I like seeing you too,”he said, pouring on the guilt a little more than necessary now.“But it’s just not a chance I can take with Katie in the next room.I’m sorry, Amy, but I just can’t do it.”

“Please?” she said,walking over towards Tim until she was standing just a couple feetaway from him. “Isn’t there something I can do to change your mind?Anything?”

“I don’t know,” Tim said,giving her an admonishing look.

“Come on,” Amy said,dropping to her knees now and looking up at him with puppy-dogeyes. “There has to be something I can do.”

Seeing Amy kneeling in front of him likethat turned Tim on like no tomorrow. His cock hardened upimmediately and within seconds it was pressing up against hisjeans.

Amy caught the movement too and glanced athis crotch for a moment before turning her eyes back up towardshis. But she was looking at him differently now. Gone was theremorseful look. It had been replaced by an evil littlehalf-smile.

“Yeah, there’s something Ican do for you, alright,” she said. “Isn’t there?”

Tim didn’t answer her. He just continuedstaring down at her, trying to look annoyed, even though it wasgrowing increasingly difficult now that he saw where the situationwas headed.

“Yeah there is,” Amy said,crawling towards Tim until she was directly beneath him. She tiltedher head further upwards, so her cheek was lying atop his thigh andher eyes were locked on his. Her grin had grown wider and her eyeswere sparkling with excitement. “I just know I can get you tochange your mind.”

Tim hard-on was raging now, his cock bulgingin his pants mere inches from Amy’s pretty little face. But stillhe didn’t say anything to her, letting her draw whatever she wantedfrom his silence.

Still looking up at Tim, Amy started to rubhis cock over his jeans. “This is what you want, right? This iswhat you’ve always wanted from me?”

This time Tim nodded. He just couldn’t helphimself. It was exactly what he’d always wanted from Amy. And hecouldn’t believe he was going to actually get it.

“That’s what I thought,”Amy said, sliding his zipper down and reaching her hand into thehole it created. She grabbed ahold of his cock and started to playwith it, rubbing it softly but not pulling it out yet.

Tim took a deep breath and let it outslowly. He was trying to keep his cool and was mostly succeeding.But he was certainly enjoying himself too much to let thisopportunity pass. This night looked like it was going to turn outeven better than he could have ever hoped.

With a little effort, Amy negotiated Tim’scock out of his pants. It was rock-hard, sticking straight out, assolid as a 2X4.

“Oh my god,” Amy said,admiring his cock with wide eyes. “It’s so big.”

Tim had heard that a lot. He didn’t know howhis cock compared to other men, but every woman he’d ever been withhad marveled at its size, so he figured it must stack up prettywell.

“Do you want me to suck onit?” Amy asked, looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes. “If I suckon it will that makes things all better between us?”

“No,” Tim said. “It’sgonna take a lot more than just sucking my cock to make us allbetter. But it’ll be a good start.”

“Just tell me what else Ineed to do,” Amy said, jerking him off while she talked. “I’ll dowhatever you want.” She licked the tip of his cock with her tongue.“I’ll take whatever punishment you want to dish out on me. Dowhatever you feel like you have to do to make things right withus.”

“Don’t worry,” Timreplied. “I will. Now stop talking and hold your mouth open forme.”

Amy nodded and did as she was told, openingwide, staring up at him the whole time. Her eyes were dancing withexcitement.

Tim was excited too. As excited as he’d evenbeen in his life. Here he was, with a ridiculously hot young womanwilling to do whatever he told her to without hesitation. It was,quite literally, a dream come true.

“That’s right,” Tim said,not letting his excitement come through in his voice. “Just likethat.” He didn’t want his exhilaration with the situation tooverwhelm the anger he felt at Amy’s betrayal. He wanted to takefull advantage of the situation, and therefore, Amy herself, andthe best way to do that was the channel his anger and use it togive her the punishment she deserved.

Tim grabbed a handful of Amy’s hair with onehand and ahold of his hard cock with the other. He smacked her facea couple of times with the head of his cock then stuck it into heropen mouth.