Steve stood up and turned around as thoughhe was going to take a seat on the couch, but instead of ploppingdown on one of the cushions he spread his legs and dropped his assdirectly onto Shyla’s face.

Squatting over her, one hand on the armrestfor balance and the other jerking himself off, he rubbed hisasshole up and down Shyla’s face, riding her nose and mouth withhis crack, forcing her to taste his ass.

“Tongue out,” he said.“And keep it there.”

She obliged.

“Good girl,” he said,riding her tongue with his asshole, keeping enough pressure onShyla that she couldn’t squirm away but not too much that shecouldn’t breathe.

Steve relinquished his hold on his cock andleaned forward so he could play with Shyla’s tits. He pulled hershirt up but not off, revealing her perfectly round, perfectlyfake, perfectly incredible breasts. He then grabbed ahold of oneand gave it a good squeeze before switched over to the other. Hepinched one of her nipples and gave it a little twist, eliciting agasp and a shimmy from Shyla.

Laughing softly, Steve pinched her othernipple, pulled on it for a moment or two, then rubbed his fingerstogether with the nipple still between them. It hardened almostimmediately. Shyla let out a moan and squirmed beneath him butSteve dropped his ass further down on her face, muffling her cries,and continued to play with her nipple.

When he finally climbed off Shyla’s face itwas red and her eyes were watering and she was breathing in deep,lurching gasps but although she was glaring at him she surprisinglydidn’t seemed all that pissed off.

In fact, as Steve pulled her up onto thecouch and pulled her shorts off so he could fuck her properly herealized her panties were completely soaked through. He foundhimself wondering if she like being treated like a slut, if maybeshe actually enjoyed being tossed around like a ragdoll, if she gotoff on being forced to do things that most other girls would finddisgusting. It was impossible to know for sure, but it sure seemedlike it, even if she wasn’t willing to admit it at the moment. Andto think, he’d been married to her for five years and had noclue!

For a moment he lamented the lostpossibilities of their doomed marriage but quickly thrust suchthoughts from his head. They did no good. Not anymore. The damagewas done, the past was past, it was time to move on. And right nowmoving on meant taking advantage of his soon-to-be-ex wife in waysthat he’d never had the guts to try before.

With this in mind, Steve grabbed ahold ofher legs and spread them apart, then pushed them forward until herankles were up by her head. He held one of her legs in place withone hand while he yanked her panties aside with the other. Hesmacked her pussy with his rock-hard cock a couple of times thenslipped it in.

Shyla was even wetter than he’d realized.Her pussy gobbled up his cock without even the slightest hint ofresistance. He moved against her with vigor, gentleness be damned,his cock slamming into her with the insistence of a jackhammer. Andthough she’d never come out and admit it, she was obviously gettingoff on the pounding she was receiving.

Her pussy was growing ever wetter, coatinghis cock with her juices, opening up to him further with everythrust. And although she still wasn’t making any noise, it wasapparent from the look on her face that she was indeed enjoyingthis. Unequivocally.

This annoyed the hell out of Steve. Shylawasn’t supposed to be getting anything out of this, it was supposedto be all about him. Getting revenge. Making her pay. Punishing herfor what she’d done to him. But she was getting off on it! What thehell? It was time to turn things up a notch.

Steve grabbed ahold of both Shyla’s anklesand pushed her legs back until she was folded in half, her ankleshooked around each other above her head. Holding her legs in placewith one hand, Steve proceeded to spank her ass with the otherwhile he fucked her.

When that just seemed to turn her on evenfurther he moved up to her tits, smacking them around while heslammed into her. But that didn’t work either. She just smiled andgrew even more wet down there.

He then slapped her face a couple of times,and while this elicited a sharp gasp from Shyla’s mouth it alsoelicited another increase in the waterworks down below.

“Is that all you got?”Shyla said, her voice mocking.

Frustrated, Steve wrapped a hand around herthroat. He stared down at her while he fucked her and choked her atthe same time, waiting for her to break, but she just stared back,her eyes rolling back in ecstasy as he squeezed harder, restrictingher breath but not cutting it off completely. Moments later shecame, shuddering and shimmying against him as her pussy gushedjuicy goodness and swallowed his cock even further, which suddenlybrought him right to the edge of orgasm himself.

Cursing under his breath, Steve released hisgrip on her throat, pulled his cock from her pussy and grabbedahold of her hair. He yanked her off the couch and pulled her headover towards him until her face was right in front of his cock.

He ordered her to open her mouth, which shedid. Then he stuck his cock in her mouth and with his hand stillholding a fistful of her hair, proceeded to fuck her face. A fewpumps later and he was pulling his cock out to shoot his load allover her face. Steve came liked he’d never cum before, three hugestreams, spraying her face with his milky-white sperm, his loadcovering her entire face. She’d kept her mouth closed, saving herfrom that indignity, but his cum was everywhere else; chin, cheeks,nose, forehead, eyes, even getting some in her hair.

“You’re right,” Shylasaid. “That wasn’t so bad.”

She started to climb up and go for thepapers to be signed but Steve stopped her.

“What?” shesaid.

“Not yet,” Stevereplied.

“What do you mean, notyet? We fucked. You came. We’re done.”

“Yes, we fucked, and yes Icame, but we’re not done. The session’s not over. I’m ready to goagain.”

“Bullshit,” she said.“You’ve never cum more than once in a day, let alone twice in arow.”

“That was the old Steve,”he said. ‘This is the new one. See? My dick’s still hard. And I’mstill ready to go.”

“Too bad,” Shylasaid.

“For you, maybe,” Stevesaid.

“You said one lastfuck.”

“I said one last fucksession. And last I checked, an orgasm didn’t end thesession.”

“Last I checked, itdid.”

“Bullshit,” Steve said.“I’ve seen you go for hours at a time with your new boyfriend, withnot a single break in between. And I know he came more than onceduring those sessions. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Shyla looked at him with a weird combinationof anger and resignation. But the resignation was all that Stevecared about. It told him that she knew he was right. Which meantthat he was going to get his way.

“Fine,” she said. “But ifyou start to soften up at all, we’re done.”

“Seems fairenough.”

“Now can I go get a towelto wipe this stuff off my face?”

“No,” Steve said. “Don’ttouch it. I want to fuck you with my cum still on your face. I wantit to remind me how much of a slut you really are.”

A flash of pleasureskittered over Shyla’s face and Steve realized that sheactually did enjoy getting treated like this. She was a true slut, throughand through. Again he kicked himself for not taking advantage of itsooner. But at least he was taking care of it now. Better late thannever.

He flipped her over onto her hands and kneesand went back to work.


Steve came twice more before the day was up,but that was nothing compared to Shyla, who came at least five moretimes by his count. Even when he got exactly what he wanted shestill was able to get more out of it than he was. Their marriage ina nutshell.

After the last romp they were sitting nakedon the couch next to each other, sharing a cigarette, looking likethey could have been a happy couple. Then they started talking.