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Joelslipped his hand along the side of her face before burying his hand in herhair. He dragged her in closer with a fistful of her hair at the back of herneck. “I want you.”

“Youmade a fool of me.”

“No,I wanted to make sure it was me you wanted.” His lips whispered over hers. Thesoftness skimmed across her cheek to her ear. “I need you.”

“Needis a powerful word.”

“It’stotally what I’m feeling, but I can’t promise you anything beyond tonight.”

“Idon’t need anything more.”

“Areyou sure?” he asked, listing his head to look into her eyes. The blue glistenedin the moonlight like a beacon for her lost soul.

“Yes.I need you. I need this.”

“Yourroom or my place?”

“Youhave somewhere we can go?”

“Yeah.I have my own cabin a few miles up the road.”

“Makelove to me, Joel. Fuck me.”

Hepulled her head back as he raked his teeth along her neck. Shivers raced downher arms as a soft moan escaped her mouth. “Come home with me.”


Helooked deep into her eyes for a moment as if judging whether she was serious ornot. Little did he know, she’d wanted this from the first time he’d kissed heror maybe it was when she had her breasts squished to his back as they rode inthe rain back to the house? Who cared?

“Let’sgo,” he said, grabbing her hand and half dragging her to where his truck stoodin the parking lot behind the main lodge.

“Alittle horny are we?”

“Hellyeah. A lot horny. You’ve had me wound up tighter thana damned spring from the moment you climbed up behind me to rest those gorgeousbreasts against my back.” He opened the door on the driver’s side of his truck,practically shoving her inside the cab by the seat of her pants. “Sorry, baby.”

Oh I love the little endearmentscoming from his mouth now that we’re going to have sex.“You can call me all the little pet names you want.”

Hegrinned as he turned over the truck and shot gravel behind it as he tore out ofthe drive. “You have no idea how much I want this.”

“IfI’m judging your craving to mine, I bet I do.”

“Howlong has it been since you’ve had sex?”

“Severalmonths. You?”


“Youdo have condoms, right?”

“Yeah.A few.” He grinned.

“Ihope you plan on using several tonight.”

“Oh,no problem there, babe.”

Damn, he almost sounds cocky.Well, why wouldn’t he be? He could probably have any woman he wants. Shefrowned, feeling a bit self-conscious at her rounded little stomach and evenrounder hips. She wasn’t a skinny woman by any means.

“Whythe frown?”


“No,baby. Tell me. No secrets tonight.”

Shebit her lip.


“I’mjust not the skinny little cowgirls you’re used to.”

“I’mnot into skinny.”


“I’mnot into jailbait either, Mesa. I like you the way you are. Roundedcurves and enough softness for me to sink myself into. I don’t plan oncoming out until tomorrow mornin’. You okay with that?”

“Areyou sure?”

“Positive,babe.” He grabbed her hand to place it on his groin.

Thehardness behind his fly let her know he wanted her…needed her. God, he’s huge!

“Ihope you plan on goin’ easy on me.”


“LikeI said, I haven’t had sex in a bit and you aren’t exactly small.”

“I’lltake care of you.”

Withinmoments, they pulled up to a small cabin with a porch around the front. Itwasn’t anything huge by any means. Just small enough for asingle man, or a couple maybe. Getthose thoughts out of your head. You’re only here for a few days.


“Thanks.It’s not much, but it’s got a king sized bed.”

“That’lldo for tonight then.” King sized bed andJoel for the night? Hell yeah!

Nolights shone from the windows. White curtains blew in the breeze of the oneopen to the left front corner. The house wasn’t decorated at all. No woman’stouch anywhere.

“Sorry.It’s kind of a mess.”

“Abachelor lives here. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Dishes were piled in thesmall sink to her right as they walked through the door. He had a stove,refrigerator and a few cabinets to hold dishes, she assumed. The couch in frontof the fireplace would make for great cozy nights. She shook her head. Shedidn’t need to go there.

“Thisway.” He took her hand and led her back down the hall to the first door on theright. “There’s a bathroom to your left if you need it.”

“Thanks,”she said, walking through the small doorway and shutting it behind her. Theflorescent lighting over the mirror showed her wild hair from Joel running hishands through it. Her eyes were bright. The pupils dilated. Her lips were puffyfrom his kiss. All in all, she looked like a slut. “Great.” She ran her fingersthrough her hair to try and straighten it out a little before she went back outthere. “Okay, really Mesa. I don’t think he cares what your hair looks likeexcept if it’s the hair between your legs.”

Oh, crap! I didn’t shave my legsthis morning. What if they are stubbly? I didn’t shave my bikini line latelyeither. Shit!

“Mesa?Are you okay, babe?”

“I’mfine, Joel. I’ll be out in a second.”

“I’vegot some wine. We can sit and relax for a bit. No hurry on this.” It soundedlike he ran his knuckles on the door. “I mean, we can talk a while orwhatever.”

“Okay.”Could he tell her nerves were shot? Probably. He definitely was trying tosoothe them. She used the restroom, washed her hands, and then opened the door.Joel stood on the other side with a little smile lifting the corners of hismouth.



“Comewith me,” he said, taking her hand. With his hat now gone the light reflectedin a blue-black sheen on his curls. “We can watch television, talk or whateveryou want to do. We don’t even have to have sex if you’ve changed your mind.”

“Ihaven’t. Have you?” she asked, taking a seat next to him on the couch.

“No,but I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of caveman. You’re comfort meanseverything to me.”

Shewiped her sweaty palms along the thighs of her jeans.

“Areyou nervous?”

“Yeah,a little,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve never had casual sex before.”

Heran his fingers along her jaw. “I’ve never been in a relationship, so I guessit makes us even.”


“Well,nothin’ serious anyway. I’ve dated a couple of women for a period of time, butit never got serious on my part.”

Shefrowned. He smoothed his thumb between her eyes.

“What’sthe frown for?”

“Iwas thinking about my ex.”

“Ahint here, Mesa. Guys don’t want to hear you’re thinkingabout your ex when they’re about to have sex with you.”

Sheturned to face him as she placed her hand on his chest. “No, nothing like that.I wasn’t comparing you by any means. There’s nothing to compare with. I mean,you’re lean, muscular and drop dead gorgeous. Those eyes could melt chocolateand you know how much women love chocolate. He didn’t have any of thosethings.”

“Whatwere you comparing then?”

“Iwasn’t comparing anything. I had a thought about how my relationship with himseems so different than this with you. When I went out with him, things movedvery slowly. We didn’t have sex for six months after we met. Even then, itwasn’t anything to write home about.” With a giggle, she covered her mouth.“Not like I would write my mother about my sex life, but you know what I mean.”

Helaughed. “Yeah, I do. There’ve been a few women I wouldn’t make love to twice.”

“Really?I thought all guys were just in it for the end result. You know, gettin’ theirrocks off.”

“Notif they are any good, they aren’t. It’s more fun for me to make sure the womanhas several orgasms when I’m with her.”

Thelump in her throat almost choked her. “Several?”

Heleaned in and ran his tongue along her jawline until he reached her ear. “Yeah,several.”