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"So, those doctors of his told you that if you would have left sooner they could have saved his leg?"

"Well, no," I hedged, getting his point. The guilt I had been harboring for the last two-and-half months shifted a little.

"Have you talked to him since you left? You know, to clear the air?" he asked, using his foot to make the swing move slightly.

"No, I was trying to give him space. Truthfully, I know I'm a dumbass waiting for him to show up, but what we shared in our mock cave seemed so real. Maybe everything was like the cave, nothing but a mockery," I said, waiting for the typical male response.

He surprised me by sighing loudly. "I'm going to want to kick myself later for saying this, but I'm sure he's probably feeling conflicted."

"What do you mean 'conflicted'?"

"Well, no offense, but no dude wants his girl to do the saving, and by what you've said about him, I'm sure his pride took a major smack. Coupled with the fact that now he's a cripple. I'm sure he's hiding out, licking his wounds."

"Don't call him that," I said as anger welled through me at the derogatory comment.

"Look, I'm just stating how I'd feel. You may not think of him as a cripple, but that's how he's viewing himself."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked, surprised.

He sighed again. "I guess I'm saying give him time. The dude's gone through some serious shit."

I laughed self-consciously at his words.

"What?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"Nothing, I just think my radar must be off. I thought I was going to have to dodge moves from you, and instead you're telling me I should give some other guy a chance," I said, shaking my head incredulously.

"Oh no, your radar isn't off, I'm just a sap. Believe me, I thought this porch interlude would be going an entirely different direction than me encouraging you to hook up with someone else."

I laughed. "Well, it's a new one for me, but I'll take it," I teased.

"Can I at least walk you home, or am I too much of a chump in your eyes to do that?" he teased with twinkling eyes.

"I guess," I teased back after pretending to contemplate it. "Let me text my friend to tell her. Even though, after the disappearing act she did tonight, she doesn't deserve it," I said, pulling out my phone so I could text the traitor.

"Okay, all set," I said a moment later, stowing my phone back into my handbag. "So, I'm guessing since you had a different agenda tonight, you don't have a steady girlfriend?" I asked as we strolled toward my dorm.

"No, my high school girlfriend and I broke it off last spring."

"Why?" I asked without any qualms of intruding.

"I guess we just grew apart. We had such high hopes when we decided to apply to the same college, against our parents' wishes, I might add. They all thought a little separation would have done both of us some good."

"Ugh, so she goes to school here too? That's got to hit the suckage scale."

He laughed. "Yeah, it wasn't fun at first, especially since she decided that my friend was more to her taste."

"What a whore," I said.

He laughed again. "Yeah, I guess she is."

"It should be a law that you shouldn't be able to date your ex's best friend," I said, shooting him a sympathetic look.

"Ex-best friend," he corrected me.

"See, that's what I mean. These things never end well for the friendship," I added.

"It sucked at the time since I caught them in the act. I guess our parents were right, we needed separation. She just took it literally," he said with bitterness creeping in.

"Aw, Brad, I'm sorry. You deserve better than that whore," I said, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Damn, the guy has to be a cripple," I heard him mutter under his breath as we approached my dorm room.

"What?" I asked, not sure I heard him right.

"Nothing, I'm just contemplating my morals if I hit on someone who is gaga over someone who got dealt a raw deal," he said wryly, winking at me to let me know he was joking.

"What can I say," I argued.

"I know," he mocked. "That's okay. I think it's allowable in this situation."

"Why all the insight?" I asked, curiously.

"My twin brother Dan is paraplegic. He was diving off some rocks at the lake near my house when he slipped and smacked against the rock on his way down."

"Holy crap, I'm so sorry. When did it happen?"

"More than two years ago. It was the day after we graduated high school. A bunch of us were blowing off steam, drinking and partying and stuff. Dan and I were arguing over Megan and me attending the same college. He wanted college to be about us since he claimed Megan and I had been tied at the hip since sophomore year. I was pissed, said some shit and wound up leaving the party. I got the call before I even pulled my car onto the road. He jumped off the rocks and wound up slipping just before he dove and hit the outcropping of rocks on his way down," he said quietly.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I said speechless.

"It was tough at first. They weren't sure if he would make it. But, he did and we've all spent the last few years adjusting to it. That's why I know what your guy is going through. I saw all these stages with Dan. The only difference is his girl didn't want him after the accident."

"What a whore," I said again, making him laugh.

"Is that the only insult you can think of?" he asked.

"Nah, but my friends and I decided freshman year it fits almost any situation when a girl has done you wrong, so we coined it our word. I guess I should pull out the thesaurus."

"No, I like it because it suits both situations perfectly."

"So, how does your brother feel about you off at college without him?" I asked, sitting on the steps of my dorm.

"Oh, he's here too. He had to take online classes freshman year, but I dragged his ass here last year after he was done moping around. We have an apartment right off campus."

"That's awesome," I said, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my chest. Maybe, just maybe, Mason would still come to his senses. "I'm so glad we met tonight," I said warmly, standing to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Me too," he admitted. "Though Dan will be disappointed I didn't bag a chick. He says he's sick of watching me mope around like a kicked dog."

I laughed. "He sounds like a smart guy. I hope I get to meet him," I said, walking up the stairs backward.

"Count on it," he said, heading back the way we had just come.

I was smiling as I trotted up the stairs to my room. Carol had been right. Going out tonight was a great idea. Of course, I'm sure me meeting a guy who would encourage me to wait for Mason probably wasn't her intention, I couldn't help thinking.

Chapter 19

By the time Thanksgiving rolled around, my optimism had begun to wan. Brad and Dan, whom I had been hanging out with every spare moment I had, tried to remain upbeat, but I could tell by the time we left for break, that even they were second-guessing their advice.

"Maybe you'll hear from him during the break," Dan said as we ate pizza in their apartment the day before break.