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Chapter 17

The weeks leading up to the start of term passed in a crazy-busy blur of activity. I pushed Mason to the back of my mind and threw myself into getting ready for dorm life. Mom surprised me by giving me a thousand dollar gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond. I suspected it was a guilt gift, but was grateful for it, regardless. Car and I had a field day spending it, from buying matching comforters for our beds, to completely outfitting our bathroom in deep plum shades. Car's parents kicked in with our appliances so we'd be the envy of the other rooms with our mini fridge, microwave and coffee maker. We'd wanted a hot plate, but all the parents balked at that, claiming we'd forget about it and leave it turned on when sudden inspiration distracted us. We both tried to act hurt over their accusations, but couldn't deny it.

My biggest surprise arrived the day before I headed off to school. Carol and I were dragging my crap down the hall when our doorbell rang. My heart skipped a beat like it had every time our doorbell rang since I got home.

"I'll get it," Carol said, dropping the box she was carrying on the hall table. "Well, well, I know who you are," she said to the visitor.

My heart thudded painfully in my chest and my palms began to sweat. He was here.

Carol swung the door open wide and I had to swallow back my disappointment when I saw Rick and not Mason on the doorstep.

Shoving my hurt back to its safe place, I dropped my box before throwing myself in his arms. "Dad, what are you doing here? Is Mason okay?" I asked, pulling back. I instantly wanted to bite my tongue. I was supposed to be acting nonchalant here.

"Mason's fine. He's at home now and goes in for physical therapy every day," he said, giving me a look that spoke volumes.

"Good, I'm glad," I said, swallowing hard. This is what I had wanted. "But, what are you doing here?" I asked again.

"You didn't think I was going to miss out on the opportunity of helping my daughter settle into college, did you?"

"I guess not," I said with a genuine smile. "Are you sure you're ready for the mayhem though?"

"Bring it on," he said, winking at me.

"Ahem," Car said behind me.

"Oh, sorry. Dad this is my friend, Carol or Car. Car, this is my dad, Rick," I said, introducing them.

"Nice to meet you, Car," Rick said, reaching out to shake her hand.

"So, what's with your boy hurting my girl here?" Carol shocked me by saying.

"Car," I hissed, kicking at her foot.

Rick raised his eyebrows at her question and started to answer it, but I interrupted him. "We don't need to talk about it," I said with steel in my voice as I gave Carol the evil eye.

She shrugged her shoulders in her typical so-sue-me kind of attitude.

Rick watched our silent exchange, looking confused about whether he should say something.

"It's fine. Car just shares my gift of diarrhea of the mouth," I said, leading him into the family room. "Did Mom know you were coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told her I wanted it to be a surprise. Figured you could use me for manual labor."

"Great idea, my dad is sooooooo old, he'd be more of a hindrance," Carol piped in.

"Car," I said, trying to chastise her, but wound up having to agree with her. I loved her parents dearly, but they were older than most of the parents we knew. Poor Carol had put up with jokes about them looking more like her grandparents than actual parents for years.

"They're just a little older," I explained to Rick.

"I see. Well, I'm glad I can be of service. I rented an Expedition since your mom told me you'd have to take several vehicles."

"That's awesome, though I'm sure Ms. Go Green might feel differently," Car teased.

"Go Green?" Rick asked.

"Seriously, Car, you need a gag," I said, sighing. "I'm just a little picky on environmentally-friendly vehicles," I added, grabbing the box I had set down.

"Uh-huh, I'm guessing my vehicle back home doesn't meet those standards?" he joked, grabbing the box from me.

"Um, no, not really," I admitted.

He laughed. "It's practical for the mountains, but I see your point."

Carol laughed at his words and followed him outside with her box. Conversation after that was left to short phrases as I dragged the rest of the stuff we had accumulated to the entryway. The majority of Carol's stuff was already at my house since we had been stowing our purchases in my room. Space at her house was limited at best, even with her and her two older siblings off at school.

Carol left when we were almost done so she could help her mom with dinner.

Rick and I finished loading up the back of the Expedition, which I had to admit had a ton of space once you laid all the seats down. Rick filled me in on what was happening at the camp while we worked. He was careful to skirt around mentioning Mason and I was thankful for it. I hadn't cried over Mason since my first night home, but being around Rick brought the raw feelings back to the surface.

"So, Amy's gearing up for Red Rocks," he said, closing the hatch of the vehicle as my mom pulled into the driveway.

"Where's she staying?" I asked.

"In a small apartment off campus. Her scholarship money and loans are enough to pay the bills and her classes. We're all pitching in for the rest."

"That's great. I know how much she wanted to go to college."

"She misses you," he said before turning to greet my mom. "Kate," he said, giving her hug.

"It's good to see you, Rick," she said warmly.

I headed to my room, leaving them to chat.

My room looked bare without all the boxes and bags that had cluttered it the last few weeks. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I thought about my conversation with Rick. I felt bad I hadn't called or returned Amy's text messages since I got home. I had pushed her away, afraid that talking to her would make me miss Mason more. I now realized it was selfish of me to do so. I valued her friendship and I wasn't doing a very good job showing it.

I pulled my cell out of my pocket and scrolled through my messages until I got to the one she had sent.

Hey girl I hear you're college bound. I typed.

Who is this??? She answered.

Hahaha kidding :) She texted back.

Sorry I haven't called.

I understand chica. I know something went down between you and Greeky but figured you didn't want to talk about it.

Yeah sort of.

That's okay. I'm here if you need a friend.

Thanks I value your friendship a lot.

Aww back atcha Twinsie .

I heart you. I texted smiling.

I heart you too <3 Don't be a stranger.

I won't. I typed.

Tossing my phone on my bed, I headed to my bathroom to shower since moving stuff translated to sweaty ickiness.

The evening passed much too quickly for my liking as Rick treated Mom and me to dinner out at my favorite Mexican restaurant. During dinner, Rick entertained us with stories of previous years at the camp. Mom and I were in stitches at some of the fiascos, or as he put it, fires he had to put out. The evening was bittersweet as I got a glimpse into what our life might have been like.

"I had fun tonight," I told them, giving them a hug goodnight as they continued to talk late into the night.