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The flowers at the entrance to the President’s Deck were already several feet deep and, thankfully, plenty of them looked as though they were lastminute sell-stall purchases. She waited until the roses woman had arranged her tribute, then she bent to add her own flowers to the bunches already there.

She was just about to leave when she spotted the face in the bouquet behind hers. The roses woman’s teddy had pressed the flowers down, squashing the petals together so that they looked like … No, it couldn’t be!

The face turned to look at her, then it opened its mouth and spoke. ‘Beverly!’

Bev stared, her eyes pricking with tears. ‘Mum?’


Many thanks to Justin Richards for inviting me to write this book, and for my family for putting up with me while I did so. Thanks also to top Doctor Who pals Mark Wright and Cavan Scott for their support and encouragement on the days when I felt as though I’d lost the ability to string a sentence together. Special thanks, though, go to Beverly Sanford, who kept an eye on the story as I wrote, making sure it all made some sort of sense.

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Plague of the Cybermen


‘They like the shadows.’

‘What like the shadows?’

‘You know them as Plague Warriors …’

When the Doctor arrives in the 19th-century village of Klimtenburg, he discovers the residents suffering from some kind of plague – a ‘wasting disease’. The victims face a horrible death – but what’s worse, the dead seem to be leaving their graves. The Plague Warriors have returned …

The Doctor is confident he knows what’s really happening; he understands where the dead go, and he’s sure the Plague Warriors are just a myth.

But as some of the Doctor’s oldest and most terrible enemies start to awaken, he realises that maybe – just maybe – he’s misjudged the situation.

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor as played by Matt Smith in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.

U.S. $9.99 (Canada: $11.99) ISBN: 978-0-385-34676-4

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The Dalek Generation


‘The Sunlight Worlds offer you a life of comfort and plenty. Apply for your brand new home now, by contacting us at the Dalek Foundation.’

Sunlight 349 is one of countless Dalek Foundation worlds, planets created to house billions of humanoids suffering from economic hardship. The Doctor arrives at Sunlight 349, suspicious of any world where the Daleks are apparently a force for good – and determined to find out the truth.

He soon finds himself in court, facing the ‘Dalek Litigator’. But do his arch enemies really have nothing more to threaten than legal action? The Doctor knows they have a far more sinister plan – but how can he convince those who have lived under the benevolence of the Daleks for a generation?

Convince them he must, and soon. For on another Foundation planet, archaeologists have unearthed the most dangerous technology in the universe …

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor as played by Matt Smith in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.

U.S. $9.99 (Canada: $11.99) ISBN: 978-0-385-34674-0

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