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arp/huelsenbbck/tzara, Die Geburt des Dada, Zurich: Arche, 1957

mehring, walter, Berlin Dada, Zurich: Arche, 1959 huelsenbeck, richard, Mit Witz, Licht und Griitze, Wiesbaden: Limes, 1957 daumal, renЈ and gilbert-lecomte, roger, Petit Thidtre, Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1957


La Place de TEtoile, Antipobne, Rodez: Collection Humour, 1945 Domaine Publique (collected poems), Paris: Gallimard, 1953

berger, pierre, Robert Desnos (essay on Desnos with anthology of his work), Paris: Seghers, i960 (no. 16 in the series ‘Pofetes d’Aujourd’hui’)

Expressionismus. Literatur und Kunst, 1910–1923 (catalogue of an exhibition at the Schiller Museum, Marbach, West Germany, 8


May-31 October 1961, ed. B. Zeller, containing a very full bibliography of Expressionism, with biographical notes on all important authors), Marbach: i960


The Vegetable or From President to Postman, New York: Scribner, 1923 mizener, Arthur, This Side of Paradise, London: Eyre Spottiswoode, 1951


Dichtungen, ed. Claire Goll, Neuwied: Luchterhand, i960, reprints Die Chaplinade, Die Unsterblichen, Zwei Uberdramen (1. Der Unsterbliche, 2. Der TJngestorbene), Melusine Methusalem, in Schrei und Bekenntnis. Expressionistisches Theater (anthology of Expressionist plays), ed. K. Otten, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1959 romains, jules/brion, marcel/carmody, f./exner, r., Yuan Goll (anthology and critical essays), Paris: Seghers,

1956 (no. 50 in the series ‘PoStes d’Aujourd’hui *)


The Marriage, trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1970

Princess Ivona, trans. by Krystyna Griffith and Catherine Robins, London: Calder Boyars, 1969 Operetta, trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1971


CEuvres Completes, Monte Carlo and Lausanne: 1948 Ubu Roi, Ubu Enchaini, Paralipombies d’LJbu, Questions de Thidtre, Les Minutes de Sable Memorial, Cisar-Antichrist, Poisies, L'Autre Alceste, Lausanne: Henri Kaeser, 1948 (colllection of all Ubuesque writings)

Tout Ubu (another collection of Ubuesque writings), Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1962 Ubu Roi, trans. by Barbara Wright, in Four Modem French Comedies, New York: Capricorn Books, 1961 Ubu, Version pour la seine (acting edition of Ubu Roi and Ubu Enchaini adapted for performance as one play at the Theatre Nadonale Populaire), Paris: L’Arche, 1958 Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll, Paris: Fasquelle, 1955 (trans., New York: Evergreen Review, no. 13, i960, p. 131)



KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Schrijten 1907–1955, Munich: Langen, 1956


CEuvres Completes, Paris: Corti, 1946


Obras Completas, Madrid: Aguilar, 1955

NADEAU, MAURICE Histoire du Surrialisme, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1945 PICASSO, PABLO Le Disir Attrapi par la Queue, Paris: Messages П, 1944;also, in book form, Paris: Gallimard, 1949 (no. 23 of the collection ‘Metamorphoses’) (trans. by B. Frechtman, Desire Caught by the Tail, London: Rider, 1950) penrose, roland, Picasso, His Life and Work, London: Gollancz, 1955 pinthus, kurth Menschheitsdammerung (one of the first anthologies of Expressionist poetry), Berlin: Rowohlt, 1920; reissue (with new introduction and bibliographical material), Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959


Les Pelicans, Piice en deux actes, in CEuvres Completes, vol. I, Paris: Club des Libraires de France, 1959

RIBEMONT-DESSAIGNES, GEORGES Thidtre, Paris: Gallimard, 1966 Diji Jadis (memoirs), Paris: Julliard, 1958


Le Symbolisme au Thidtre, Lugni — Роё et les Dibuts de FCEuvre, Paris: L’Arche, 1957


L’Etoile au Front, Paris: Lemerre, 1925 La Poussibe de Soleils, Paris: Lemerre, 1927

rousselot, jean, Raymond Roussel et la Toute-Puissance du Langage, Paris: La Tour St Jacques, March-April 1957 heppenstall, rayner, Raymond Roussel, a critical guide, London: Calder Boyars, 1966


SALACROU, ABMAND Surrealist playlets Pieces Lire: Les Trente TombesdeJudas, Histoire de Cirque, Paris: Les CEuvres Libres, no. 173, October i960


The Banquet Years (containing outstanding studies of Apollinaire and Jarry), London: Faber Faber, 1959


The Writer in Extremis: Expressionism in Twentieth-Century German Literature, Stanford University Press, 1959


Four Saints in Three Acts, New York: Random House, 1934 Geography and Plays, Boston: Four Seas, 1922 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights

In Savoy or Yes Is for a Very Young Man, London: Pushkin Press, 1946


Coupures, Tragidie, sum de Lauma Lamer, Paris: Рёгои, 1926 Euphorismes, no publisher indicated, 1926

Le Bhrou, Drome en IVactes, Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1956 Hommage h Torma (biographical, bibliographical, and critical studies by various hands), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, no. 7,1952

TZARA, TRISTAN La Premibe Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine, Zurich: Collection Dada, 1916

La Deuxibne Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine, Paris: RЈverbЈre, 1938

Le Cceur Gaz, Paris: GLM, 1946 La Fruite, Paris: Gallimard, 1947

valle-inclAn, ram6n del Martes de Camaval, Esperpentos, in Opera Omnia, vol. 24, Madrid: Editorial Rua Nueva, 1943, contains: Las Galas del Difunto, Los Cuemos de Don Friolera, La Hija del Capitan VITRAC, ROGER

Thidtre, 4 vols., Paris: Gallimard, 1946, 1964


Dramaty, 2 vols. ed. Konstanty Puzyna, Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1962 Plays available in English are contained in:

The Madman and the Nun and Other Plays, trans. and ed. by Daniel C. Gerould and C. S. Durer, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968, contains: The Madman and the Nun, The Water Hen, The Crazy Locomotive, The Mother, They, The Shoemakers and Tropical Madness. Four Plays, trans. by Daniel and Eleanor Gerould, New York: Winter House, 1972, contains: The Pragmatists, Mr Price or: Tropical Madness, Gyubal Wahazar, Metaphysics of a Two-Headed Calf YEATS, w. в.

Autobiographies, London: Macmillan, 1955


Адамов Артюр. Весна семьдесят первого. Пер. Е. Ауэрбах. М.: Искусство. 1968.

Арто Антонен. Театр и его двойник. С приложением текста «Театр Серафима». Пер. и комм. С. Исаева. М.: Мартис. 1993.

Аррабаль Фернандо. Пикник. Пер. Ш. Мижи. // «Театр парадокса». М.: Искусство. 1991.

Беккет Сэмюэль. Изгнанник. Пьесы и рассказы. Библиотека журнала «Иностранная литература». М.: Известия, 1989.

Эндшпиль. Изгнанник. Первая любовь. Конец. Пер. с фр. Е. Су- риц. // Там же.

Про всех падающих. Общение. Пер. с англ. Е. Суриц. // Там же. Счастливые дни. Пер. с англ. Л. Беспаловой. // Там же.

Театр I. Пер. с англ. А. Куприна. // Там же.

Данте и лангусты. Пер. с англ. М. Кореневой. // Там же.

Беккет Сэмюэль. Театр I. Пер. А. Куприна. // «Театр парадокса». М.: Искусство. 1991.

Театр II. Игра. Звук шагов. Пер. А. Куприна. // Там же. Беккет Сэмюэль. Театр. СПб.: Азбука. Амфора. 1999.

В ожидании Годо. Пер. О.Тархановой. // Там же.