[iv] "I am a [mere sponger] and nothing more! Yes, nothing more!"
[v] "among these seminarians"
[vi] "for our holy Russia."
[vii] "but let us distinguish"
[viii] "Just between us"
[ix] "These interminable Russian words!"
[x] "You know, with us ... In a word"
[xi] "in order to show you his power."
[xii] "no, it's very curious"
[xiii] "you know that singing and the book of Job"
[xiv] "andhe showed his power"
[xv] "what an idea, red!" or "what a red idea!"
[xvi] "you know"
[xvii] "with such pomposity"
[xviii] "Really?"
[xix] "Charming child!"
[xx] "And then, since one always finds more monks than reason"
[xxi] "My word, dear"
[xxii] "Oh, it's a very stupid story! I was waiting for you, my good friend, in order to tell you..."
[xxiii] "AII men of genius and progress in Russia were, are and always will be [card players] and [drunkards] who drink in zapoï [bouts]"
[xxiv] "But, just between us"
[xxv] "But she's a child!"
[xxvi] "Yes, I mistook one word for another. But... it's all the same"
[xxvii] "Yes, yes, I'm incapable."
[xxviii] "this dear son"
[xxix] "he's such a poor mind!"
[xxx] "he's a poor specimen all the same"
[xxxi] "And finally, the ridicule"
[xxxii] "I am a galley slave, a Badinguet, a"
[xxxiii] "I don't give a damn!"
[xxxiv] “I don't give a damn and I proclaim my freedom. To the devil with Karmazinov! To the devil with the Lembke woman!"
[xxxv] "You will second me, won't you, as friend and witness."
[xxxvi] "that's the word"
[xxxvii] "something of that sort."
[xxxviii] "I remember it. Finally"
[xxxix] "he was like a little idiot."
[xl] "How's that!"
[xli] "of this poor friend"
[xlii] "our irascible friend"
[xliii] "our holy Russia"
[xliv] "But that will pass."
[xlv] "to the accident. You will accompany me, won't you?"
[xlvi] "O God who is so great and so good!"
[xlvii] "and I am beginning to believe."
[xlviii] "In God? In God who is on high and who is so great and so good?"
[xlix] "He does everything I want."
[l] "God! God! ... at last a minute of happiness."
[li] "You and happiness, you arrive at the same time!"
[lii] "I was so nervous and sick and then ..."
[liii] "He's a local dreamer. He's the best and most irascible man in the world..."
[liv] "and you will do a good deed..."
[lv] "Anyhow, it's ridiculous."
[lvi] "a worthy man all the same"
[lvii] "this Liputin, which I do not understand"
[lviii] "I am an ungrateful man!"
[lix] "all has been said... it's terrible."
[lx] "She's an angel"
[lxi] "Twenty years!"
[lxii] "He's a monster; and anyhow"
[lxiii] "These people imagine that nature and human society are otherwise than God made them and than they actually are."
[lxiv] "but let's speak of other things"
[lxv] "it was stupid, but what can be done, all has been said."
[lxvi] "if miracles exist?"
[lxvii] "and let all be said!"
[lxviii] "what is known as the"
[lxix] "leave me, my friend"
[lxx] "you see"
[lxxi] "But what is the matter with you, Liza!"
[lxxii] "But, my dear and excellent friend, in what agitation..."
[lxxiii] "anyhow, he is a depraved man and something like an escaped convict..."
[lxxiv] "He is a dishonest man and I believe he is even an escaped convict or something of the kind"
[lxxv] "And you are right"
[lxxvi] "He laughs."
[lxxvii] "that's it exactly."
[lxxviii] "to cause a sensation around his name"
[lxxix] "He laughs. He laughs a lot, he laughs too much ... He laughs all the time."
[lxxx] "So much the better."
[lxxxi] "I wanted to convert."
[lxxxii] 'This poor [auntie,] she's going to hear some pretty things!"
[lxxxiii] "There's something blind and shifty [or cross-eyed] in him."
[lxxxiv] "They are quite simply lazybones"
[lxxxv] ”You're lazy. Your banner is a rag, an impotence."
[lxxxvi] "some stupidity of the sort."
[lxxxvii] "You don't understand."
[lxxxviii] 'insatiable activity"
[lxxxix] "benevolent curmudgeon"
[xc] "That impure blood should flood our furrows!"
[xci] "Not an inch of our ground, not a stone of our fortresses!"
[xcii] "Yes, the comparison is permissible. It was like a little Don Cossack, jumping upon his own grave."
[xciii] "I've forgotten."
[xciv] "informality"
[xcv] "without letting it show!"
[xcvi] "Reader take notice."
[xcvii] "At last a friend!"
[xcviii] "You understand?"
[xcix] "Excuse me, I've forgotten his name. He's not from around here... something stupid and German in his physiognomy. His name is Rosenthal."
[c] You know him? Something dull and very self-satisfied in his face, but at the same time very severe, stiff, and serious."
[ci] "I know the type."
[cii] "yes, I remember it, he used that word."
[ciii] "He kept his distance"
[civ] "anyhow, he seemed to believe I was going to fall on him at once and start beating him to a pulp. All these low-class people are like that"
[cv] "It's twenty years that I've been preparing for it."
[cvi] "I was dignified and calm."
[cvii] "and, anyhow, all that."
[cviii] "and some of my historical, critical, and political sketches."
[cix] "yes, that's right"
[cx] "He was alone, quite alone"
[cxi] "in the entryway, yes, I remember that, and then"
[cxii] "I was overexcited, you see. He talked, he talked ... a pile of things"