325. 355. 357. 360, 429. 431. 452-3.

463. 474. 476-7 Crcstonia, 82

Crete. 57, 67, 78, 99. 223, 224, 433. 453

Critobulus, doctor, 51

Croesus, 128

Cycladcs, 162, 185

Cyprus, 96, 100, 132, 178, 181, 187,

194. 203, 213, 225, 235. 236, 449. 475 Cyrcne, 202-5

Cyrus, King, 250, 260, 273, 292, 295,

301, 303, 305. 408, 409 Cyzicus, 117, 203

Damascus, 165, 175, 176, 177, 178

Damghan, 269, 278

Danube, R., 17, 42, 60, 68, 80, 81-4,

86, 88, 89, 115 Dardanelles, 50, 52, 82, 88, 90, 92, 109,

in, 112, 114, 116, 149, 152, 157, 162 Darius I, 104, 130, 221, 222, 253, 257,

383. 389. 451 Darius II, 245

Darius III, King of Persia, 19, 60, 127, 135, 136, 145, 244, 247, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254. 259. 275, 277. 278, 322; character and background, 99-100; preparation for war, 152-3, 155-7, 160-167; battle at Issus, 168-76; flight, 178, 180, 187, 189, 192-3, 199, 201; gathers new army, 223, 226-31; battle at Gaugamela, 233-4, 237, 239-43; death, 267-70, 272-4

Dascylium, 118, 127

Delphi, 50, 54, 71, 94, 208, 210,484

Demades, 452

Demaratus, 47, 50, 130, 253

Demosthenes, 49, 60, 61, 85, 88, 150, 215, 452, 475

Diades, 191

Dimnus, 283, 286


Diodotus, 464, 467, 468 Diogenes, 71, 348, 349 Dion, 30, 33, 123

Dionysius, I, ruler of Syracuse, 183, 184

Dionysius II, ruler of Syracuse, 213 Dionysus, god, 31, 44, 45, 48, 82, 305,

310. 333-4. 340-2, 309. 400, 443 Dodona, 45 Doloapsis, 220 Dor, 191 Dura, 483, 488

Edessa, 19

Egypt, 19, 50, 58, 66, 77, 95 el passimElimea, 33, 40 Einpedocles, 440 Eordaia, 33, 40, 58 Epaminondas, 77

Ephesus, 43, 118, 126, 129, 130, 131,

140, 189 Ephialtes, 137, 138, 139 Ephippus of Olynthus, 444, 445, 447,

451, 452, 470 Epirus, 17, 18, 22, 32, 91, 484 Erigyius, 430 Erythrae, 219, 468 Ethiopia, 195, 197, 338 Euagoras, 186

Eumenes, secretary, 51, 386, 418,

430-1, 438, 462-5, 467, 468, 474, 477

Euphrates, R., 83, 96, 97. 101, 102, 189, 225-9, 250, 383. 455

Euripides, 48, 57

Europe, d. of Philip. 18, 85

Eurydice, also called Cleopatra, bride of Philip 18, 21, 23, 35, 39, 85

Euthymus, 440

Failaka, 454, 459 Farah, 283, 291, 292

Garah, 206, 207 Gardez, 293

Gaugamcla, 121. 227-30, 236, 237. 242,

244. 252. 255. 267. 273. 280, 339 Gaza, 191-4, 222, 261 Gerizini, Mount, 222 Glycera, 412, 433 Gordiuin, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154 Gorgo, 451, 452

Granicus, R., 119-22, 124, 126-7, 129, 564

132-6, 141, 148, 150, 152, 155, 169,

172. 176. 275 Gurgan, 101, 268, 275, 276, 282, 449 Gwadar, 335

Hadramut, 101

Halicarnassus, 135-7, 139-40, 145, 148,

157, 162, 163, 183 Hamadan. 93, 100, 222, 241-2, 251. 254,

259, 267-9, 272, 279, 282, 285-6, 288-

290, 299. 307. 334. 406-7, 410-II,

413. 423. 432-3. 435 Hannibal, 338 Haranpur, 353, 354, 355 Hariva, 279

Harpalus, 52, 268, 411-13, 437, 439,

451. 453. 457. 458 Hecatacus, 39 Hector, 62, 64, 193 Hector, s. of Parmenion, 222 Hegelochus, 289 Helen of Troy, 44, 112 Helicon, 235

Hellespont, 39, 50, 115, 117, 121, 189, 307

Hephaistion, s. of Amyntor, 41, 52, 113, 180, 210, 275, 291. 311, 335, 423. 476. 477; relationship with Alexander, 56-9, 216, 430-1; at Issus, 176; bridges Euphrates, 226-8; at Gaugamela, 241-242; second-in-command, 318-19; in India, 339, 347, 359. 366, 378, 381; marriage, 418; death, 434-8, 447; funeral monument, 456-8, 461

Heracles. 30, 41, 44, 47, 68. 71, 83, 152, 177. 181, 182, 191. 201, 333. 334. 443. 463. 470

Herat, 280, 282, 293, 294, 298

Hermeias, 53, 274

Hermes, 213

Herodotus, 52, 56, 60, 83, 94, 103, 201,

270, 397. 449. 458 Himalayas, 45

Hindu Kush, 79, 98, 101, 151. 293-7,

336. 337. 375. 382, 390 Hippocrates, 48 Hissar, 315

Homer, 25, 28, 54, 59, 60-7, 77, 94~5. 112-15, "9. 168, 193, 208, 213, 215

el passimHorus, s. of Ra, 197

Hulwan, 432 Hund, 339, 347 Hyrcania, 141

Iasos, 451 Iatroclcs, 49 Iceland, 26

Ida, Mount, 101, 119, 120 Idomencus, 63

Iliad(Homer), 59-62, 64, 66, 95, 112,

177. 208, 217. 313

Illyria, 42, 80, 116

India, 47, 52, 55, 61, 77, 96 et passimIndian Ocean, 385, 389, 395, 397 Indus, R., 97. 210, 344. 364. 375. 383-7 Iollas, 463, 466

Ionia, 128, 129, 130, 135, 143, 484 Iphicrates, 77

Iran, 48, 71, 97, 99,100, 200 et passimIsfahan, 267 Isocrates, 58, 91

Issus, 124, 146-8,164-6, 169-70, 173-4.

178, 187, 194,199. 222-3, 228-9,233.

235, 240, 254, 276, 287

Italy, 90. 164, 264, 278, 338, 448, 450, 485, 486

Jcrash, 222 Jerusalem, 223

Jhclum, R., 194. 353-5. 3<53 . 3 75

Julian, Emperor, 222, 229, 467

Julius Caesar, 20, 26, 217, 235, 277, 362,

442, 467 Justinian, Emperor, 218

Kabul, 293, 294. 29s. 331

Kandahar, 292, 293, 475, 479

Kapisa, 294

Karachi, 387

Karshi, 300

Kazarun, 255

Khabash, 109, 195

Khavar, 267, 278

Khonsu, s. of Amun, 202

Khwarezm, 195, 306, 307, 492

Kirkuk, 244, 496

Kirman, 102, 388, 395, 398, 399-404.

406, 408, 410, 449, 450 Kolokotronis, 60 Ksandrames, 368, 371 Kunduz, 297

Kurkath, 302, 303

Lahore, 367 Lampsacus, 117 Laomcdon, 50, 430, 475 Lebanon, 46, 63, 95, 101, 184, 186, 191, 449

Lconidas, tutor to Alexander, 45, 46

Lconnatus, 32, 176, 335, 421, 430, 473

Lcosthenes, 453, 454, 475

Lesbos, 26, 50, 53, 153, 157, 199. 223

Libya, 200, 201, 202, 204, 220, 221, 448

Loudias, R., 31, 48

Lucian, 127

Luristan, 447, 454

Lycia, 50, 140, 142-4, 146, 149, 306

Lydia, 128, 158, 248

Lyncestis, 32, 34

Lysander, Spartan general, 203

Lysimachus, tutor to Alexander, 45, 46,

52, 59, 186, 474 Lysippus, sculptor, 40, 41, 61, 123, 131

Macedonia, 18, 19, 21-4, 28, 30 et passim

Madagascar, 397

Magadha, 371, 379

Makran, 388-96, 398-9, 401, 403-5,

409, 418-19, 422, 424-5, 427-8, 442,

452. 459 Mallus, 163

Mangal Dev. 354, 355, 356 Marathon, 301 Margitcs, 60, 61, 215 Marsyas, 52

Mausolus, b. of Ada, 135

Mazacus, 226-8, 239, 242, 247, 249-50,

269, 405. 406 Medea, 201

Medeius, cavalryman, 51 Media, 124, 233, 423, 474 Medius, 461-5, 470, 471 Megalopolis, 252 Megara, 164 Meleagcr, 473, 474 Mclkarth, Tyrian god, 181, 224 Mcmnon, 118-20, 122, 129, 135-6,

138-9. IS2-7. 162, 177 Memphis, 109, 195-7, 203, 211-12,

217-220, 222, 271, 478 Menecratcs, 445, 446 Menoitios, 113 Merv, 308, 485

Meshed, 279, 280

Meskenc, 227

Mesopotamia, 83, 158, 484

Midas, King, 149, 150

Micza, 54, 55, 56, 58

Miletus, 131, 133. 134. 139.189, 208

Mithrines, 128, 250

Mitylene, 153, 154. 157. 189, 223, 224

Motya, 184

Multan, 379, 380, 381, 421 Mut, w. of Amun, 202 Mycenae, 61, 64, 67 Myriandrus, 165, 166, 168, 170

Naoussa, 54

Naucratis, 198, 220, 222

Nearchus the Cretan, 50-2, 143, 306, 430, 483, 490; preparation for Indian campaign, 333, 335; sea journey to Persia, 364-5, 377. 385-7. 392. 396, 400, 401; in Iran, 404-6, 408; marriage, 418; honoured, 421-3; exploration in Persian Gulf, 449-54; death of Alexander, 461-3

Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, 181, 248, 250, 251, 471

Nectanebo II, Pharaoh, 197, 204, 221

Neoptolemus, 335

Nicaea, 337, 361

Nicomachus, f. of Aristotle, 53

Nikatorion, 243

Nile, River, 55. 94, in, 194,195. 197.

204, 222, 364 Nippur, 158 Nubia, 195

Odysseus, 64 Olympia, 203

Olympias, w. of Philip, 90, 413, 469, 475; Alexander's birth, 214, 215, 217, 221; Alexander's youth, 57-9; flight from court, 18, 19, 22-5, 36; return to power, 39, 40, 43-5, 48; murder of Eurydice, 85; acts as queen, 91, 109, 123; warns against Lyncestian, 147, 164; and Antipater, 429, 452, 463, 469