Lastly there is Plutarch, the Greek from Chaeronea, whose Life of Alexanderreflects his wide reading and memory of a full range of the original histories, rephrased in his own terms of the early 2nd century a.d. and sometimes marred by slips of detail. His biography was one of a series arranged in parallel pairs; Alexander paralleled Caesar. He also wrote rhetorical works defending Alexander against the charge that he was more lucky than talented.

It is always easy to blame the inadequacies of Alexander's contemporary historians, but we should remember that no Greek had previously recorded the exploits of a living king in a mood of accuracy, without moralizing or writing panegyric, and that there was never a king before or since with exploits as vast as Alexander's.


Abdalonymus, King, 180 Abu Dhahir. 228

Achilles. 44, 59-62, 64-7, 112-15, 122,

155. 168, 193, 215, 216, 313 Achilles the Athenian, 223 Ada, Queen of Caria, 135, 136, 139,

176, 405 Admetus, 190 Adriatic Sea, 17, 84, 90 Aegean Sea, 26, 102, 134, 178, 189, 198 Aeolia, 129, 130 Acropus, 37

Acschines, ambassador, 46

Aeschylus, 48, 94

Action, painter, 317

Afghanistan, 50, 63, 101, 200, 267, 279,

292, 314, 482 Africa, 75

Agamemnon, King, 60, 63, 64, 65 Agathocles, 480 Agathon, dramatist, 48 Aghurmi, 207

Agis. King of Sparta, 185, 199, 223-4,

226, 252, 454 Ahriman, 152

Ahura Mazda, 99, 152, 213, 229, 257, 273

Aigai. 19, 20, 26, 30, 31, 36, 39, 68

Aisopus, R., 119

Ajax, 112, 114

Albania, 34

Alectas, 431

Alcibiades, 322

Alexander the Great: early life, 18, 20, 22-8, 31-66; and army, 68-73, 75. 77. 79-80; in Thrace, 81-90; background to Persian campaign, 91-6, 98-104; Troy, 109, m-15; battle at Granicus, 116-24; frees Asian cities, 126-36; siege of Halicarnassus, 137-42; at Phaselis and Gordium, 143-51; moves against Darius, 152-6, 158, 160-7; battle at Issus, 168-77;

Tyre and Gaza, 178, 180-93; to Egypt, 194-218; seeks out Darius, 219-32; battle at Gaugamela, 233-42; at Babylon and Susa, 244-56; Persepolis, 258-64; heir to Darius's empire, 267-78; conspiracy with Parmenion and Philotas, 279-91; at Balkh, 292-307; and Clcitus, 308-314; marriage to Roxane, 315-19; and Callisthenes, 320-30; invades India, 331-49; battle against Porus, 351-62; retreat, 363-72; siege of Multan, 375-380; plans new expedition, 381-6; Makran and Kirman, 387-402; Susa, 403-20; Hamadan, 421-35; deification, 436-60; death, 461-72; aftermath, 473-98

Alexander IV, s. of Alexander, 474 Alexander, King of Epirus, 20, 90, 164, 278

Alexander, Prince of Lynccstis, 36, 37, 40, 86, 145, 146, 164, 285, 288, 463

Alexandretta, 177

Alexandria, 66, 182, 198, 199, 200, 204, 205, 212, 213, 221

Alexandropolis, 42

Alcxarchus, 446

Alinda, 136

Amasis, Pharaoh, 202

Ambhi, rajah, 339, 347, 351, 360, 404

Ammon, god, 200-8, 210, 211, 214, 216, 217, 219, 222, 224, 376, 385, 401, 443- 444. 446. 451-2, 456, 458, 476

Amphotcrus, 153 Amritsar, 371, 372 Amun, god, 197, 201-4, 208-9, 212, 213, 221

Amyntas III, 38, 165, 166, 175, 194, 195, 284

Amyntas III, King of Macedonia, 53, 440

Amyntas IV, formerly king, 35,

37-9.287 Amyntor, 56

Anahita, goddess, 104, 131, 141 Anakyndaraxes, 163 Anarxarchus, 324, 430, 475 Anchialus, 163 Ancyra, 154 Androsthenes, 51 Antalcidas, 157 Antigone, 287

Antigonus, S2, 149, 187, 403 Antioch, 361 Antiochus I, 481

Antipater, 134, 147, 185, 199, 223, 282,

329, 468, 471, 475-7; genera lin

Macedonia, 31, 36-40, 52, 56, 60; in

Thrace, 81, 86-7, 89-91; rebellion,

152-3; Spartan uprising, 252-3, 414;

and Olympias, 452, 453, 463

Aornos, 343

Apellcs, painter, 40, 49, 50, 130, 131,

443. 449 Apis, Egyptian god, 196 Apollo, 21, 23, 126, 211, 213, 215, 219 Arabia, 454, 460, 461, 476, 481, 485 Arachosia, 292 Arad, 178, 185 Arbela, 124, 228, 241, 244 Arcadia, 49, 463 Archclaus, King, 30, 31, 48, 57 Archidamus, King of Sparta, 183 Ariamazes, 318

Aristander, 143, 149, 150, 182, 199, 231,

232, 236, 308, 431 Aristobulus, 121, 146, 148, 150, 163,

177. 194. 285, 309, 325, 326, 327,

330, 445. 450, 4541 quoted, 328, 365,

399, 408, 464. 470

Aristomencs, 217 Aristonicus, musician, 50, 314 Aristotle, 21-3, 41, 45, 53-6, 58-9, 63, 65-7. 70, 90, 94-5, ioi, 103, 144, 152, 197, 204, 248, 275, 296, 336, 350, 475 '

Armenia, 99, 100, 156, 227-8, 233, 250,

405. 487. 492 Arrhidaeus, s. of Philip, 35, 36, 39, 473,


Arrian, 200, 201, 204 Artabazus, Persian satrap, 50, 177, 276, 280, 298-9, 315, 317-18, 322, 410

Artacoana, 280 Artaxerxes II, King, 157 Artaxerxes III, King, 98, 100, 105, 196, 418, 449

Artemis, goddess, 43, 104, 126, 130,

131, 140, 141 Asander, 290, 306 Ashdod,191

Asia, 19, 77, 78, 81, 83, 85, 89-91, 95,

279, 280, 293 Asoka, s. of Chandragupta, 482, 484 Aspendos, 143, 148 Assurnbanipal, King of Assyria, 163 Assyria, 165, 170, 182, 183, 246, 270 Athena, goddess, 72, 92, 112, 113, 123,

140, 177

Athens, 30, 39, 42, 45, 46, 48 el passimAthos, Mount, 52 Atropates, 410

Attalus, uncle of Eurydice, 21-4, 35,

38-40, 85, 287, 468 Aturi, 379 Aturia, 229 Augustine, 43 Augustus, Emperor, 217 Autophradates, 453 Azcmilk, King of Tyre, 191

Baal, Haman, 202

Babylon, 96, 97, 100, 128, 156, 157, 162 el passim

Babylonia, 52, 158, 160, 245, 246, 249,

271, 272, 383. 485 Bacchylides, poet, 48 Bactria, 125, 227, 279, 294-5, 297, 299,

306, 308, 311, 318, 334-5, 353, 404,

407. 479. 483. 485. 492. 493-4 Badakshan, 101, 298 Bagoas, 274-6, 377, 402, 409, 431,


Bahrein, 454, 459

Balkh, 267, 280, 297-300, 302, 306-8, 314, 316, 318-19, 321, 331, 361, 404, 422, 479

Bardylis, 84

Barsine, d. of Artabazus, 50, 177, 276,

298, 318, 418, 473 Batis, governor of Gaza, 191, 193 Bazcira, 308 Begram, 294, 295, 336 Behbehan, 255 Bel-Marduk, god, 248, 249

Dcssus, 279-80, 282, 292-4, 297-300,

302, 307, 314, 317, 336 Bisutun, 432

Black Sea, 17, 42, 81, 82, 88, 92, 101,

152, 203. 276, 306, 307, 433, 449. 48l Bocotia, 37, 74, 86 Branchidac, 219 Bucephala, 361,363,375,382

Bucephalas, Alexander's horse, 47-8, 58,

120, 235. 253. 275. 35<5. 361, 362Bulgaria, 81 Burgaz, 141 Byblos, 180, 185 Byzantium, 42, 82, 115

Calanus, 348, 349, 416, 435 Caligula, Emperor, 446 Callipus, 248

Callisthenes, Alexander's historian, 94, 95, 121, 124, 133, 137, 146, 148-9. 151, 154-5, 170, 174, 189, 197, 206, 216, 241, 248, 310, 312, 445, 469; plot against Alexander, 323-5, 328— 30; quoted, 169, 191, 200-1, 208, 2ii, 214, 219, 235

Campaspe, 50

Cannae, 174

Cappadocia, 99, 100, 119, 154, 187,

233. 405. 478, 487 Caracalla, 115, 400, 442, 469, 478 Caria, 36, 135, 136, 139. 248, 250, 275 Carmania 398, 410 Carthage, 93, 181, 183, 190, 191, 217,

338, 448, 460, 476 Caspian Sea, 50, 55, 97, 101, 119, 274,

275. 277. 383. 398. 484 Cassander, 463, 468, 469, 470, 475 Cassandra, prophetess, 112 Ccbalinus, 283 Cclaenae, 149

Ceylon, 339, 368. 369, 484, 492 Chandragupta, 372, 479, 480, 482, 485, 494

Chares, 189, 199, 277, 320, 453 Charidcmus, 77, 89, 156 Chenab, R., 363-6, 371 China, 26, 97, 279, 296, 300, 485 Chios, 153, 199, 223, 412 Chocrilus, poet, 48 Cicero, 45

Cilicia, 154-6, 162, 164-5, »70. J75. *77 227, 4". 453

Cimon. 203

Clearchus, 445, 484

Cleitus, 282, 291, 309-14, 318, 322,

327-328, 335, 432, 434, 464 Cleomenes, 198, 220, 458, 475, 489 Cleopatra, d. of Olympias, 91 Coenus, 359, 369, 371, 430 Corfu, 32

Corinth, 32, 69, 71, 93 Cos, 152, 157, 163, 189, 199 Craterus, 153, 284, 287, 289, 308, 314,