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Arsinoe, daughter of Leucippos 119

Arsinoe, daughter of Phegeus 113

Arsinoos, father of Chromios and Ennomos 152

Artemis, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

Ascalaphos, son of Acheron 33, 84

Ascalaphos, son of Ares 50, 121

Ascanios, son of Aretaon 152

Ascanios, son of Priam 125

Asclepiades (of Tragilos, mythological writer, 4th cent, BC) 59 (12F16 Jacoby), 97 (F17)

Asclepius, son of Apollo 119, 121, 172

Asia, an Oceanid 28

Asios (of Samos, early epic poet) 115 (fr. 9 Davies)

Asios, son of Hyrtacos 152

Asopos 44,59, 126,127

Assaracos, son of Tros 123

Astacos, the sons of 110

Asteria, daughter of Coios 28, 29, 31

Asterios, king of Crete 97

Asterios, offspring of Pasiphae, seeMinotaur

Asterios, son of Cometes 50

Asterios, son of Neleus 45

Asterodia, daughter of Deion 44

Asteropaios, son of Pelegon 154

Asterope, daughter of Cebren 124

Astraios, offspring of Ceios 29

Astyanax (son of Hector) 158

Astycrateia, daughter of Amphion 105

Astydameia, daughter of Amyntor 92

Astydameia, daughter of Pelops 68

Astydameia, wife of Acastos 128, 129

Astygonos, son of Priam 125

Astynoos, son of Phaethon 131

Astyoche, daughter of Amphion 105

Astyoehe, daughter of Laomedon 124, 161

Astyoche, daughter of Phylas 89,92, 148

Astyoche, daughter of Simoeis 123

Astypalaia, mother of Eurypylos 86

Atalante, daughter of lasos or Schoineus 41, 49, 116–17,127

Atas, son of Priam 125

Ate 124

Athamas, son of Aiolos 38, 43–4

Athene, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

Atlas, son of Iapetos 29, 44, 83, 117,122, 168

Atreus, son of Pelops 69,121, 145–6,148, 150

Atropos, a Fate 29

Atthis, daughter of Cranaos 132

Atymnios, son of Zeus 97

Auge, daughter of Aleos 88,92, 115–16

Augeias orAugeas, son of the Sun 50, 76,81, 87,92

Autesion, father of Argeia 93

Autolycos, son of Hermes 48, 49, 71, 85

Automedousa, daughter of Alcathos 72

Autonoe, daughter of Cadmos 101, 102

Autonoe, daughter of Peireus 92

Axios, father of Pelagon 154 Bateia, daughter of Teucros 123

Bateia, wife of Oibalos 120

Baton, charioteer of Amphiaraos 111

Bellerophon (properlyBellerophontes), son of Sisyphos 44, 64, 96

Belos, son of Poseidon 60, 96

Benthesicyme, daughter of Poseidon 135

Bias, uncle of Pylas 136

Bias, son of Amythaon 46–7, 63

Bias, son of Priam 125

Bilsates, father of Pylaimenes 152

Boreas (North Wind) 49, 52, 134–5

Boros, son of Perieres 127

Boucolion, son of Laomedon 124

Boucolos, son of Hippocoon 120

Bousiris, king of Egypt 82

Boutes, son of Teleon 50, 55

Boutes, son of Pandion 133, 134

Braisia, daughter of Cinyras 131

Branchos, father of Cercyon 139

Briareus, a Hundred-Hander 27

Briseis, daughter of Chryses 153, 154

Brontes, a Cyclops 27

Broteas (son of Tantalos) 143

Cadmos, son of Agenor 53, 96, 100–1, 103

Caineus, a Lapith 142

Caineus, brother of Ischys 119

Caineus, son of Coronos 49

Calais, son of Boreas 49, 52, 134

Calchas, a seer 129, 149, 150, 155, 158–9

Callias, son of Temenos 94

Callidice, queen of the Thesprotians 170

Callileon, son of Thyestes 145

Calliope, a Muse 30

Callirrhoe, daughter of Acheloos 113

Callirrhoe, daughter of Oceanos 80

Callirrhoe, daughter of Scamander 123

Callisto, daughter of Lycaon 115

Calybe, a nymph, mother of Boucolion 124

Calyce, daughter of Aiolos 38

Calydon, son of Aitolos 39

Calypso, daughter of Atlas 168

Campe, guards the Titans 28

Canace, daughter of Aiolos 38

Capaneus, son of Hipponous 108–10,121, 172

Capys, son of Assaracos 123

Chersidamas, son of Pterelaos 68

Chimaera, killed by Bellerophon 44, 64

Chione, daughter of Boreas 134, 135

Cheirimachos, son of Electryon 68

Cheiron, a Centaur 29, 75, 83, 102,

Cassandra, daughter of Priam 125, 157, 158, 163

Cassiepeia, mother of Atymnios 97

Cassiepeia, wife of Cepheus 66

Castor (of Rhodes, author of

chronologies, 1st cent, BC) 59 (250F8 Jacoby)

Castor, son of Zeus 40, 49, 11, 120, 122

Catreus, son of Minos 62, 98–9, 145, 147, 159

Cebren, river, father of Asterope and Oinone 124, 125

Cebriones, son of Priam 125

Cecrops, first king of Attica 130–2

Cecrops, son of Erechtheus 134, 135

Celaineus, son of Electryon 68

Celaino, daughter of Atlas 117

Celeos, king of Eleusis 33, 133

Celeutor, son of Agrios 42

Centauros, son of Ixion 142

Centaurs, the 75, 128, 142

Cephalos, son of Deion or Deioneus 44, 70, 134

Cephalos, son of Hermes 131

Cepheus, son of Aleos 49, 88, 115

Cepheus, son of Belos 60, 66–7, 68

Cepheus, son of Lycourgos 40

Cephisos, father of Diogeneia 134

Cerberos 83–4

Cercopes, the 85

Cercops (author of an early epic, Aegimios, also attributed to Hesiod) 62 (fr. 297 M-W)

Cercyon, son of Branchos 139

Ceteus, father of Callisto 115

Ceto, daughter of Pontos 29, 65

Ceuthonymos, father of Menoites 84

Ceux, son of Heosphoros 38

Ceux, king of Trachis 89–90, 92

Chalciope daughter of Aietes 43

Chalciope, daughter of Eurypylos 92

Chalciope, daughter of Rhexenor 136

Chalcodon, father of Elephenor 121, 148

Chariclo, a nymph, mother of Teiresias 109–10

Charapos, father of Nireus 148

Charybdis 55, 167, 168

Chersidamas, son of Priam 125

Chersidamas, son of Pterelaos 68

Chimaera, killed by Bellerophon 44, 64

Chione, daughter of Boreas 134, 135

Cheirimachos, son of Electryon 68

Cheiron, a Centaur 29, 75, 83, 102, 119, 128–9

Chloris, daughter of Amphion 45, 105,148

Chloris, wife of Neleus 105, 244

Chromios, son of Arsinoos 152

Chromios, son of Priam 125

Chromios, son of Pterelaos 68

Chrysaor, father of Geryon 66, 80

Chryses, a priest 153

Chryses, son of Minos 78, 97

Chrysippos, son of Pelops 104

Chrysopeleia, a nymph 115

Chrysothemis, daughter of Agamemnon 146

Chthonia, daughter of Erechtheus 134

Chthonios, one of the Spartoi 100, 103

Cilix, son of Agenor 96, 97

Cilia, daughter of Laomedon 124

Cinyras, son of Sandocos 115, 131, 148

Circe, daughter of the Sun 43, 55, 166–7, 170

Cisseus, father of Hecuba 124

Cleio, a Muse 30

Cleisithyra, daughter of Idomeneus, 160

Cleitonymos, son of Amphidamas 130

Cleoboia, mother of Eurythemis 39

Cleochareia, wife of Lelex 118

Cleochos, father of Areia 97

Cleodoxa, daughter of Amphion 105

Cleopatra, a Locrian maiden 162

Cleopatra, daughter of Boreas 134–5

Cleopatra, daughter of Idas 41

Cleopatra, daughter of Tros 123

Cleophyle, wife of Lycourgos 116

Clonia, a nymph, mother of Lycos and Nycteus 117

Clonios, son of Priam 125

Clotho, a Fate 29

Cloud, seeNephele

Clymene, daughter of Catreus 62, 98, 99, 159

Clymenos, father of Erginos 72

Clymenos, son of Oineus 40

Clytemnestra ( properlyClytaimnestra), daughter of Tyndareus 120, 146, 150, 160, 163

Clytios, a Giant 34

Clytios, son of Laomedon 124

Cnossia, a nymph 122

Cocalos, king of Carnicos 141