“Thank you for giving me the opportunity.” Seeing the smile on Lei’s face sent a bright sense of accomplishment tingling through me. A lapel pin in the shape of Trifecta’s logo accented her figure-hugging red sheath dress. With her hair down and her eyes bright, she looked young and fresh.

“I feel sorry for her,” she murmured, gesturing discreetly with a slight tilt of her chin.

I followed her gaze and saw Stacy Williams hovering on the fringes of the crowd, her attention on her brother. “I wonder when her first restaurant will launch.”

“Good question. I haven’t heard anything.”

The pretty redhead didn’t look happy. I didn’t know if that was because her brother had shot out of the proverbial gate before she did or because Ian was spending the evening at Isabelle’s side. By all appearances, Ian had a new favorite.

“Does it bother you that he’s here?” I asked, searching the room until I found Jax talking with a man I recognized as the host of a Food Network TV show. Taking a deep breath, I enjoyed the sight of my man, which still hadn’t lessened in impact even after months of living together. He wore an elegant black sweater and dress slacks, and I was looking forward to stripping him out of both in just a few hours.

He caught me staring and winked.

“Ian?” Lei shook her head. “I would’ve been surprised if he hadn’t come. You should say hi to him.”

“Will you?”

She grinned. “When he breaks down and comes to me, yes. I’ll offer him a drink, too. It’s the least I can do.”

Lifting my flute in a farewell toast, I took her advice and started mingling. Eclectic fusion music pumped through the hidden speakers, an audible reflection of the menu. The food was garnering raves and the excitement was high. Opening a new restaurant was always a momentous occasion. Like Lei, I lived for the high.

Soon Vincent would be launching his own Rossi’s. So much to celebrate. Life was getting better every day.

“Congratulations, Gianna. This is quite an accomplishment.”

I stopped and faced Ian Pembry. My mother would call him “dashing.” I thought of him as arresting, with an undeniable charisma.

“Thank you,” I said, holding out my hand to him. “I’ll pass the kudos along to the chefs.”

He kissed my knuckles with firm, dry lips. “I know exactly how much work goes into a successful launch like this. Take the praise—you deserve it.”

I bowed my head in acknowledgment. “I couldn’t have done it without Lei. She’s an awesome mentor.”

Ian’s blue eyes gleamed with amusement and he squeezed my hand before releasing it. “You might be surprised at what you can accomplish without Lei. When you’re ready to take that step, let me know.”

I debated keeping my mouth shut for a minute, then I just went with it. “You blew it with her, you know. She loved you.”

Ian’s face hardened, but before he could reply, his gaze fixed on a point beyond my shoulder. When a steely arm hooked around my waist, I knew who’d drawn his attention.

“Jackson,” Ian greeted him stiffly. “I hear congratulations are in order for you, as well.”

Jax tucked me into his side. “I’m a lucky man who got a second chance.”

I arched a brow at Ian, since Jax’s words tied so neatly into what I’d just said. Ian’s response was a tight smile.

Jax excused us and led me away, his hand cupped around my hipbone in a grip that sent heated thoughts through my mind. “I managed to get us the same room you were in the last time we were here together.”

I remembered that trip well. It had been a turning point for us. The beginning of the end that kicked off a new beginning. “Are you being sentimental?” I teased, drawing to a halt and facing him.

“Still working on fixing past mistakes.”

“Oh? What was the mistake?”

He ran the tip of his finger down the bridge of my nose and his dimple flashed. The one-two punch made me more than a little weak in the knees. “Leaving you naked and wanting. Gotta fix that, baby.”

“I think you’ve left me hanging more than once. Maybe I should make a list.”

Jax’s grin widened. “Absolutely.”

“It might be a long one,” I warned, thinking about all the times he’d gotten me hot and bothered, then made me wait until I thought I’d lose my mind.

He reached for my hand and played with my ring. “Good thing we’ve got plenty of time.”

A lifetime. Which might just be long enough.

* * * * *

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So turn the page to discover what advice

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has for women (and a few men!) like you.

Then six Cosmo writers reveal what

they wish they’d known about sex

from the start.


For change-your-life sex advice, ask Cosmo’s sex psychotherapist, Rachel Morris

‘Will I ever orgasm?’

Can you please tell me how to have an orgasm? I’m twenty-two and almost ready to give up. I’ve come close, I think, but never actually had one. Can all women orgasm or are there some who just can’t?

Unless you’ve had a nerve-degenerating disease or genital surgery, it’s extremely unlikely that you’re incapable of orgasm. Most women who struggle to achieve orgasm find it hard because they struggle. You can’t force your body to come; it has to be encouraged, cajoled and then tipped over the edge. Many teenage girls don’t masturbate, so they don’t learn what makes them purr. Instead, they leave it to the inexperienced fumbling of teenage boys to show them the way.

Tip 1. Masturbate. Tense your thighs and buttocks and focus on your clitoris. 2. Use lube. Try Stimul8 Pure Lube, £5, from Sh-womenstore.com. 3. Relax your mind and focus on the silky sensations and your sexy thoughts. 4. Be patient and persevere.

‘I love porn!’

Is it weird that I like porn? Every guy I know watches it, but no girls. I feel ashamed about what I like to watch, although it’s not what I’d want in real life. But my orgasms are so much stronger with porn.

No one raises an eyebrow about guys masturbating to porn; it’s what men do. But when a woman explores her sexuality away from her lover’s bed, the world winces. Stand up to this inequality by ignoring it. There are things about our sexual tastes we don’t understand or want to share. So what? It’s OK to be private, but shame is destructive—so shame no more! Take care, though: porn is a powerful stimulant. Use it too much and you risk losing the ability to be fully satisfied by a lover.

‘My libido’s gone’

What’s happened to me? I used to love sex, but now I’ll make any excuse not to have it. My boyfriend wants it daily, but I can’t manage more than once a week. I need to find myself again before he finds someone else.