d)an increase in the effectiveness of administration of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
10.The state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic is carried out by the relevant federal organs of the executive branch, governmental organs of the Russian Federation, organs of local authorities, and commercial and non-commercial organizations active within the public-private partnership framework, as well as within the framework of Russian cooperation with other states and international organizations, including:
a)improvement, taking into consideration the national interests of Russia and the specific character of the region, of legislation in the areas of socioeconomic development, environmental protection, military security, border protection, scientific research and international cooperation in the Arctic on the basis of international legal norms and the Russian Federation’s international responsibilities;
b)development and implementation of special programs, financed by the various levels of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation and other extra-budgetary sources;
c)introduction of strategies aimed at developing territorial planning schemes and socioeconomic development programs for subjects of the Russian Federation;
d)elaboration by the means of mass media of questions dealing with the national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic, including organizing exhibitions, conferences, “roundtable” meetings dedicated to Russian explorers of the Arctic, all with the aim of creating a positive image of Russia;
e)organization of systematic monitoring and analysis of Russian state policy implementation in the Arctic.
11.Current principles will be achieved in several steps:
a)during the first stage (2008–2010), the following must be accomplished:
—conducting geologic, geophysical, hydrographic, cartographic, and other research for the purpose of preparing materials for delineating the border of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;
—expansion of possibilities for international cooperation, partially for effective utilization of natural resources of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;
—realization of goal-based programs, financed by means of various budgets of the Russian Federation as well as extra-budgetary sources, including the creation of a government program dedicated to developing the Arctic zone until the year 2020, within which high-tech energy production and fishing clusters, as well as special economic zones, will be created;
—realization of promising public-private sector investment projects related to the strategic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
b)during the second stage (2011–2015), the following must be accomplished:
—delineation of the internationally-recognized exterior border of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and realization on this basis of the competitive advantages of Russia in the extraction and delivery of energy resources;
—structural reconstruction of the economy in the Arctic zone by expanding the mineral and raw-materials base and utilizing sea-based biological resources of the region;
—formation and development of infrastructure and administration systems for effective communication along the North Sea Passage and for improvement of Eurasian transit paths;
—completion of a single informational space for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
c)during the third stage (2016–2020), it will be necessary to establish the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as a leading strategic and resource base for Russia. Overall, in the mid-term, the implementation of official policy will allow the Russian Federation to maintain its status as a leading Arctic power. In the long run, it is necessary to utilize Russia’s comparative advantage to strengthen its position in the Arctic, enhance international security, and maintain peace and stability in the region.
* Translated from the Russian by Maxim Rusnak and Ilan Berman.
Issued in May 2009 by then President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’ s National Security Strategy to 2020lays out an exceedingly ambitious reconception of the country’s strategic interests, its priorities, and its place in the world. Little attention, however, is paid to the demographic, religious, and territorial challenges now facing the Russian state.
By Decree of the President
Of the Russian Federation
May 12, 2009, no. 537
National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2020*
1.Russia has overcome the consequences of the systemic political and socioeconomic crisis of the end of the twentieth century—having stopped the decline in the quality of life of Russian citizens; withstood the pressures of nationalism, separatism and international terrorism; prevented the discretization of the constitutional form of government; preserved its sovereignty and territorial integrity; and restored the country’s potential to enhance its competitiveness and defend its national interests as a key player within evolving multi-polar international relations.
Russia is pursuing a state policy of national defense, state and social security, and stable development, which responds adequately to internal and external conditions. The preconditions for reinforcing the system of national security have been created, and the relevant legal space has been consolidated. Priority issues in the economic sphere have been resolved, and the attractiveness of the economy for investment has grown. Authentically Russian ideals and spirituality are being born, alongside a dignified attitude to historical memory. Social harmony is being formed on the basis of shared values — the freedom and independence of the Russian state, humanism, the peaceful coexistence and cultural unity of Russia’s multinational population, respect for family traditions, and patriotism.
Overall, the preconditions have been formed for the reliable preemption of internal and external threats to national security, as well as for the dynamic development and transformation of Russia into a world leader with regards to the level of technological progress, quality of life, and influence over global affairs.
In the context of the globalization of processes of world development, as well as of international political and economic relations, which creates new threats and risks to the development of the individual, society, and the state, Russia is transitioning to a new state national security policy, as a guarantee of successful national development.
2.The main directions of the national security policy of the Russian Federation are the [so-called] strategic national priorities, in the form of important social, political, and economic transformations intended to create secure conditions for the realization of Russian citizens’ constitutional rights and freedoms, the stable development of the country, and the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.
3.The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is an officially acknowledged system of strategic priorities, goals, and measures with regards to domestic and foreign policy, which determine the degree of national security and the level of stable, long-term development of the state.