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It's beginning to piss me off.

I do a slow turn around the room. No light. No sound. But something is here. I exhale to steady my voice, calm my heart and say, "Okay, whatever you are. Save the theatrics for the paying customers. Either show yourself or leave me the hell alone."

There's a rustle from behind the bar.

Suddenly, my bravado wilts like a spring flower in the hot desert sun. My heart hammers with adrenaline-laced fear. What have I summoned?

The rustling grows louder, something gathering itself to what? Attack? I hear a low, ominous growl. Shape-shifting perhaps into a monster fashioned from my very own nightmares?

Should I run? Even as the thought passes through my head, I know I can't. I'm rooted to the spot. I force myself to move, to approach the bar. I'll meet whatever is there head-on. I pick up a chair, hold it over my head. My reflexes seem to have reverted back to human speed. Fear has driven even the vampire away.

"Come out, you son of a bitch. I'm right here."

The rustle gets louder, concentrated almost. But the thing doesn't show itself.

A thought dawns. Maybe it's as frightened of me as I am of it.

Or maybe it wants me to think that. To let my guard down and approach even closer, exposing myself to the full brunt of its attack.

My head is starting to hurt again. I can't wait much longer if I'm going to find Culebra before the witching hour. I've come this far pretty much intact. I may as well go for broke.

My grip on the chair tightens. I open my mouth to let out a banshee yell. If nothing else, I'll scare the damned thing to death.

A head pokes over the top of the bar, a hand waves frantically. "Damn it, Anna. Give me a minute, will you. I'm trying to get my pants on."

The chair clatters to the floor. "Frey?"

He disappears again and I catch the brief, sibilant sound of the metal teeth on a zipper meshing together. Then he stands up and holds up both hands. "It's me, okay? Relax."

Relax? "What the hell are you doing here?"

Daniel Frey comes around the bar, shirtless, barefoot. And grins.

"Williams sent me. I've been waiting for you."


WAITING FOR ME? I don't know which question to ask first, so I spew them all out. "How did you get here? How long have you been waiting? Why did Williams send you? What does he expect you to do?"

He picks up the chair I dropped, rights it and straddles it, leaning his arms on the back. "I got here the way any cat would, I padded on little panther feet. I've been here since last night. Wished Williams would have mentioned there was no food. Had to hunt and around here, pickin's are slim. Have you ever tried to eat coyote?" He pantomimes spitting something out of his mouth.

"Why are you here? What did Williams say?"

Frey shrugs. "Didn't give me any specific orders. Just told me to keep an eye on you."

"But how did you get past Culebra's wall?" He grins. "Wall? What wall? Obviously whatever was in your way was constructed to keep humans and vampires out. Not animals."

"Where'd you get the clothes?"

He jabs a thumb toward the bar. "Found them right there in back. Don't know who left them but I wish whoever it was would have dropped off some real food, too. What I wouldn't give for a big juicy burger."

His answers are well rehearsed and glib. I'm not unhappy that it's Frey here instead of the faceless monsters I'd conjured up in my imagination, but something still isn't right.

"Were you trying to scare me when I was outside on the road just now?"

He frowns. "I don't know what you mean."

"Come on. Were you projecting some kind of malevolent energy?"

He shakes his head. "Malevolent energy? That's a little dramatic, isn't it? Sorry, Anna. You give me way to much credit. All I felt coming here was hunger and thirst. Still do. You didn't by any chance bring any groceries with you?"

I shake my head. "Vampire. I don't need groceries, remember?"

But I cross to the bar and look behind it. The cooler is still there. I open it, pull out a couple of bottles of beer, pop the tops and come back to Frey. "Here."

I know he doesn't really like beer, he once told me he was a wine man, but he accepts the bottle anyway and takes a swig. He drinks greedily, eyeing me. When he comes up for air, he says, "Aren't you joining me?"

After what happened two nights ago with Dan? I may never drink again. Instead of saying that, though, I make a sweeping gesture around the bar. "Why didn't you change into your human form before this? You would have at least had something to drink."

Frey finishes off the beer. "I wanted to be ready in case anyone besides you showed up. I figured the sight of a panther would discourage visitors." He hands me the first bottle and takes the second. "If you're not going to drink that…"

I hand it over. "Visitors? I told you there's an invisible wall out there that pretty much takes care of discouraging visitors."

Frey raises an eyebrow. "And I told you, I didn't know anything about that."

I pull a chair close to him and sit down. He's chugging the second beer the same way he did the first. While I watch him drink, that something-isn't-right feeling comes roaring back. Only now, I know exactly what isn't right. "You said you've been here since last night?"

He nods.

"And Williams sent you to wait for me? Did he tell you why I'm here?"

"Probably because he wants you out of the way for some reason."

"You think?"

Frey is watching the play of emotion on my face. We no longer have the mind connection, I took care of that when I fed from him a few months ago, which broke the psychic link between us. But he has animal instincts and he picks up on my anger and confusion.

"Maybe he is trying to protect you," he says finally. "Rumors have been going around that something's about to stir up trouble in the supernatural community. Big trouble. Williams might want to keep you out of it."

"No 'might' about it." Irritation brings me to my feet, and I shove the damned chair out of my way. I wish it were Williams I was shoving. "He as much as told me the same thing just before he banished me with one sweep of his mighty hand. He didn't want me involved in the great witch hunt."

"Witch hunt? You know about that?"

He says it like he's surprised. "I take it everyone but me knew about it. Williams thinks I can't help. He thinks I'd be a liability. I can't believe he's forced me out here to stand on the sidelines while my friend is in danger."

"Maybe it's because your friend is in danger," Frey says quietly. "The witch has to be stopped at all costs. You are protective of those you love."

"You mean Culebra might have to be sacrificed for the greater good? That's bullshit and you know it. Williams thinks Culebra is a partner in what's about to happen. I know he's not." I start pacing. "I'm pretty sure the witch sent me a message. Right after I hit that damned wall. Said I couldn't help him and to go away."

As soon as I say that, something clicks in my brain. "Why would she try to scare me away from here!" I stop pacing and turn to look at Frey. "Where does Williams think this magical hell raising is going to happen?"

Frey looks unsure whether he should answer. I take a step toward him and glare. "You'd better tell me. I can do a lot of damage to that human body before you can make the change back to cat."