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I went back to the Kona Kai once, to return the clothes. I kept the shoes though. Seemed like a just reward. Maybe I should have checked out, too, but Williams can afford to pay for the room. I just want to put this last week behind me.

Seven days. It's hard to believe all that's happened in a little over one week. I know I should go see Culebra. Make sure he doesn't try to go after Burke alone. I never found out what happened when he tried to follow me, either. Considering we took off in a helicopter, I can't imagine he got very far.

But for a few days, I decide to cling only to the human side of my nature. I visit David at the hospital every day and we actually laugh again and talk the way we used to. There's no more discussion of dissolving our partnership.

And no Gloria. I still can't believe it. I try now and again to bring up the subject, but he insists he doesn't know where she is or why she hasn't come to the hospital. He is curt and abrupt when he talks about it, but I see the sadness in his eyes. I hope I get the opportunity to make the selfish bitch pay for his pain. I look forward to it.

Today David is being released from the hospital. I plan to pick him up and bring him to the loft. I've decided to stay with him a few days, mindful that I'll have to avoid mirrors and be careful around the windows at night.

Next week, my family returns from Europe. I can't wait to see them. I've been so busy taking care of the vampire Anna, that I almost lost track of the human.

I don't intend for that to happen again.